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Everything posted by jane02

  1. Just heard the same news. I met you a number of times post match and you were always generous with your time. i hope you now find peace. Prayers and thoughts are with your loving family. ?? Always a Demon ❤️?
  2. I was on a diving trip in West Papua a few weeks ago and we made a stop at a remote island called Banda Island. I have been there before and always take along a bag of school supplies for the kids. To my shock and delight there were two mischievous little boys at the port in Melbourne Demon T-shirts. Admittedly they were pretty well worn and had seen better days and I asked one of them if he knew what the emblem was. He looked at me like I was stupid and said ‘Go Dees’. He didn’t know where the T-shirts had come from and they looked as though they had been handed down several times. I was so chuffed as most of the other passengers on the boat were from Perth and WCE supporters. Didn’t see any of their T-shirts. Made a mental note to bring along half a dozen next year when I go back.
  3. Fast becoming one of my favourite players. Even got my dog a new jumper this year and it was a unanimous in my household to put number 4 on his back. ❤️?
  4. Felt much more comfortable with MH back in defence after returning from injury. We immediately looked a much better team. Heres to an injury free season for 2019.
  5. Thanks to all involved. I especially enjoy the podcasts plus all the serious and not so serious topics that seem to make their way to the forums each week. Keep up the good work and looking forward to 2019.
  6. Believe it or not I actually feel sorry for my husband. He was very gracious in defeat. I know if it had happened to Melbourne, I would still be lying in fetal position wailing on the ground. He is a much better loser than I would be. I can say the WCE supporters near me were obnoxious.
  7. I can honestly say I have a zero care factor about this game. Already had beer spilt on my boots from the drunkin hoons where I am sitting. Wish the Demons were playing.
  8. Agree. I don’t want to keep him if his heart is not in it. We have seen how that’s turned out in the past.
  9. I’m sitting outside gate 1 waiting for my husband to meet me here. So many Pies supporters - I feel dirty. Joffa and the gang on their way over the footbridge chanting ‘Collingwood’. Got my antiseptic hand wash ready. Just walked past Andrew Gaff who looked surprisingly cheerful. No where near as big a bloke as I thought he would be. Its going to be a long afternoon....
  10. It is really hard to get excited. I feel bad for a couple of people that I know who are Collingwood supporters and cannot get a seat. I wish I could give my ticket to one of them but my husband wants to take me and that is that. I have only ever been to one other GF and that was Pies vs Geelong which they lost. My most vivid memory of that day was Meatloaf?. Not sure if the Black Eyed Peas will be any better... The things we do for love. I just wish the boot was on the other foot and I was going to see the Dees play in a GF - then I would be beyond excited.
  11. I am warming to this idea. We need some big bodied tough guys and May fits the bill. Lets get him.
  12. Poor bloke has had a tough year with the death of his father and taking over the responsibility of running the family business from a distance. It would be a tremendous loss to lose him but sometimes when you are being pulled in two direction you have to make these difficult decisions. I sincerely hope he stays but would understand if he want to be closer to home.
  13. Collingwood by 23 NS: Steele Sidebottom FG: De Goey
  14. I have it on good authority that our coach and one of our senior players had drinks/dinner with May last night.
  15. Loving these - more please ?
  16. Definitely not. Black and white have never been my colours?
  17. Oh dear. Just found out I am definitely going to the GF?. My husband moved heaven and earth and now I am going to some sort of Collingwood luncheon, will have to dress up and I am supposed to be excited. He has even organised a vegetarian lunch for me. God help me.....
  18. Boo to the umpires. They have gifted Box Hill so many frees. Must be related to the umps from yesterday.
  19. I feel even worse this morning than last night. None of yesterdays game makes sense. I tried hard to not read the newspapers but couldn't help myself - that has not helped my demeanour. I am just so bitterly disappointed.
  20. I have this dilemma as well. My very nice, sympathetic Collingwood supporting but Melbourne member husband tells me that he is trying his best to get me a ticket to go with him to the GF. I really, really do not want to go as I really despise Collingwood and dislike that American bloke plus I really dislike WC. I have a zero care factor about this game. We go overseas the Monday after the GF so I am going to invent a crisis at work that needs my undivided attention all day Saturday and give the game a miss altogether. Think I will take myself shopping a buy a consolation prize for our team not making it.?
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