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Posts posted by McQueen

  1. I’m not a Melbourne resident but by looking at the map the easy solution would be to fill in the Albert park lake or bulldoze the golf course and build there. 

    That’s essentially what happened to Burswood resort precinct when Perth Stadium went up. 

    Give the GP back to Radelaide. 

    Problem solved. 

    You’re welcome. 

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  2. 8 minutes ago, Sydee said:

    Thanks mate - much appreciated for those of us unable to get along to training ourselves

    Couple of questions if I may

    Who would you pick first as a tall forward (schache or JVR)? assuming TMAC and BBB not available 

    Surprised that Trac was struggling with the running - he looked very fit in pics and thought he'd been doing some special training overseas?

    How was Kozzies demeanor? We are all a bit nervous about where his head space is at.

    Hunter is supposed to have elite footskills - think it's a matter of just getting used to playing group? Does he look fit ? keeping up in the running ?



    That’s not accurate. 

    You might be. 

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  3. 3 minutes ago, 58er said:

    Thanks Macca. 
    Do you concur with most D/Lers on Jeds future and ability?  Better than Davies with his upside? Or even or better than  Busslinger? 

    I didn’t really hold an opinion prior to him becoming a Demon. 

    Now it’s unequivocal YES. 😂


    • Haha 1
  4. 54 minutes ago, 1858 said:

    Obviously will need Casey time to develop and fill out a bit but there seems to he enough there to work with.

    Some similarities to Watts more so than Cook for mine. Build, goal kicking action, confident but laconic. Seemed slightly quicker than Watts though.

    I wont get too carried away with a highlights package but marking seems to be a strength. Good hands, timing is good, protects the space against similar types and can leap.

    How will it translate to AFL level?

    Watch this space.

    Cook was a Barry Prendergast brain fart. I can’t see how this could be any comparison whatsoever. 
    Watts was a gifted footballer that unfortunately did lack physicality and strength in contest. Goodwin quite rightly marched him out the door. 
    I would be absolutely gobsmacked that we would invest in Jefferson where ‘contest’ is our number 1 philosophy and didn’t think he’s got the mental attributes. 

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  5. 9 hours ago, durango said:

    I look at parrallels between Luke Jackson and Jesse Hogan both played for the MFC, both won the Rising Star award, both went to Fremantle and both left to be closer to family and friends.

    Will he go the way that Jesse went or to stardom?

    Haven’t seen Jacko ‘jawing’ away on Instagram yet. 

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  6. 13 minutes ago, poita said:

    Not sure what it says when the AFLW B&F winner, Ally Anderson, is not named in the All Australian squad and finished 11th in the coaches award. Olivia Purcell finished 5th in the B&F, squeezes on to the bench in the AA squad and finished 15th in the coaches award. Meanwhile Jasmine Garner wins the coaches award easily, is captain of the AA squad and doesn't finish top ten in the B&F.

    Most likely the AFLW umpires are completely clueless as to who the better players are, so are just picking the few players they recognise.

    Well done to Liv Purcell and Kate Hore on their great seasons. Not sure why they were kept away from the main celebrations when they still participated in the AA team photo.

    Nailed it. 


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  7. 10 minutes ago, Axis of Bob said:

    I think the difference is that when you are trading up the order you aren't trading for a draft pick, you're trading up for a specific player or a couple of players. A first round pick next year gives you a wide range of potential outcomes, including that the players available at your pick aren't the types of player that you're particularly interested in, whilst using it on a player now reduces that uncertainty and (theoretically) improves the likelihood of that player succeeding in your system.

    If we have a player that we are confident will be around at 19, and we are super keen on getting them because they fit with our team/system/whatever, then I'd have no hesitation in trading a future first round pick +37 for pick 19. Because at that stage we aren't trading a future first and pick 37 for pick 19, we're trading it for player XYZ who we want. It will depend on the quality of that specific player (and needs, team timelines, etc) as to whether the trade makes sense or not. If you're just looking at it mathematically (future pick 18 + 37 > pick 19) then it won't make sense .... except that the players themselves aren't draft picks, they're unique individuals.

    I'd happily trade one of our future first round picks for a player we really want. We will at least be guaranteed of selecting a player we really want, rather than just the possibility of doing so next year.

    But wouldn’t the ‘guaranteed’ part of your opinion be heavily based around some knowledge that the unique individual is in the sights of other clubs between 19 and 37?

    I’m sure this is a pretty complex game of chess which involves rumours and name-dropping via recruiters in certain forums. 
    We must have some pretty good intel to be in the position to make a play/gamble on such a move if this is indeed credible. 

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  8. 56 minutes ago, Roger Mellie said:

    I wasn't directing outrage at betting organisations nor am I averse to a punt. My beef is with the saturation of all things sporting with gambling ads/odds quarter time, half time etc etc and the reliance of the AFL, SEN etc on the income of betting agencies. It puts them in a compromising position.

    Ciggies are a good comparison. Tobacco Co's certainly have the marketing budget and could easily (and would be desperate to) replace the betting agency ads in terms of media saturation but they can't for a good reason. What's the difference between kids watching gasper ads versus gambling ads?

    I also agree with you that for most people it's a bit of fun or makes it interesting, but the level of advertising is ridiculous and there are too many people that 'take it to the next level' (pardon the pun). I'm quite surprised by the amount they get away with in advertising.

    Gotcha. Agree with the above. 

    • Like 2
  9. 48 minutes ago, rjay said:

    Good for you.

    It targets 2 things...one is getting you to change allegiance to another brand of bookie...

    ...and the other is at kids, to normalise the activity (make you feel the odd one out if you don't) and keep a steady flow of new customers.

    Like new toys, Pokémon cards, sugary treats etc?

    • Like 1
  10. 56 minutes ago, rjay said:

    The problem is more to do with the overkill on advertising and the acceptance of gambling money by the AFL and AFL media...

    It puts the AFL in difficult position.

    Just like it was with Ciggies and booze?

    The money has to come from somewhere that is relatively recession proof. People’s ‘vices’ are really just addiction and advertising does it’s job to get them hooked. 
    I take no notice of the excessive advertisements. 

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  11. 2 hours ago, Roger Mellie said:

    I think the AFL will go hard after Pell and give him a lifetime ban even if he doesn't get jail time. They'll want to be seen as taking a strong stand so there will be lots of outrage. They'll also be miffed because they can't control the judicial process. But, they and media entities enjoying the support of betting agencies wont look at the toxicity of their relationship - nothing to see there!  That'll be left to media outlets that don't depend on gambling ads for revenue.

    Seriously I don’t get the outrage directed at betting organisations. 
    I acknowledge that it can be a slippery slope for some people just like with drugs and alcohol. 

    People need to learn how to show restraint, practice temperance and take on a little virtue called self accountability in many facets of life and having a punt is just another. 

    I have a bet but have put in place all of the available restriction’s provided by the agencies with regards to deposit and bet limits. 
    It’s not up to them to check in on you to make sure you’re in control of your activity. They provide a service, it’s your choices that affect the outcome. 

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