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Demon Dynasty

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Everything posted by Demon Dynasty

  1. Don't stop ranting till we finally start winning and put a decent season in Picket. We need more rockets! How the hell does a club come out on the back foot against a dad's army put together only 6 weeks ago and play such pea hearted footy? My problem with the club is the way we start matches. My concern is not with the less exepreinced guys but more with the way some of our more senior players play such dumb, error ridden football (still), which ends up gifting turnovers, shots on goal and goals to our opposition on a fairly regular basis. Would have to be a little deflating to moral and inflating our opponents confidence giving them incentive to push harder. This was a major factor in the Bombers getting up last week IMO. Last week's opening quarter was riddled with turnovers by our more senior player's skill & decision making errors. This included Jonesy (twice), Garland, Tmac (twice), Lumumba (choosing the wrong handball options during or at the end of a run on 2 occasions) and Matty (hospital handball to Lumumba). All starting with TMacs's insanely idiotic decision to play on from a Matty jones short pass (with the score at 0.2 - 0.0 at about the 3 minute mark of the 1st), deciding for some mad reason to switch to a fat side that wasn't a fat side at all, eventually kicking it straight to an opponent. Then there was Tyson's fumble of a gift handball from Viney at the opening of the 2nd quarter which resulted in a quick tumble kick to Stokes and a goal within a minute or so of the opening bounce (just one example). Timing of his runs at center bounces...way off. Some mistakes by the younger brigade also but expected to a higher degree given their lack of experience. Roos is doing some good work no doubt and we appear to be finally improving our recruiting act but where's the match day performances/intensity/ferocity from the opening bounce? Port brought that tonight and walloped Essendon with Daniher hardly sighted! Sick of playing catch up footy. Wasting energy also with players chasing tail all the time. Hec now i know why we are tired!!
  2. If his game is anything like last weeks, he will need lots of pace to chase his opponent's tail all day who will be racking up the possessions. 4 Uncontested possies, 3 clangers for a net gain of 1 effective disposal last week. Oh, and 1 tackle. One of the worst games i've ever seen by an MFC player in over 40 years of watching. He could just about do anything he likes from here and still get a game. Put your feet up and relax Kenty....you got this!!
  3. Could not agree more with regard to leaving his man and trying to get to a contest to provide a chop out. There's a time to do so and then there Isnt. Getting caught In no mans land as that contest (or his timing/understanding of where that contest/ball drop) Is too far away from where he left his man. Then his direct man Is loose and Garlo seems unaware/or unable to recover quickly enough to find hIm again. Too often the player he has just left Is the one the opponent goes to on the rebound. Damaging stuff all round. Have seen this a number of times In the last 2 or 3 years.
  4. Was about to hit "Like" but there's a major flaw In the above. It's "Deeabolical" Steve... DEEabolical!!
  5. Hmm I cant agree with you AJ. Was quickly topped by this little gem :-D ... Gotta love D'land!
  6. Solid post. And here was I thinking we were just a bit tired! o_O
  7. Touche'! He did do a very good impression of a witches hat Skuit!
  8. We are in desperate need of another quality tall forward to offer a chop out and 2nd avenue to goal other than Hoges. Take the heat off him also. Too much focus on him atm and the way we bomb it in to the hot spots (mostly) another tall is needed (what chance a mid season draft!??) If we are going to bomb it in (mostly) like the first 2 weeks then i'm praying our other forwards (or even Hoges at times) will lead their opponents away from the hot spot in order to isolate (whoever is it) a little. Jeffy & Ben Ken doing the front & square/misquito work with both also spending time (pushing higher) through the mid in short stints. Pedo might play a role at FF for a bit (early before the damn bursts!?) with Hoges pushing higher at times to get him more involved and doubling back at times when Pedo's on the burst. They will attempt to catch us fast anytime we get a minor, so we will need to be on our toes setting up in defence super quick if we miss (hopefully we kick 18 straight!!), whether it's zone, man on man or a combo. One of the best teams (against us) at taking it coast to coast and no doubt boomer/Petrie will be in there somewhere. Speaking of which. i dragged out the pentagram this week and have attempted to summon Lucifer to make sure we man up their key play makers (and do the job) on Swallow (Vince?), Boomer (Grimes?) & Petrie (Tmac?). Dunny to start on Waite? Almost impossible to keep Boomer down for long periods but will be needed as he is usually involved in about 30% (or slightly more) of their scoring chains. Will need a bucket of luck and a bottle of 'Spark' to be consumed by every player prior to the match to have any chance of being competitive here, let alone having a chance to snatch a miracle. .... "Lucifer! ....You there!? Oh Lucifer!!!"
  9. Pretty sure we saw enough of Kent last week Dockett. I would prefer to learn more watching him at Casey.
  10. Jnr you just hit the nail on my head!
  11. Optimus we are referring to this weeks match not the opening round circa 2020
  12. Yes i meant if that match up is working on the day...don't rotate. I don't need any convincing that we are probably gonna get clobbered. And...i have no idea it's been that long. Maybe we can break a another hoo doo!
