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Everything posted by Biffen

  1. Please Dunn just go and King hit someone for me .
  2. We call that passion.I know it doesn't look very friendly but I wish they all played like him .
  3. these umpires need to be bashed and burnt to death over a period of weeks.
  4. Bruce "That is so dangerous from Tapscott" Yes Bruce-If Maxwell had hurt his head on a Melbourne coach I would be furious .Thats the last thing we want .
  5. I've got a couple of mates with it . These days the pens are fantastic for the jab and the guys will know where to find the "All Natural Sweets" if the club doesn't provide them. Obviously it's a big pain for the kid. Good luck Fitzy .
  6. I reckon there might be.
  7. Biffen


    At least Humphrey let his actions do the talking . I'm rapt for Col because he was working double time in defence and not coping . Hope he bags a few today and become a real front option . Playing on Cyril was a silly idea from Neeldy but we live and learn .
  8. If we can get Martin off Richmond and palm off another Miller ,Maric type of player or two then I would start to pity the Tigers more than i do us .
  9. That was me when i was young-I have a lot more grey hair now and have aged 10 years. The season has been such that when I tell my 3 year old we are going to watch Melbourne play on TV he requests "Don't swear too much Dad OK?"
  10. Good diagnosis of my optomism issues there Doc. Neelds bus is very different to that of Ken Kesey and co . Maybe you were on acid and it provided you with the predictive insight required to see that the Tigers are on track to finish ninth. Or maybe I made that comment before everything turned to sh!t as it so often does . Either way-I promise to drop acid tomorrow if we win.
  11. Ivor Warne Smith Gary Ablett Senior Spartacus (Time machine recruits)
  12. From the photo he looks like Morton on a diet -No more skinnny kids please .Manchildren only.
  13. Probably a misdiagnosis of CFS when is was diabetes all along .All our players should claim CFS which would legally entitle them to play on steroids like Al "Sleepy" Lynch did before he took to becoming a sleazebag player agent.
  14. Due the the European Union falling to pieces , the French Alps are actually cheaper to ski than ever.The only problem being that there are a lot of French there. I'm off to the club for a couple of snorts .
  15. I dont doubt his effort.His first five games were just OK. He is/was never a star . Be honest about Clint. Even his tagging is a bit loose at times. Clint has had many opportunities in this team and I hope he has to improve (a lot) to stay in it .
  16. Glad you could sort that out for us WYL.This could well be the explanation of the phrase that we are looking for .
  17. Still nothing wrong with kick long to a contest or a two on one .The game is still about kicking a pigskin through the goal the most times.Why F!ck around going backwards and sideways when everyone floods back? Dont believe everything you read about stats and plans and all that.The essence of it is hard contested football .
  18. I backed Beamer up until selection talks here last week and then he pulled out a good game. The guy is a good ordinary player and better than that on his day . He is more of a Demon than any of us but he cops too much Sh!t here . All the idiots that want Judd , Ablett ,Swan types give up-they dont exist . We've got Beamer who is a stalwart and a leader .
  19. Funny thing is-Lowy has heaps of money to keep the Palestinians in fear and poverty but none to put into Australian Soccer from his own pocket . That World Cup bid was NEVER going to win . A waste of our money made deliberately . I dont blame the Fat Miners of the East coast from wrecking Soccer . Love the Jewish race but i despise Zionist billionaire manipulators.
  20. This could be a fairly accurate assessment in my opinion .I think CS is working hard to create te culture of excellence we need. The players certainly shouldn't have known any of the internal rumblings at the time .Whoever leaked the information abot a rift to the players effectively gave them an excuse to not turn up that day .Sounds like it was Bails to me but we are onl guessing . Maybe Green can shed some light on it next year as a journo/Commentator . The main thing is that the healing began last week .
  21. Unless they get away with it !
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