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Everything posted by olisik

  1. Our medical staff sent Frost back on today when he had concussion, so wouldn’t be surprised.
  2. Interesting we have used only 34 interchanges opposed to Collingwoods 44 rotations. Wonder what that’s about?
  3. TMac isn’t even VFL standard right now.
  4. I laughed when OMac went for a spoil when he was 1 on 1 with Betts. Could you imagine any other full back going for a spoil if 1 on 1 with Spargo?
  5. Sounds like NT crowd don’t want us their with the way they boo’ed Weeds. We should leave them with nothing, [censored] the crowd.
  6. 12.14 to 14.6 would do that to you yet we still don’t hire a goal kicking coach
  7. Wow Oscar mac slides in n takes out all the demons players so Eddie can run in for a goal. He can’t be out of the team soon enough
  8. Isn’t the whole point of mid season draft to find ready made players who can fill a specific need? What’s the point of the draft if the player just continues playing in the same league as he was previously?
  9. Looks like Maynard mark 2.0 God forbid we take a risk and draft a Tipunwuti or Lowsin or any outside player with good skills.
  10. Think your on the wrong forum mate. Www.olisik.com is for talking about me, this forum is for talking about the dees. Note: Your obsession with me is starting to get creepy. That said, we played like [censored] today, seeing the coaches celebrate like we just won the premiership was embarrassing. When have you ever seen the great coaches like Clarkson n co do that?
  11. My guess is that his being forced to run defensively and is stuffed.
  12. It’s ironic how Gold Coast are getting more out of Sam Collins then we are from Lever, May and Omac combined.
  13. Chris Dawes called, he wants his hands back.
  14. 1 contested mark in 3 quarters of footy. Has to be some sort of record, our boys really hate the physicality of going for contested grabs.
  15. 12 to 1 contested marks now in gold coasts favor. Our boys are scared of physicality.
  16. 1 Contested mark in almost 3 Quarters of footy to Gold Coasts 11. Well played trading away our best contested marker
  17. It’s a story because we are paying 750K a year and gave up our leading goal scorer forward for a player who has been injured twice, suspended once, turned up unfit and is yet to play a full game for us.
  18. Connor Rozee would be handy about now. May is damaged goods, has a Mitch Clark smell-esque going on.
  19. Lol we get a win and you come into an online forum to say this? Nothing about the game or anything, higher priority is to comment about random people you don’t know. Since your so obsessed with me and my actions, I was out on this [censored] last night and just woke up to have a quick read of DL.
  20. Rohan Bail and Sam Blease used to also try. At this rate the Mac brothers are done. Wouldnt even get a trade for them these days.
  21. If a 5 disposal half with one of those being a shonker kick at goal his best all year then we well and truely are up [censored] creek.
  22. Yeah I disappeared because we were winning. Nothing to do with personal things in my life or anything. Nice one genius, gold star.
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