  13. A few interesting (but maybe meaningless) stats after the first two rounds. Disposal Efficiency % - team ave (Rank) * League average up to Rnd 2 is 73.4 Rnd 1 / Rnd 2 Demons 77 (4) / 71.8 (15) Bombers 74.9 (7) / 79.5 (1) Hawks 69.7 (15) / 74.7 (9) Eagles 79 (1) / 63.5 (18)
  14. I just remembered one other very handy forward who also recently left the game like big Johno. Doesn't seem to have hurt the cause down at doggy land (although i probably wouldn't be asking him for any kicking tips!). Might be able to assist in improving/helping out with sorting the whole forward line, including how we enter the 50, who leads where/when to make space out the back etc. Not sure if he's still contracted to them or available though. Pretty sure he no longer has a role there. http://www.heraldsun.com.au/sport/afl/former-cats-matthew-scarlett-and-cameron-mooney-link-with-western-bulldogs/story-e6frf9nx-1226517092466 and then there's the results of the hard work the Doggies have been putting in the last 4 years. Proving these things take time and the work needed is extensive across all areas (not just Jesse, not just our forward line). Roos & Co. have more than likely already laid some of these foundations (or at least i hope so). With a little more work and extra effort plus some additional recruits who knows, we might be only half a season or so behind. http://www.geelongadvertiser.com.au/sport/afl/footy-experts/cameron-mooney-western-bulldogs-return-to-finals-has-been-four-years-coming/news-story/4e537ccf36c2a4808511b5ecb9aea6cd
  15. You dont think he's entitled to an explanation? Beaten by a team put together over 6 to 8 weeks
  16. Is there any chance we could jump a team this year? Feels like 5 years or more since we did
  17. In: Dunn, Frost, Grimes Out: Kent, Garland, Bugg Grimes to play shut down on Boomer Jetta takes Thomas Tmac, Frost, Dunn rotating on their talls but only if Tmac isnt working on Pitrie as the first match up. If it aint broke dont change it other than rotation commitments
  18. IN: Not so tired Players OUT: Tired ones
  19. After such a big pre season what did you expect Pman. No doubt he was pretty tired! :-D
  20. I'm sure there's plenty of work/effort happening that I'm unaware of PG and sounds like he Is on track. Its up to the team to win games collectivly as a whole. It should never be on one persons (or a few) shoulders. If they can Improve the speed, accuracy and decision making when delivering Inside 50 then I think we will see the real hogan start to shine. At the moment Its a bit messy. Too congested. Other forwards leading their opponents to the hot spots and Into his space at times Isnt helping. But at times he also needs to lead his player away from the hot zones to make space for others behind etc. No doubt Roos & the FD have this covered anyway. Just a matter of getting it to work effectively and executing on the day. A fit Dawes wld also be handy!
  21. Dont worry they are also In the firing line Hogan. D'land leaves no stone unturned! :-D
  22. I agree on the Lumumba comment re options. We just dont lead or move enough. Too many players are stationary or sitting In the hole waiting for the ball to come to them. If u watch the best at the caper (Hawks) , as soon as they regain possession their up the line players (and those lateral) are on the move, stretching the field on leads and moving Into space. Also with regard to the Bugg cretique up there. Havent watched this clip but Are we certain Garlo actually called for the handpass before Bugg decided to play on? Looks like he Is just jogging past there. Would have thought he could have seen Big M and hit him up from that photo though. It appears we are still pretty ordinary at our decision making, movement and disposal by foot (there are exceptions). Then there's our defensive side
  23. I hear you Sart but Garlo has stalled and been In out bottom 6 (2nd only to Kentagainst the Bombers IMO) during the 2 opening games. Have to consider all options. Might be time to start blooding Frost here. Garlands gone under theradar for probably half a season now and Isnt Improving. Actually regressed on Sat from what was an ordinary game the week before.
