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Demon Dynasty

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Posts posted by Demon Dynasty

  1. This isn't entirely true. At some point during the MRP process, the members must make a judgment call on whether something is either negligent, reckless, intentional etc. So whilst it aims to be fairly rigid, in actual fact a human judgment still needs to be made...

    Whatever it was, it doesn't warrant 3 weeks for a first up offence. Appeal for a reduction in sentence for first offence or take to courts just as the Swans did with Barry Hall, which effectively won them a premiership!

    Even Dermy, Rhys-Jones, Dipper or Mathews wouldn't have got 3 weeks for that touch up.

    Every tackle should be carefully scrutinised by the MFC from here. Any "pin one arm" tackle which ends up in a concussion should receive no less than 3 weeks!!! Anything less and we seek a post sentence review if the appeal process fails etc.

    Lets take em on Demons!

  2. Stynes in for Jamar!!


    Article refers to Martin hurting his ribs. I'd say unless he's ruptured a kidney he'll be in!! I remember Dermy wearing that stupid vest for the Pies when he had same. Ended up ripping it off half way through game i think lol. Anyone got his number? :rolleyes:

    Host of the Fox Footy clip referred to JT as Drac! DRACULA Trengove :lol: ... A real Demon of the night! Mwahaha!

  3. Here's a possible explanation:

    MRP having no choice.

    Geddy has a point, Redlegs has many excellent points. More investigation needed. I can understand the rough charge and verdict being upheld but not the severity of the penalty for a first up offence. Seems very harsh in light of the offence.

    And yes QueenC, one rule for some. I wonder how Pav got that cut under his eye against the Blues last year? Must have been his cat. Clearly reckless conduct under the AFL definitions and guidelines, yet not even a reprimand :rolleyes:

  4. Regardless of percentages of members/non-members attending etc....

    As i said, i don't think you'll see any significant improvement in these types of games (specially on Mothers day matches) until the success arrives and/or membership breaks 40,000 / 50,000 marks.

    No coincidence that there was a Monday night match scheduled for Saints/Blues. Wanted to avoid too many teams playing on Mother's day with numbers likely to be down versus normal schedule

  5. People always feel more comfortable in their own bed. But i still believe that Wet Coke game will be a motivation, as we the supporters put the heat on the club.

    Time will tell in the next few weeks.

    Yep. Unfortunately, as many have already stated infinitum on this site, the truth is it took a clanger to motivate them.

    But respond they did. Impressive effort....so far.

    I'm wondering whether they responded as they felt it was us against the world. The seige mentality can be quite a motivating factor for some players/teams. Don't know how long that lasts though.

    Lets hope it's more to do with FD/Coach/players drawing a line in the sand after the wet coke match.


  6. I wouldn't get too skitzed over this guys.

    Agreed. Looks better and is better financially if we have more attending whenever possible.

    However, numbers will only improve significantly with success IMO. Until we have a halcyon type period with a premiership or more, we aint gonna break too many attendance records i don't think.

    But for Sundays's game. Say we take off 2,000 to 3,000 to allow for Crow eaters. You get about 17,000 to 18,000 Deminions. That's about 50% of our membership base atm yeh.

    If we somehow managed to get 70% of our membership base attending, which would be most unlikely at most standard home/away games other than say Queens b'day. That's still only 25,000 Deminions (approx) and add 3,000 Crow eaters... max say 28,000 at this point of our membership tally. I think 30,000 is break even (approx) at G isn't it? So we still miss financially even with an unlikely and probably unrealistic 7 out of 10 members attending. Yes, i'd prefer 28,000 attending any day of course but i think you get my drift here.

    However, lets say we have some major success over next 3 years (wishful thinking!) and membership improves to 50,000 (woo hoo!).

    Worst case scenario: We have another Mother's day game against Crow eaters or Dockers etc. 50,000 @ 50% + say 3,000 crow eaters again. 28,000 (approx). Ok, at the end of the day it's probably still a marginal fail financially, but it's a realistic number and looks a whole lot better for us on tv coverage and in press/radio reports etc.

