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Demon Dynasty

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Everything posted by Demon Dynasty

  1. Just printed mine off. Thanks vm auto! nice work
  2. Very interesting argument from Cameron Rose off 'The Roar' on contested possession stats. Very hard to disagree with him here. Highly overrated stat and too much emphasis placed on stats in general within AFL circles at present. Enjoyed his take on David King as well! http://www.theroar.com.au/2014/06/17/contested-possession-stats-bull/
  3. I agree very much on the first part jnr On the second, i think it's a little chicken and egg. Because we don't have enough players with the skill to deliver the ball accurately by foot, they are unwilling to take the opposition on, run forward and try and hit a lead up player (or even just kick it to a forward's advantage) as many just seem too scared of fluffing it and seeing the ball go over their heads for another goal. Hence many of the lessor skilled players tend to instinctively look behind, instead of up the field or inside like the top players in the better sides do, as first priority. Either handballing behind or a short easy chip lateral or behind just to lay off and not have the potential embarresment of a big clanger on their hands. We also lack a turn of pace in order to break free of the man on the mark or the initial attempted tackle after playing on that would allow a player the extra time and space to get that forward hit up pass off successfully in most cases. The above means we are forever sending the ball behind us with successive handballs and/or chipping sideways. We also overuse the handball when doing so as weprobably find it's just easier an easier method of hitting a short target in close. Handballing also puts more pressure on generally as it is a "play on" situation. Hawthorn also look to work the ball across their back half in a similar fashion to us with the switch etc (as do many others), trying to stretch their opponent and find holes as they work the ball forward. But they obviously utilise thier fabulous kicking skills, so much more than we do, to control the flow of the game. Take a mark and you have a choice. You can hold up play if you are covered or move the ball quickly again if the opportunity is there. With a handball there isn't this luxury. You must play on. This allows clubs that are reasonably well drilled and skilled at defence to push up on us and hem our boys into our back half, playing much of the match there, just sweating on us to make our next turnover once we eventually try to make a move forward, which you eventually have to as you run out of defensive space behind. It is no coincidence that we hold the record this year for the most number of yards gained, going backwards. It's somewhere around 1,700 yards lost going backwards with the ball. About 700 to 800 more than the next team if my memory serves me correctly. This is all well and good if you have 2 or more half backs who have a great turn of speed/agility/ability to read the play, are able to break through lines and have decent disposal skills with the next kick towards the 50 meter area to player on the lead or inside 50 if they make it that far. Sydney are also in the top 3 for yardage lost with backwards ball movement. But they have Malceski and Shaw running amok much of the time, able to counter the severe reverse movement (comparatively) and move the ball out and through congestion off HB much quicker than we can at this point. At this stage, we don't have one player i can think of that offers us this luxury and IMO this is why we have such a massive discrepancy in inside 50s differentials almost every week. I see T Mc and Garland trying to a degree, but falling well short on the skills, decision making and disposals much of the time. Although last year Garlo seemed to make some significant progress here. His injury has obviously set him back. An injury free pre season should see him turn this around. In addition our forwards and the forward lineup are still a long way from offering us anything dangerous when we do make it inside 50 and in many cases the players making that last attempted kick have a long way to go with their delivery/decision making if we are ever going to kick winning scores on a regular basis against decent opposition like the Roos yesterday.
  4. 6. Vince - highest output by MFC player this year? His stats would suggest so. Just a pitty no one else could go to this level and assist today. What Big Red Said up there re light... ughhh >>>>>>>>>>> 5. Cross 4. N Jones 3. Watts 2. M Jones 1. Pedo
  5. The Bomber supporters around me at work have gone strangely (or not so strangely) quiet. As have Blues and Tiger supporters haha. I still gave it to em at every chance though along with a mechanic in our workshop. Really hoping we hit the Roo boys hard this week. Shocking record against them in recent times and i'm dead sick of losing to em....especially at their specialist ground where they are harder to beat (Shitihad). And the next cab off the rank....Hawks supporters. Probably have the highest percentage of arrogant supporters i've ever encountered. There was one at work, who i suspect isn't even a paid up member, slagging off at me and workshop guy during the week. He was laughing as he said "you must feel as if you've won a premiership?". I Said "Funny mate, but nope. Won the last 5 outta 6 ... got the wood on em....result wasn't even in question" walked away laughing at his ignorance. And this coming from a turncoat who changed from Geelong in the mid 90's lol. I would rank Hawk supporters No.1 on my hit list followed by Bombers, Pies, Roos and last but not least Adelaide (roughly in that order). The other annoying and unjustly noisy fans around the workplace tend to be Blues supporters still seemingly living off their success of the 70's and 80's. I find many of them are big talkers and severley one eyed. However, most aren't even members or, if they are, they only joined in the last 4 to 5 years once they started seeing a bit of a turn around after Juddy joined. That's not to say many of the supporters and members from these same clubs aren't decent either, there are plenty of good people amongst them as well. Just my view of who has the "most" arrogant mix from my own personal experience over many years.
