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Everything posted by Satan

  1. Why was not that 50 for max
  2. Crikey something went right
  3. They have key forward tall we dont
  4. Will we get out of Melbourne in time ?
  5. With us playing home games away from mcg where does this Sit ? https://www.google.com.au/amp/s/amp.theage.com.au/sport/afl/early-christmas-present-mcg-tenant-clubs-get-multi-million-dollar-windfall-20200603-p54z7j.html
  6. Ed was not happy Lloyd questioning Sidebottom not losing V C
  7. Screwed again
  8. Those short kicks are killing us
  9. Tackle by hannan led to goal
  10. Tmac giving stewart a broken collar bone for a innocuous bump
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