    Now lets take it to another level. Say we're on a winning streak and game aint played on Mother's day and we get say a more conservative/realistic 60% of membership base attending versus crow eaters/dockers etc.

    Do the numbers... 50,000 @ 60% = 30,000. Add the 3,000 crow eaters. 33,000. All of a sudden we're in profit territory when playing interstate clubs here. More so when playing Swans/Lions, who tend to attract greater numbers than other interstate teams given they're old base of followers here. And the impression on tv etc. Looking a whole lot better me thinks.

    Obviously the numbers look even better versus another Vic team using the major success scenario.

  7. I really, really hope so. I don't mind losing as much as I hate watching them play without spirit even if we get the points.

    Yeh. Fingers crossed Rojik. Hec, we might even get Thomo to see the light from here! I reckon deep down he actually :wub: Bailes and wants to keep him on! Common Thomo....outski!

    P.S. Not with you on the don't mind losing bit. :huh: Seen enough of those in 70's, 80's, 90's and Naughties to last me a lifetime!

  8. Love it! What a difference a week makes! LOL

    Yeh. 2nd that. Bennell for some pace and silky skills to cut through the zoning etc at *&(*hed stadium for Grimes. Was unlucky to be dropped i think. Wasn't great but wasn't at the bottom either i didn't think.

    I wouldn't be playing with the line up other than injury/match up requirements. Gotta send the right signals after such a solid win, just as you do after a shocking loss.

    Bater needs 3 - 4 weeks at least in order to get a feel again of what's needed at AFL level. Players always say there's a big jump from VFL to AFL in terms of the speed with which everything/everyone moves (Lingy an exception lol....even tho he's one of my all time favs and a gr8 player regardless of speed! Love watchin that guy. Feel like i'm in a time warp back to the 80's!).


  9. not a bad thread

    if we lose to north we are back to square one and the intensity and attitude arent right and Bailey must be questioned.

    as we all said after West Coast, if the consistency wasnt there for the next month then he may have to go

    A win against the Crows we all knew would happen, what happens the next few weeks is key

    Such short term week by week thinking is dangerous. Players, and eventually the coach/coaching staff will start planning/playing for survival. Then it ceases to become a team effort. It's every man for himself.

    Personally i believe the culture of excepting mediocrity has now changed across the Club collectively (ie., supporters, players/FD/coach and board) and we have finally (i hope) drawn a line in the sand. As Bailey said yesterday, we've set a new benchmark and we need to aim for it every week from here.

    Not saying we wont see any further lows/and unpalatable defeats. But i doubt we'll see capitulations like last Thurs or 2nd half Dawks game. The level of intensity, attack and application over 4 quarters that everyone expects, needs to be 1st class from here. We should have a better understanding of where the boys are at by round 11/12.

    Stick tight demonoids. Looking forward to forking (that's "pitch" forking Mods!) some Roo arse on a big fiery pit of hell this week!!

    Mighty Demons Forever!


  10. OK we'll make it easier to undertsand. Cook & Fitz will neeed to develop their games before either can hold down a key position and that's not going to be this year by which time Fev will be gone.

    If you don't think there is something for a young forward to learn from playing with Fev you haven't been paying attention.

    Agreed. Put em either side of the Fev and tell em to "Watch and learn".

    As long as they're only learning what the Fev's doin ON the field and not off it! :rolleyes:

  11. Meanwhile we stole 15 minutes of air time on Footy Classified last night getting praised by Garry, Caro, Hutchy and Thommo.

    You win some, you lose some.

    Yep. Good point. I guess it depends on who's hosting/on the panel eh.

    Speaking of which, i thought Caro was gonna go for Gary's throat there at one point. Only thing that saved him was mother's day.

    Ok, this topic can be closed now.....MOD!!! :wacko:

  12. I posted the following previously before this weekends match

    "A win next week isnt good enough even if it happens, it has to be the continuing performence from here on in

    No more capitulations each game has to be fought right out to its bitter end even if we are loosing

    We as supporters should demand nothing less.

