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Wells 11

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Everything posted by Wells 11

  1. I'm a first time poster ......but wanted to wade in with 2 questions Personally, as much as I hate losing week in week out, I can live with it if I have a definite sense of a positive direction. Having adjusted myself to life post 186, and accepted the necessity of rebuild Mk 2, I have 2 big concerns. 1. The game plan. Aside form a Clark or Howe screamer, we just seem to be playing such uninspired, slow, predictable football! Im afraid we've over reacted to the criticisms of Baileys style and in doing so have made "outside" football some kind of dirty word. I dont think you can win a flag without a functioning inside AND outside game. Neeld looks like Baileys opposite and mirror image and Im concerned we'll get into equal and opposite bad habits. Anyone got anything positive to say about it? 2. Player unity. Whatever happened before and after 186 it seems a whole group of demon players got pulled into something political then hung out to dry. Their big sin after all was to back their coach against some others in the club. A position they should never have been put in. 186 was at least partly the result of a deeply distracted player group. Neeld has a tough, hard style...which is ok, but the TOTAL change of the leadership group seemed related to that day and a further divisive action. Its not clear to me , looking at them play, if the team is united. Does any one know what the feeling amongst the players actually is?
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