  24. Having watched the game live you tend to see "everything" unfold but often it unfolds in a way you can interpret poorly from afar. Supporters waving flags in front of you, scoffing down the remnants of a coffee/crumbling donut etc. The 1st 10 minutes of that quarter are a disaster for a number of reasons and set the tone for the match. The 1st is the BS free picked out to the bombers about the 12 sec mark lol. Against Bugg, who did drag it in for a split second but was just as quickly knocked out of his possession with the ball ending up in a bomber's players hands/gut as he was sitting on/over him. Bugg never even had possession of the ball when the free was called. What a joke. Watch as they get up, the bomber player doesn't have to be given the ball as he is holding it lol. So first entry forward for the Bombers is courtesy of the ump. Nothing to do with us and beyond our control. Good effort from Bugg....first at the ball but gets penalised for it. The 2nd moment of ugliness was of course Tmacs insanity to play on (when he didn't have to) after receiving a short pass from Matty on a lead. Without assessing what was up the ground first (he almost always does this....looks laterally as first option instead of up the ground, possibly hitting up someone on the lead or clear) he automatically plays on and heads for the only place he looked which was sideways and goes for the switch. He of course then misses Garland not more than 25 meters away. The kick was one of the worst ive seen from a defender and went to the left of Garland straight to an Essendon player. We know the rest of this disastrous piece of play. To make such an error so early from a senior backman was a huge boost to the Bombers and a massive deflator for us. So, the Bomber's first goal came about through a solid press and inept kicking/decision making on our part by one of our more experienced backmen. Following this shocker we look to make ammends. After the bounce the ball spills towards 2 bombers. They run into each other clumsily, the ball spills out. We clean up nicely out the back through Salem, Gawn, BUgg and then Lumumba. Back to Salem who has run on. He proceeds to pass to Clarry who marks just forward of the 50. Jones sort of runs past him (almost into him) and calls for the feed off. Clarry honors the call and hands off nicely. Jones has the option of Salem (although Salem's not really calling for it as he runs adjacent to Jones but Jones (if he looks up field) also has a very open option well inside 50. I cant make out who it is in the clear ...maybe Jeffy? Jones must not be capable of considering this as an option as it would need to come in on his left foot instead of his natural right. He then proceeds to attempt a pass to Tmac laterally (using his right foot of course). He misses the pass, it's knocked out of Tmac's hands by Daniher and the Bombers take it down the ground for an eventual Mark by Daniher over guess who... Jonesey! Luckily Daniher proceed to miss this shot at goal (as he did on a number of occasions). The Bombers second shot at goal came about through a play that should have resulted in a 50 meter entry by us (quite deep) and potential mark/shot at goal, but instead was a pass that went lateral, missed its target and was turned over for a shot at goal by the opponent. This by very experienced Captain. The third moment of ugliness is a piece of play at the 7:49 minute mark. Vandenburg gets a "chopping of the arms free" and after Lumumba calls on the run, VAnders handballs to him. Lumumba runs his usual pony method up the ground until he is about to get caught, handballs backwards to a stationary Garlo. Lumumba continues to run on and call for the overlap but a little out of range unless Garlo goes for an around the body trick kick up the field which may or may not hit Lumumba on the run. It's risky but that's the sort of play you need to break and run through presses to create opportunities and hurt the opponent the other way with sling shot style run & gun for the possible shot at goal/score to get on the board. Garlo doesnt even consider this an option and proceeds to straight away look in board (having a host of Bongers in front would have meant a hospital kick over the top or a banana in Lumumba's direction i realise but it would have at worst gained yardage for us and seen the ball finally forward of centre in our forward line). I'm not sure who Garlo eventually intended to kick to out of Clarry and Salem but again (like Tmac) his first instinct was to look lateral (this time inboard). He didnt hit either, with neither really being free of their opponent. The ball spilled and eventually Clarry saved the day with some assistance from Viney but only for a few seconds as the ball was eventually turned over under severe pressure by Jetta after his receive from Viney. The Bombers ran this one in and found Daniher on the lead again. Luckily he again misses (everything). The Bombers 3rd shot on goal again came about through a poor decision and even worse attempt to pass (at best) or more likely a panicky kick inside (to no one in particular). Again by one of our more senior players in Garlo. This got the Bombers off to a dream start through a combination of a reasonably solid press/zone by them (and reasonable pressure) but most importantly, 3 successive horrible pieces of play from 3 senior/mature players. We basically torched ourselves in the first 10 minutes of play which set the tone for the rest of the day. P.S. I note with additional horror the blatant/biased special commentary of David King on Fox. He is rooting and willing the Bombers get the jump on us early! He must have a real hatred for us and/or Roos picked up somewhere in his travels. Did one of our blokes knock him out at some point? He is not a professional in any sense of the word and should not be allowed anywhere near a game call mic. What a disgrace
  25. I would suggest he asks his coach/es for assistance from a top former ex forward to assist and guide him with his running/leading patterns, where to lead to and when (timing), doubling back towards goal and when to lead higher up the ground (ie., to read the play up the field and know when to lead/play a bit higher (50 meter area and beyond) in order to provide a marking option to a player under pressure around mid field or off HB. I watched him closely on the weekend and he tends to be a little to "opponent" focused in my opinion. He wants to shake that opponent early as much as possible and try to break free with body work and early checking. That works fairly well at more junior levels and sometimes at AFL level also . But at AFL he is going to come up against some opponents who are just as powerful if not more powerful through the core than he is and in those matches he will need to vary his game and sometimes go to other weapons he has in order to be effective and win the day. There is also certain ways of pushing off an opponent that are more effective (body positioning etc). Having many options and reading the play, running the patterns with improved timing (etc) will keep his opponent guessing so he doesn't know what to expect next. Certainly not saying he doesn't know or isn't trying some or all of these aspects of forward play effectively now and that the club isn't helping him but the assistance of a former great of the game with many years (and an old head) on him couldn't hurt. Even if he only learns a few things and adds 2 to 3 extra assets to his game. Every little bit helps. I'm sure Dermy, Dunstall or Carey would be happy to go down and assist if he asked! Maybe even Lloydy himself. Just make sure he doesn't learn the art of staging off Matthew though... hated this part of his game! Was one helluva straight kick though, as was Dunstall. Dunstall was also amazing at using his body to work his opponent away from the drop of the ball and take a contested grab (clever use of the hips and a strong core).
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