  6. Great feed DD thx mate. Just finished watching the replay. Finally the boys have become the Hunters. Starting from about the 15 to 20 minute mark of the 3rd when Essendon had the foot on our throat and game was almost gone....they decided to go for it and they never stopped from there. Reward for effort. Dunny, TMac, Jetta, Pedo, Cross, Watts, McKenzie, Kent, Viney, Salem in the final term and so many other great passages of play in that second half. Great win by the crew. Hopefully we can do the same this week and hunt down the Roo boys.
  7. Some great scalps there and nice summary Perago. I always thought he looked raw but a great prospect if he worked hard enough and was managed well. He was chopped in and out of the team last year but was also fairly green and possibly lacking an AFL tank although that's complete conjecture on my part. I think Roos has allowed him to settle and feel as if he belongs and has obviously given him a basic but important defensive role each week. So far it's working like a treat. Looks in peak condition and fitness and appears to have stepped up this side significantly from last year, to his credit. Always a good ball user, up to round 17 last year he was ranked 2nd in disposal efficiency...just didn't get enough of it and to enough contests. 8th in the tackle count as well (average per game). Sits on top of the effective disposal percentages this year! Also 6th in the 1 percenters (to be expected of course as he's mostly defending) and 7th in tackles. Still a ways to go but coming along very nicely so far.
  8. I believe that's a 149 point turn around from the last time we played em. Hmmmm.... not too shabby
  9. I feel like celebrating like this guy.....umm....then again
  10. Watts still unable to win a one on one contest Common boys
  11. ?? He must be handballing amazingly well then Kent is ranked 4th in the team in disposal efficiency % so far this year
  12. Me too.... embryonic stage but much upside there i reckon. Need to give him continuous game time at this level though if he's to improve his confidence etc and cement his spot
  13. Frawley isn't a genuine forward option just a decoy IMO. I think it was an ok move for a few matches. I would prefer to see him moved down back again and see Howe moved up to the HFF again.
  14. Demons vs League, Average Differentials and Rank to Round 12, 2014 Contested Rank / % Differential vs Average 16 / -6.3% Uncontested 9 / -2.4% Effective Disposals 10 / -3.4% Effective Disposal % 6 / 72.8% vs League 72.04% Tackles 17 / -5.1% Clangers 6 / -1.0% Contested Marks 11 / -0.3% Inside 50s 18 / -8.3% Marks Inside 50 16 / -2.1% Clearances 18 / -5.0% 1 Percenters 10 / -0.7% Bounces 16 / -4.6%
  15. Top 5 Rankings Snapshot of Stat leaders to Round 12, 2014. Rankings based on all players who have played at least 2 or more games this season. Contested (average per game) 1. The Jones Boy (11.5) 2. J Viney (9.6) 3. D Cross (9.5) 3. D Tyson (9.5) 5. B Vince (9.1) Uncontested 1. The Jones Boy (16.7) 2. M Jones (15.1) 3. D Tyson (14.8) 4. B Vince (14.1) 5. J Grimes (13.6) Effective Disposals 1. The Jones Boy (20.0) 2. D Tyson (17.1) 3. D Cross (17.0) 4. M Jones (16.3) 5. L Dunn (14.9) Effective Disposal % (Best) AFL Team Average 72.04% (Excluding MFC) 1. N Jetta (88.7%) 2. J McKenzie (81.5%) 3. J Spencer (81.3%) 4. D Kent (79.2%) 5. J Howe (78.9%) Effective Disposal % (Worst) 1. M Evans (47.6%) 2. C Salem (56.3%) 3. J Kennedy-Harris (60.1%) 4. B Vince (61.2%) 5. J Fitzpatrick (64.2%) Clangers 1. J McKenzie (4.0) 2. D Tyson (3.4) 3. J Viney (2.89) 4. C Dawes (2.86) 5. B Vince (2.8) Clearances 1. The Jones Boy (6.20) 2. D Tyson (4.6) 3. B Vince (4.5) 4. J Viney (3.3) 5. D Cross (2.7) Tackles 1. D Cross (5.7) 2. J Viney (5.0) 3. R Bail (5.0) 4. The Jones Boy (4.9) 5. J McKenzie (4.5) 1 Percenters 1. T McDonald (9.2) 2. L Dunn (4.27) 3. C Garland (4.25) 4. C Pedersen (4.2) 5. A Georgiou (3.9) Contested Marks 1. M Gawn (2.0) 2. J Howe (1.5) 3. C Pedersen (1.3) 4. L Dunn (0.91) 5. C Dawes (0.86)