    And should that occur, it may be the only thing that could possibly save Bailey from the axe come end of season ."

    Aftyer hearing Baileys Press conferance it is nice to see him state this clearly

    The players themselves are the only ones who know why they put in the performence they did against Westcoast.

    However I have believed for a very very long time that the difference between a good coach and a also ran coach is that the good coach gets his players up each week and ensures they perform to their maximum , even if they dont win on the day.

    In Comparing last weeks performance to this weeks, this has obviously this has not been the case.

    The players by this weeks performence show clearly they are capabale of playing some good football, it is getting them to perform with consistency that is the true test of a good coach .

    I still do not believe Bailey is the coach to take us to that level, to be to truly be considered a real contender for a Grand Final Flag

    If Bailey manages to get that consistency out of the players so they perform on a consistent basis, then maybe Ill reconsider my view

    This season holds the key to Baileys aspirations and we all know that.

    A one off performence wont do it and he knows that, now we need to see if he can get them to perform each week to the best of their abilities, now we know what they are capable of this becomes even harder for Bailey, but thats what a good coach can deal with.

    This season will tell if Bailey falls in that category

    Did anyone hear interview with Bails BEFORE the match on 3AW yesterday? Was pretty impressive. Sounded like a premiership coach in the offing. Lets hope the boys and Bails can continue the intensity and effort on a weekly basis from here.

    The big tests will be how we go away (west of our border) and *^&^hed stadium (next few weeks). The Roos usually lift against us. Love rubbing our noses in it. Bout the only highlight ive seen there against em in last few years was Juice's screamer :huh:

  13. Matthew Bate should get a game next week, sure he was a bit rusty at that tempo but he did contest and lay tackles. Our forward 50 pressure today was spot on from the first bounce.

    They can do it.

    Heyy..... someone mention my name? Ok...so he was a tad Rusty. Nuttin wrong with that first up is there!? :)

  14. You're most welcome to, but it doesn't make you right.

    You're also welcome to delve further if you like, but I already know what you'll find.

    It's up to you if you want to gain a better understanding.

    I'm not going to do the work for you.

    Lol Artie. Patronise me if you wish mate. I'm a big boy.

    But i'm standing by the point i made in my first reply, including the stats on average age and games played. Feel free to counter it if you want with anything of substance.

    I think others have made the point in other ways, eg., GCS's result against Port etc. As you said, it's only one point of your entire argument so not worth getting your knickers into a knot over it


  15. Not at all, Rusty, in fact you have missed the point.

    It was a contributing factor, not the be all and end all.

    You seem unable to see the forest for the trees.

    Delve even further into those stats and it tells a story.

    Take a macro or micro view and they both support my stance, but you've chosen an in-between nowhere in an attempt to prove me wrong on one point.

    Ummm....so your saying others on here are allowed to make a point about a "part" of someone else's post, but i aint? :rolleyes:

    Please, feel free to delve further Artie. Happy to hear your drill down analytics on those stats mate.



  16. Rusty nobody is saying that these are absolute measures but that they are indicative. Other factors obviously count otherwise every result would be known before the game.

    But with only about one exception you'll find that Premiership teams have about 120 games experience per player. They don't have 63. Is it so hard to grasp that as players get older their skills improve, they get stronger and they have a better understanding of the game?

    I don't think I've seen anyone try and defend the terrible performance in the first quarter against WC or indeed can I remember a defense of our game against WC last year.

    But age and experience are two prime indicators of where a team sits.

    What the....

    I'm just making a point on one of Arties' points re young teams travelling. Certainly not expecting to go anywhere near a premiership or threatening for one on these numbers. Nor did i mention a premiership at any point. :rolleyes:

    Not sure where you're coming from on this cobber. Might have picked the wrong thread out when u hit the reply button

    Oh, and yeh. Agreed. Age and experience are two indicators of where a team sits comparatively. Good point. That's why i used them.



