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Everything posted by Demoneyes

  1. Hmmmm, finally someone to take the spotlight away from Clint! I won't be disrespectful though, but could re-name himself Stanley!
  2. I think we are expecting the world, they might not be as fussy!
  3. That's a good point. But if they got pick 2 they could certainly on-trade that elsewhere for someone handy to suit their needs
  4. Yes, I think that is way overs. No way Dees would go for that. While there a few skinny draftees, Nathan Freeman isn't one of them
  5. I can't go back to the transcript of what Ox said but he said something like he was very confident that we would be obtaining for our number 2 pick a guy at GWS numbered between 1 and 10.Then Mark Allen came back at him with "you mean between 6 and 7?" Then Shiel's name was mentioned. Only problem with that is I think he has number 5? Mark Allen may have just got his numbering wrong! I think it was on the run home on Wednesday. As for all this talk about pick 21 or 22 for Sylvia compo, I just cannot see it! It will be more than likely around mid 30's (after our 3rd round pick) or at very best at end of 2nd round which would be early 30's.
  6. Has been mentioned but everyone is still looking at both positions as being an assistant coach
  7. I don't know who was talking about it but the thinking behind it if it is true? We have Jamar (going nowhere but I beg to disagree), Gawn, Spenser, Fitzpatrick. Why do we need another ruckman?
  8. We were mentioned on SEN earlier as a possible destination for him
  9. Yes, and we should be up to 200 pages by then but nothing of consequence from the MFC!
  10. Annoying? Proof will be in the pudding! At least I don't post rumours about a rumour and then give no names, clubs etc. I will stand by what I have said earlier. Oh and to add something else - here is a ludicrous one for you D Swan to Dees!
  11. For your info this particular coterie member has put quite a few dollars into the club. We shall see what unfolds!
  12. And sorry about that but my internet service is crap! Didn't mean to send same message 3 times! But what I say above is gospel as i have heard it. Relax and enjoy a bath with Radox...soothing
  13. Shiels is pretty damn good Dallas (sorry but your initials are JR!). Would definitely be happy with him. But i have watched vision of Freeman and he is a future gun! I can see why PRoos has such a high opinion of him> Also if you listened to K Shhehan today he also reinforced this. He won't be going out of top 5!
  14. And you have spoken to? (Not being funny but a coterie member has told me that)
  15. Ok 2 put you all out of your misery I was speaking to a Sandy Dragons official today, he said and I quote " Your Mr Roos has spoken to Nate (Freeman) and said there is no reason why we won't take him at pick 2 unless we traded it before hand!" The word (I have heard) out of the club is that unless we can get Dylan Shiels we are keeping pick 2. So from that it is Shiels or Freeman, a win situation!
  16. Wiseblood, on 08 Oct 2013 - 8:28 PM, said: Interesting line here from Ralphy in the HUN: "Adelaide’s Bernie Vince was a quality midfielder shopped around by the Crows in Monday’s talks, a rare talented onballer available to rival clubs." Wonder if we could work a deal with them over the coming weeks that included Vince and something else for our Pick 2...? I have said all along that I thought we had our best chance with adelaide. Yes we would need more than Vince, but MFC did say intially they would swap for a player or group of players. I wonder if that means Vince, McKernan etc from the Crows?
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