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Everything posted by jane02

  1. I am sure you don't know who I am talking about.
  2. Thanks for a great year Andy, Grapeviney and more recently Nasher. I have not always listened in the night you broadcast but its been a Saturday morning indulgence of mine all season to download the weekly episode (when no one else is home) and catch up on what is happening. I haven't missed a week and look forward to tuning again at draft time and the beginning of next season. Thanks to all of you for your hard work and dedication. I have enjoyed every minute of listening to you. May 2018 be the year of the Dees.
  3. Not as yet but I will be seeing the doctor concerned on Friday. He's always loves a chat about the Dee's. Most of the other staff are Collingwood supporters so I think he has a soft spot for me. He also not an old gossip either so I trust what he says. If I hear anything further - I will definitely post it here.
  4. Wish I had thought of that before picking up the dog poo with it.
  5. He is trying to change his tune and tell me that he really wanted Collingwood to lose as he has seen how dirty I still am and realises my bad mood is not going anywhere fast. Well bad luck - I saw the gleam in his eye when the siren went off and the fist pumping. I wasn't at the game but sitting in ICU beside one of his sick family members side (also a Collingwood supporter). He watched the replay in front of me when I specifically asked him not to - so its going to take a lot for him to redeem himself.
  6. You have convinced me now. I was fence sitting but your points are so spot on - He goes.
  7. Well done Michael Hibberd. You were in my top six every week once you came back from injury. Sorry you had to wear that hideous blazer.
  8. Oh they are bleating alright. Told my husband to put a sock in it. I still haven't forgiven him for his gloating on Saturday. He will be in my bad books for a long, long time.
  9. I believe the difference was that it was between the ears back then. They actually believed in themselves.
  10. That made me smile briefly - then the 2017 reality bus hit.
  11. I got mine too. Feel like wiping my dogs bum with it.
  12. It might be therapeutic to all vent together. I am the only sad person in my household at the moment and have no one to vent with. I may end up being a first time caller.
  13. No - I am glad I am not the only one. I feel worse than yesterday.
  14. The reality bus has just hit me. I was unable to attend the game as I was sitting in ICU with a very sick relative all weekend. I was only occasionally checking my phone but my thoughts were elsewhere. When a few people mentioned it to me, my response was "its only a game". The enormity of it just hit me today and I'm very, very sad about how our season has ended. To make matters worse I just got a text from the relative (by marriage not blood) who I despise the most in this world rubbing my nose in it. I just want to try and put this season behind me but it really hurts.
  15. I am very superstitious - this has given me goose bumps.
  16. I know but then I keep reminding myself I am lucky- he could have been an Essendon supporter. That would be worse in my eyes.
  17. I'm super excited but my Collingwood supporter husband has a bad case of the man flu and will not be accompanying me tomorrow. I pondered whether I should stay home and play Florence Nightingale for a brief moment but then quickly changed my mind. I'll be there tomorrow and I will dose my husband up on drugs before I go and bring him home some jam donuts and the footy record. Go Dees ❤️?
  18. I heard the rumour about Gaff a few months ago from a doctor who knows the Gaff family well. He is apparently super keen to return home and to play at the Dees.
  19. I am grateful that I made my daughter (who comes to the footy with me) learn CPR and do a refresher course every couple of years just in case.......
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