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Lucifers Hero

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Everything posted by Lucifers Hero

  1. Sorry to quote myself but just realised this may the only recorded rendition of the 1964 GF team singing the club song.
  2. https://au.news.yahoo.com/video/watch/24192436/reunion-for-demons-glory-days/ A segment from Ch 7 news last night. Enjoy!
  3. The really good stuff: -Changing the lackadaisical approach off-field (even if trivial things like ties and uniforms) -PJ to sign on till end of 2015 -The ANZAC Eve Richmond game (An idea: maybe they could play for a ‘Checker Hughes’ trophy? ) -The development academy -Watching the Melbourne Demons play Aussie Rules at the MCG a ‘must do’ for tourists visiting Melbourne ala us going to NY and watching the Yankees at Yankee stadium. The seemingly not so good stuff: -Ties, uniforms, blazers – see lackadaisical comment above. -Changing the song…me thinks it means include the name ‘Melbourne’ not change the whole thing -Casey alliance – A shame it has come up as there is no reason to risk getting them off- side now. -Collins st presence – he does say this is a personal thought. Maybe he has been chatting with the City of Melbourne to do something together. He is quoted as saying: "It's all very well to come in and say we need to model ourselves on the New York Yankees etc…” so maybe the ideas are from a consultant’s report? I wouldn’t be surprised if CW somehow got it (from the consultants??), then quizzed GB. Otherwise, would he really choose this method and timing to releasing such info? Let’s cut him/the club some slack until we hear it from the horse’s mouth!
  4. Thanks all for the 17-4-10 info!. WOW! I had forgotten the number of premierships he accumulated as a coach! Doubt any other player/coach will ever come close to 17-4-10.
  5. Yes, Great day! Was able to get Barassi's autograph (and a much cherished photo with him ). He put his number 31 on, then wrote the number 17410. Anyone have any ideas what 17410 might be?
  6. Having Roos gives us a mighty advantage before we even take the field in a very intangible way. There wouldn't be many coaches, if any, who think they can outcoach Roos. Loved the way Roos described Riley's inclusion and starting him on the field: really needed the hard, tough stuff from the get go and stun the Tigers. It worked! Loved the way he moved the team around a bit this year and how its worked. His thinking/moves make it much harder for opp coaches to plan their match ups etc Unpredictability is a great thing in footy. Now not only do opp coaches need to work out how to beat the players they need to think about how to beat Roos. Tall order indeed! Especially for the 12+ coaches that have never coached with him or against him! Pyschology doing its thing!
  7. Won't it be good to see Viney go up against best mate Wines!
  8. Not sure if I heard right but I think Nathan Jones has a baby on the way due around the time of the Port game and he has said he will be at the birth. But if bubs born early in the week he will play.
  9. Agreed. Take the 6 month bans. This combined with out-or-court settlement for player claims would be the cleanest outcome. Everyone moves on. While I want to see cheats punished I don't want to see this dark cloud hang over the game for years and years. While watching Essendon be brought to its knees would be good theatre. a clean, quick settlement is what I'm hoping for (should infraction notices be issued).
  10. If infraction notices get issued (and players suspended) then if Essendon and AFL have any sense they would settle all claims for loss of earnings/damages etc by players out of court thereby eliminating extended, drawn out legal proceedings and the need for lawyers. ASADA won't let it get to infraction notices stage if they don't have a watertight case in which case Essendon would have to think long and hard before going to court. You would have to think that if watertight infraction notices get issued there isn't much wriggle room for Hird/Essendon. They could claim the the 'rogue' scientist ie Danks was the problem and then they would have to sue him. Now that would be a sight to see and we could sit back and watch the fireworks!
  11. No coincidence that Essendon's recent #1 ticket holder was also Treasurer in the last Liberal Federal Government! Boys Club!
  12. i guess you mean 3 in a row
  13. If Lynch was roughly upright his shoulder would have gone into Viney's head as he is much taller than Viney. It was Georgiou's tackle dragging Lynch down which caused Viney to connect with Lynch. If the proscecutor, Gleeson, can mount the side-step argument surely our legal team can demonstrate it was the tackle, which Viney could not have seen nor aniticpated as his eyes were on the ball. Bit surprised our legal people didn't highlight this to the Tribunal. Hate to say it but feel a bit let down by our legal reps last night. ps Regardless of the appeal outcome this is my last word on this sad and sorry episode.
  14. Yes he can. Don't know the exact wording but he can where a 'clanger' has occurred. Not just the Club but AFLPA should be lobbying Evans to do so.
  15. Agreed. I was referring to the penalty process not the decision, which is also appalling. The Tribunal could have found that a collision/bump occurred but had the flexibility to give a reprimand rather than suspension.
  16. Surely his VFL/AFL history should be enough to show clean record!! Under 9? Farcical! Lowest penalty would be to classify collision as 'incidental' rough conduct not 'negligent'...one week at best! And a clean record = reprimand.
  17. I've slept on it but am still ropable! Marley Williams, found guilty of GBH by a real court, and the AFL stands idley by. Jack has a collision and gets 2 weeks from a Kanagroo Court. Justice = Joke!!
  18. Apparently Gleeson asked for Jack's junior record re suspensions...apparently he asked them to go back to his under 9 playing days!!!! Under 9!? HA? Jack V, The AFL's Sacrificial Lamb!!!
  19. WJ, do you know if Jack had legal representation? Seems grossly unfair to send a 20yr old up against a seasond member of the bar (Gleeson). David and Goliath come to mind. Could you also enlighten on why there is even a 'prosecution' at the Tribunal rather than it just be a 'hearing' of the facts.
  20. I think Mark Evans has the perogative of challenging a 'clanger' decision but not sure if this is just those at the MRP or also applies to those at the Tribunal
  21. Many great performances but one that was less noticeable but really important in the win was Grimes. Barely put a foot wrong, no clangers this week, competed and competed, made a game saving spoil against Dangerfield and is rapidly becoming The General of the backline. Becoming the on-field captain to match his much lauded, off-field captaincy feats! Roos didn't single him out but Grimes and our backline really stood up yesterday!
  22. From The Age '...Tom Lynch expected to miss six matches after having his jaw broken in an accidental and sickening collision during the first quarter, and fears that defender Matthew Jaensch has broken ribs!' I guess this means our 'Bruise-Free' playing days are over!
  23. Oops. The 'heritage' word was my interpretation and not mentioned in any MFC material so I'll amend the title (if I learn how )
  24. What a fabulous idea! I collected my tickets from the Bentleigh Club this morning and heard the event has been an enormous success – nearly sold out! I also heard that one of the 1964 players had been in and hearing of this success commented along the lines of: “…who would have thought so many people would want to listen to us old guys”! I’m guessing the 1964 players are fairly excited and will feel very proud! While, past attempts by the MFC to connect with our history/heritage have left me cold this lunch has moved me – to be able to see/hear our heroes, in person is amazing! The lunch feels like something that has been put on for supporters. It’s a long time since I felt personally connected to the Club . I think it has PJ and PR fingerprints all over it. But whoever thought of it ‘Thank You’.
  25. Exorcising the demons from The Demons...interesting
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