  16. Easily Roosey's worst call so far this year along with ripping the Jones boy out of the middle and putting him down forward for the opening 10 to 15 minutes of the 3rd quarter (if my memory serves me correct... might have been the last) against the Doggies when we were only a few points down and Jones our best clearance winner to that point (and for the entire season to that point). The Doggies (eg, Cooney et al) jumped on it...won the first few clearances, kicked the first 1 or 2 goals and went on to lead for the rest of the match and win from there. To sub our best ruckman at such a crucial stage of the game when we still had a chance was lunacy. To then allow JKH to wander off the bench and into our backline was the other fail IMO. To green to be playing a role down back at such a crucial stage at this point in his career. If he did it against orders... then it's all on JKH and might have been why he copped a slight barrage at 3 quarter time. If not Roos shld look in the mirror and bake himself on the above. Significant progress so far which outweighs the above although i cant see us winning against anyone but the bottom dwellers with the current list, crappy i50 delivery, continual clangers straight back to the opposition, inability to hurt opponents on the rebound and present forward line up.
  17. Seems like a 2 steps forward 2 back atm. Positives... Much better organised in the middle and back half. Some decent quick thinking mids by hand and foot (Tyson, Vince and Cross). Sum extra grunt to help the Jones boy out in the clinches (Viney) Some players developing beyond expectations... Pedo & Jetta. The addition of a leader up forward and higher up the ground (Dawesy) who can mark and kick big game/moment goals. A part timer to help him out (Chip). The return and into some form of the big russian has helped us a little with general and center clearance work. The spread and clean ball use/speed at which we work our way out of and away from stoppages at least until the last entry i50 has improved substantially albeit some players still arent able to move the ball on by foot accurately or quickly enough...or they choose poor options who are well covered/or dont kick to their advantage. Problems.... Terlich and Grimes (and less often the likes of Howe/N Jones) hit/miss disposal/decision making is a major concern and impacting the scoreboard against far too often with turnovers off HB resulting in cheap goals to our opponents. Often killing momentum. Our inability to choose the right option/and or hit lead up targets (or those lead ups inability to lose their opponent just prior to the lead... or run back into space after initial lead) when coming i50 is the double edge to our clangers at HB highlighted above. We had the first 4 entries (or attempted entries) i50 in the opening minutes of the 3rd quarter against Port, with a chance to wrestle the game our way with a decent lead going into the last.... but we blew all 4 entries (and a few others later in the same quarter) with terrible choices/attempted passes to players who were well covered. When we find replacements for Terlich/Grimes who are better decision makers by foot (or hopefully see them improve chance to improve this aspect of their game at Casey) and clean up our disposal with the kick/pass/decision making on that last kick i50... then we will finally start winning these winnable games.
  18. Sounds like the frees are going Ports way. Usual story. Plus we just dont have enough dangerous weapons up forward ie, our conversion once going i50...for both marks and goals... must be way below AFL average. Lack of reward for effort. 189 possessions vs about 140 for Port yet so far behind on the board. When we fix this we'll be right in these contests for much longer....even against the top clubs.
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