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Everything posted by dpositive

  1. Dont mind the look of the team Backs settled and established can be more effective when the ball isnt constantly be driven in so Mids getting similar possession to last week is important Pedo just running around like Miller creating space and havoc would be a good start, (doesnt have to win the game off his boot because we have better support)with Fitz and Howe able to take the mark or Toump and Bail etc pickin up the crumbs. Even Watts may be able to play a little higher and impact the score board through that space. Picked em in tipping but really hope we are competitive for the whole game.
  2. the good news is that the pain is so extreme that when you pass or destroy the stone you feel reborn. Women tell me that the pain of Kidney stones is only matched by giving birth so there is a link.
  3. Yeah I don't want to demean him as he is well aware of snakes but hadn't seen them there. But I guess the point of it is you cant afford to get too blase. He'd been out at that pump so many times and just didn't think about precautions at that time of night and in the irritation of not having any water. It's just like the worksafe ads you need to be alert at all times especially in the country. They say up here its good to have a black as they are generally more timid than Tigers who tend to be a bit aggressive and a black being a bit more territorial will keep the tigers and browns away Is beginning to sound like footy thread with all this talk of tigers, browns and blacks. Do we have any snakes in the dees list???
  4. Make sure your friend doesnt go inside and get into your shoes and shorts first. A neighbour of mine picked up his overalls that had been lying unused since the last fire and found a similar relative ready to help. Did so by raising his adrenalin to operating level. Another neighbour (we are talking 10K farm property)was bitten by a black at 4.00 in the morning when he went out in thongs to fix a recalcitrant water pump. nearly killed him He was an experienced farmer and had never seen snakes out at night. We all make sure we tread carefully now.
  5. Thanks Redleg not a big punter myself but mentioned Smart Al to my old man who follows the horses or as he says the horses he follows follow horses. He just called to say Smart Al pretty smart carried his $1 to a win (Of course now wishes we had all put more on it. I had to tell him I had forgotten all about it)and he's hoping that this success can rub off on the Dees . Hes having a good run as got an outsider yesterday that payed $70 which was the reason he expanded his betting range. He did say Al had a good jockey and looked OK. Will take us a bit more seriously now though unlikely to change from supporting the Saints.
  6. Latest news from the age p3 details soaring fruit prices with the late summer, lemons up to $1.70 FGS HOWEVER Bananas are "the bargain fruit of the season" "Demand for bananas are generally poor anyway at this time of year...at the same time there has been an overproduction ...so they have been extremely cheap" Now things are really starting to fall into place
  7. This is a great post and I hope you are right I wouldnt say you were a fool as I also supported a different approach and supported Neeld while recogniszing he was an untried option. Not only sport is 80% above the shoulders, when all else is equal in any competition the difference will be above the shoulders. Roos seems to be able to massage that component so lets hope it works or we will all be in the foolish camp.
  8. I reckon thats them though mine were sourced in the Tamar Valley
  9. Dont forget the cherries best in the world and should be in season.
  10. I think your right WJ could have been a burst of testosterone trying to make something happen ....dont know that i would be too harsh on him for that will wait and see how focused he is today.
  11. not so much funny as unfortunate. He hasnt had success but has kept the pressure on with his pace. Still it is a team game and there are many components to team success as we well know. Today is another day and will prove how critical yesterday was.
  12. Not so much funny as unfortunate. He hasnt bowled with success but has still kept the pressure on today is another day. But it is a team game and there are many components to success as we know.
  13. Keep em in the heat and chasing leather and then put them out to face the pace They may wilt under the heat of a sustained mitchattack Today will be the critical day of the series
  14. Have you got time to look for some sponsors?? Just taking in the tv coverage of sports over there you may find an emerging company who may be ready to expand to Australia or a company who has an international presence but is not yet involved in the AFL Have a great time
  15. I think the problem for you and all Melb Dlanders is that we have exhibited too many restrictions in previous actions to be eligible for the "unrestricted trade period".
  16. Great response BUT Where the heck is this?? and what does it signify in reality
  17. Would need to be a recognised govt approved offset training program Could incorporate acclimatisation training in the mines and additional Northern Territory presence as part of subsidised partnership bonus. May also need some rehabilitation and education outcomes to achieve the philanthropic nature of his give aways.
  18. Its great that you blokes are keeping your finger on the pulse even when away with that sort of dedication explained to our players their efforts and intensity may improve. Get the job done over there(nuptials)and return refreshed and renewed to get the list sorted out. Dont care how many poms yanks or refugees you source as long as they add balance to the list. Await return with anticipation Oh and do enjoy the vicarious tourist role provided from your outlines keep up the good work thanks
  19. Have we stumbled on the faceless men behind the dees While RL and WJ are taking an extensive wedding break all trading done by MFC ceases We can only wait to see the expenses claim for this wedding when the signed forms for the internationalised Demon recruits are lodged and amid a flurry of reporters their feet hit the tarmac at Melbourne Keep it under wraps with coded talk of bananas while letting the mainstream press divert itself with imaginings of Buddys contract The next headline Melbourne surprises with foreign legion tipped to take flag
  20. Thanks BF on TV I thought they were doggies Red white and Blue Now I have another team to support through finals although it is a pity about Melbourne (Storm)
  21. Its a grand old flag Milawa version was not only sung for the senior victory reported previously But I was informed last night that the Milawa football and netball teams won every grand final at every level in the league last week. The 4 netball teams included teams that had not lost a game for the season and the under 17,s was the only flag they didnt win as they have a combined whourouly milawa side perhaps we need to send some of the melbourne boys up to learn a little bit about the path to success. Its a a grand old flag and a grand old club
  22. Further to my previous re success of Milawa demons. Are there any other red and blue finalists in other leagues?
  23. Its good to see the demon colours triumph across the nation Milawa had a comprehensive victory over Glenrowan in the grand final Dont know that there's any prospective recruits and imagine there will be plenty of Brown Bros product consumed as well as the usual Mad Monday ale.
  24. Well I have been thinking about this for some time and have seen that there is a diversity of opinion on Jack so will add mine I admire the courage of a kid with a diverse skill set accepting a number one ranking knowing the scrutiny this would place himself under I admire the courage of a kid double and triple teamed, monstered by an opposition set on intimidation in his first match, with little support from teammates I admire the courage of a kid surrounded by teammates without his heightened skills unable to use him to advantage I admire the kid turning up week after week being thrown around by coaches wanting to cover deficiencies with one of the few skilled resources they had I admire the courage of a player not throwing himself into situations that would result in injury I admire the courage of a player not lasing out and being suspended I admire every player who pulls on the demons jumper knowing they will receive little support from the umpires when they are shoved in the back or hit in the head I admire the courage of jack watts in taking the time to consider his future career possibilities when he is about to enter the most critical stage of his career development I hope the club get this right so that all Melbourne supporters can continue to admire his courage as he helps our team to some long overdue success
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