  17. - We played them in Perth, and like all young teams, we don't travel well.

    In Round 8, 2010 the Weagles beat us at the G....they also won the wooden spoon. Worst team for the year, yet they still managed to beat us at our home ground travelling.


    West Coast..........Average Age 23.7.........Average Games 69

    Melbourne...........Average Age 23.5.........Average Games 63

    They had (within a decimal point for average age and approx a 6 game per player average advantage) almost the same Age on average and the same number of games played on average at the time. Yet they still managed to beat us by almost 5 goals....on the road.

    You might wanna rethink this part of your argument mate


  18. I'm guessing not much in terms of ghame style will change, as it is difficult to change in a couple of training seesions.

    Application would make the gameplan look better, whether it is obsolete or not...

    And competition for places is always good, even if it is between the players at the margins...

    I'm with Rpfc and Rhino here. Can't change too much in a week and the boys have struggled with a pretty basic game plan so far it would seem.

    Things i expect a (wanna be) top side to do as a bare minimum week in and week out >>> Agro, intensity, numbers at the ball and a willingness to bleed for each other at every contest up to the final siren.

    Anything less (over 2 - 3 weeks opportunities) from individuals and we replace (without kicking out the whole core senior team in one hit of course) for any half decent youngster on the list who shows they're willing/skillful and has a half decent football bod (eg., Tappy types)

  19. That was just magic that semi in 94'

    Probably the best day at the footy I have had. It's bloody depressing now when you realise how long it's been since we have been a hard side though!

    For sure mate. We also had Pike in that team. Played a big part on the day as well and then we let him go next year to end up playing in 4 premierships!!!??? :mad:

    Ok, so he was a little loose with the juice off the field. So what. Others have and will do the same as we see every other week now. Just gotta manage it. It's a part of the change that's needed within the Demon's FD culture and Club generally. Need a few tough nuts in the team both off the field and on. As long as they don't do a complete skitz like Fev and some of the Saints boys....and bring the results...who the hell cares.

    This is the year we toughen up (i hope) and change our culture big time in order to win the ultimate prize!!

    Whatever it takes i reckon.


  20. This was part of a great time in my youth when you would go to MFC games knowing you would see 20 blokes have an absolutely crack. Being hard at it was a non-negotiable. God bless swooper Northey and his Tiger-esque 'kill or be killed'.

    Alas those times have passed...but here's hoping they return some day.

    Ripper post/vids 13. Thanks mate!!

    Yep. Swooper built a side of real men and some awesome talent, willing to put it all on the line for the jumper and their supporters. And he included the supporters in there too. Best coach at MFC since Smithy.

    Was sitting in the forward pocket at pie park in 92. One of my best days their and ever at any match (and last to pie park) as i went with a work colleague (pie) who thought they were gonna cream us. He lost the bet! It was Jakovich versus the pies that day. Of course others had to perform to get it to him and shut pies down. Great effort all round. And to beat one of the more highly rated FBs in Pert too. He was a big boy as well and was being man handled by Jakovich.

    94 was an awesome team as well under Balme. Never forget the semi against the Blues at the G. Most polished finals performance i think i ever saw from our boys. Recall speaking to a trainer at Junction in 96 when things weren't looking so good and he said the Club had its best chance to win a premiership in 94 and blew it.

    Was the big bull in the park and stuck it right up em every time. Made us stand tall. What an excitement machine. Rather see that anyday than some of the drivel we've dished up in the last 15 years.

    Albeit Jakovich went off the rails towards the end (off & on the field lol). Think we should have worked harder to keep him to be honest. Was effectively our Fev at the time.

    Hec....Fevs available!!! :rolleyes: Anyone???

  21. We're an easy target.

    I'd like to see us rectify that, but playing like we did against West Coast doesn't help our cause at all.

    Was never a possibility in my eyes. Likes to observe/comment from the outside and occasional advice to the club when asked, but never had the desire to coach. Don't know what all the fuss was about. Peeps looking for our savior i guess...


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