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Fitz Fitzpatrick

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Everything posted by Fitz Fitzpatrick

  1. With the considerably tougher squad this year it will be interesting to see the response to any shenanigans from Sauce Merrett
  2. He was our skinny Buddy Franklin. Was a target up forward, could get on his bike and turn anyone inside out and could nonchalantly bomb them from outside 50. Made 'talls' and 'smalls' look inferior. Damn, Damn, Damn
  3. One thing that has not been mentioned and discussed which I feel should be acknowledged is that the woeful accuracy on goal was not purely down to poor kicking. The major flaw in this 2015 team is the poor Fwd50 entries and the lack of cohesion in the forward line. These are the sides greatest weaknesses and this is why we end up with 7.18! Good sides hit up leads 40m directly in front. Our forwards were either trying to nail shots from the pockets or in scrappy rushed play as ball went to ground. When the midfielders can start to clean up fwd entries and when the fwds start to learn to lead in to space and clear space for others directly in front then we don't have to have blokes trying to ping goals from the fence or rely on someone to kick one around a corner in the middle of 15 other blokes. That was the real story behind 7.18.
  4. thanks CBDees. I did consider that but then figured that would be understating things in many examples
  5. Can someone tell me what NQR stands for? I've never been able to figure it out
  6. Lets get it clear as there seems to be some falsehood in the game summary by posters on here. We stopped running in the early 2nd qtr. The overlap stopped and we started playing down the line. There was one decent quarter in this game. The only differences between the 2nd qtr and the 2nd half was GWS conversion ability and the self confidence that grew with that
  7. Jubilant at half time? really? how could you not see the game shifted in the second qtr?
  8. Damn, I've just read this whole thread and so bitterly disappointed our new recruit was in trouble and wondering why no one seemed that concerned. the penny just dropped, we're talking about that kid hawthorn recruited and NOT Gartlett. Phewwww
  9. werridee has a Range Rover ring to his posts..... is it a reincarnation?
  10. haha id already shown my hand as a MFC supporter - did tell him we wanted Prestia though. he reckoned Prestias got incredible agility and pace considering the muscle mass he's got. Really rates him. I told him about 35k melbourne supporters really rate him too. he asked me if hi old man ran some fruit markets down in melbourne. can anyone confirm that?
  11. Didn't want to push for details as I know how guarded they must be about his progress. He did say the Medical director believed he could've tried playing after 3 weeks off and see how it went but the club left it up to Gazza. The physic suggested to Gazza that as this was his first dislocation after all these years there would no doubt be substantial damage. Gazza made the call to get the surgery done immediately. The physio was in the rooms just after he did the shoulder. reckoned he's never seen a player in as much pain and he was making a hell of a racket.
  12. Just spoke to a physio who is treating Gazza's shoulder here on the Gold Coast. talking about Trenners. His frank assessment of the injury is that he's done. Especially due to the re aggravation it, according to him, shows that this particular Navicular injury is one that won't be able to heal. Of course no one really knows, but an insightful comment from someone who does know a bit about it.
  13. you just answered your own question mate. Jones finds the footy. sometimes his skills are poor but as a accumulator he does ok, feeding it out to other blokes. yes he's not great but he fills a role in this current side. if he's still playing in a few years then we won't be any good but he FINDS THE FOOTY. Blease couldn't find the footy if you attached 2 bose speakers to it had it calling his name. Strauss just can't think quick enough for afl footy.
  14. thats the quality of the pool of talent within our membership base from which we have to draw board members from. I mentioned it in another post . its our greatest weakness. the poor quality and quantity of "power brokers" that follow MFC. Every election time the big clubs have so many top notch, quality people who step forward to volunteer their time on the board. We have a bunch of muppets, as your post points out.
  15. typical post season demonland masturbation session - re-packaging the same spuds everyone was whinging about 10 weeks ago and declaring them as the reason we will win 10 games the following year. Poor trade period and the list is as shite as it was 12 months ago. actually the list is worse on paper but in practice it hasn't improved at all in relation to the other clubs. And stop harping on about the 'close losses'. Those close losses could've and in some cases should've been 10 goal floggings. The list is absolute crap and yet again the same names are mentioned as being big improvers. When will everyone realize that Grimes Watts, etc are spuds and the draft number they were taken is as relevant as the number on the back of their jumpers. 2015 - 4 wins max. Hogan will spend the year double teamed and running around trying to mark shite kicks from an unbalanced uncomposed midfield
  16. Everyone over rates this list. I read so where a poster stating we would be nudging top 8. It's all doom and gloom by rd23 and then the rose colored spectacles get dusted off for trade week. By pre season the Dees are ready to smash the Hawks. Lol
  17. This restraint of trade stuff is such a furphy.The United States is the most litigious country the world, however there are a multitude of restrictions placed on the free agency system in the big 4 sports. I went on trade radio and was rebutted by the list manager as my ideas were a restraint of free trade. My call was disconnected before I could mention the above point
  18. Great idea, but why as a society do we always wait till someone dies before we decide to honour them in this kind of way. I'd love this to happen but it would've been great for him to be honored with his name on that piece of hallowed turf while he was still living
  19. Is the AFLPA there as a body to represent all players? With comments like that it starts to sound more like a player management firm for the elite players only. Are the rest of its constituents so dim as to not realize that unless they are top players, their "free movement" policy has destined them to never win a premiership. In an even comp perhaps 4 teams win the comp in 5 or 6 years. In this compromised system, maybe only 2. That's a lot of players never seeing that cup glory for the sake of free player movement
  20. yes talent is the important thing. but who chooses the young talent? And who employs the people who choose the talent. And further to that, who creates a stable environment that talent wants to join? It all starts at the top.
  21. So you dont agree that a small and ever declining supporter base affects the ability to fill the board room with top quality leaders? ok I dont quite understand how could argue otherwise, especially with history as evidence to the contrary, but thats the beauty of forums., all opinions are heard
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