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Fitz Fitzpatrick

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Everything posted by Fitz Fitzpatrick

  1. why did he have to suggest that to her? Was she begging to leave with him?
  2. In regards to my last post I don't actually rate Frost, hence the Carlisle comment
  3. Motlop and Carlisle would fill some holes. What would we need to give up?
  4. Disagree. Pedo and Hogan had some great work together before injury. Thats an incorrect statement you've made there.
  5. Would've been brilliant if all you blokes started singing the song.
  6. doesn't help that parents aren't allowed to give them a clip when needed to clarify the parameters of good behavior. I reckon the girls are the worst
  7. Yes i agree, its a heritage for us al to be proud of but ill go one further. Lets start mandatory teaching in manners , respect for others and etiquette. the youth today can be such rude little c*nts . All the aforementioned subjects would more than cover whats happening to goodes. Forget his race, just focus on being respectful. If that was the stance taken by the powers that be, i reckon there would've been much less resistance to the pleas to stop booing. Keep the politics out of it and just reach out to peoples decency. Its missing in the younger generations.
  8. Waleed Aly and his type are a scourge on society. Islamist apologist and will link any topic to further the claim that Islam is a religion of peace. By the way that term did not exist until coined by the Bush administration in the days following 9/11 . So ironic that those that opposed Bush the most are the ones that stand by that hollow slogan.There is a real issue to help protect goodes now that it has got out of hand but lets not be naive to think the left aren't climbing over each other to make this as divisive as possible.
  9. Jeezus!When an administrator of the clubs main online forum has never seen a win , I reckon that's as big a statement as ever in regards to this clubs recent history. FMD , this club needs to get its [censored] sorted. I'm going to email the club and ask if they can wear 'Nasher' on their arms next week. What a [censored] indictment.
  10. Thats gotta hurt, Skuit. Its going to be sweet next time for you thats for sure! For me it was Vs. Adelaide at the MCG in 2005
  11. Instead of aboriginal arm bands why not armbands that say Adam Goodes. I mean its a show of support for one human not for a race. Keep the politics out of it , FCS. Although this is a complex issue I'm sure a lot of it is societies push back on PC. Right or wrong i reckon that is playing a part. Sydney statement inflamed the situation which makes me tend to think this is the case. So take the politics out of it and by all means show solidarity to a fellow athlete who's indisputedly feeling bullied.
  12. In reference to my post above there are a lot of board members and past administrators who should be quite embarrassed with their performance over the past decade in light of what's happened. I really would t want my name on that. In any measure, quite possibly he most inept off field performance in the history of the game surely. 9 years and counting. Looks to be another 2 to add to that.
  13. Forget about the comparisons with the saints rebuild. The team which was closest to us in terms of bottoming out and rebuilding just comprehensively beat the Hawks. If we were in the bottom half of the 8 to mid table ok, but we are exactly where we were when MFC and Richmond started out on their respective journeys to the top. I know the answers why but it is a very sobering thought nonetheless.
  14. yeah he definitely does seem a bit off the pace. Its amazing that someone like range rover who was so passionate about his opinions and spent so many hours on here could just fall off the grid like that. Must have found himself a girl
  15. Is Stuie that Range Rover bloke that used to be on this forum?
  16. I think the booing should stop because of the bullying overtone it has become just recently. My beef is with the media labelling all and sundry racist. Ive never liked Goodes but it is obviously affecting him so on that point it now is bullying. I won't boo Goodes because this has become sensitive for him, but don't tell me what i am thinking
  17. A very well written piece about all this by an Aboriginal. My thoughts on all this mirror those of this Aboriginals thoughts. Is he being racist I wonder. http://theblacksteamtrain.blogspot.com.au/2015/07/the-wayland-smithers-school-of.html
  18. Heard on 3AW that the MFC are relocating out on Footscray Road and that Collingwood are moving full time in to the MCG? Why is there not an outcry about this?! Pies are moving in to OUR ground and we are getting shunted out to the Docklands. WTF?@!
  19. For the sake of footy a small part of me wishes we traded him to a top side as i think the footy public has missed the opportunity to watch an absolute gun had he been surrounded by a team like the hawks. He rarely makes the wrong decision and no one can doubt his skills. I really hope we get good enough quickly enough so we can really see what he can do
  20. the Prince is like blow fly in a a bottle when he picks the footy up at half back. some blokes make time stand still but Lumumba makes it look like the pace of the game doubles whenever he gets it. Just tries to do too much. Not our worst but in hindsight i was sucked in by the spin when we picked him up
  21. Kids AND women love jack watts. Up in Maroochydore after the players went in, Jack wandered back out in his undies to grab a gatorade. A bunch of women there went bananas. It was like the Beatles were back in town. Then afterwards the kids were all keen for a photo with jack. I had a chat with him and gee he's a top bloke. Annoys the [censored] out of me when he's playing though! I will add , his last few weeks have been much better
  22. Some good points Skuit. Im keen for the interchange restrictions but I think MFC would be one of the most affected teams if it came in as Roos is building a side for hard contested/congested footy. Suddenly we would need more Cale Mortons! I would take that setback for the MFC for the greater good of the game though to be honest. Secondly i totally agree with the comment on the lack of professionalism years back. I watched the Carlton / Melbourne game in 1998 last night - the 2nd game in that string wins the dees had which put them in to the finals. It was a great game to watch and definitely more 'shelter skelter'. Clearly no "structures'. Just blokes playing on pure instinct. It was amazing how noticeable it was. I thoroughly enjoyed it. Some great long handballs from fullback straight up the guts. The ball was going end to end in 4 possessions. Professionalism has definitely changed the game and will be the hardest thing to overcome when trying to open the game up. Th players and coaches are just so bloody good now.
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