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Demon Dynasty

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Everything posted by Demon Dynasty

  1. With Viney's pending return the timing of Tyson's ordinary game last week obviously didn't help his cause FD but might still play a significant role yet in this year's proceedings, depending injuries / form etc. Smith hasn't had a fair run at it yet at AFL level to really see what he can bring. I see him as a somewhat different style of forward to Pedders and even Hulk / T-Mac to some degree. More of a traditional lead up medium forward that might offer us a good optional mix between the 3 plus "maybe" a bit more pressure at ground level inside 50 or a tad higher up field when needed also. Like the idea of giving him a block of matches, as we have given Pedders & Weids in the past (more than once), to see what he can bring individually & whether the forward set up clicks at some stage. If he turns out ok (or better!) what's to lose? We potentially find yet another decent "go to" option and start building our scoring potential / depth even more. Providing even more possibilities and headaches for our opponents. If he is getting a 3rd string defender he might be the one on the day that takes the opp to the cleaners and kicks 4 to 6 goals once in a while! But as we all know the AFL is a tough caper and the complete reverse could happen. Hoping he can bring his best 'brand' of game on Sunday though! Go Demons!
  2. Spargo stays this week if you believe Goody's presser DV. If you are referring to the period the week after from the Adelaide match i think that is really dependent on the form of both players. Sticking with your maturity/experience line then it would be either a retention of Pedders from this week or Pedders for Bull if he gets the nod ahead of Pedders this week. Having said that i think the FD will more likely select on form at both AFL/VFL level (match ups / injury aside) based on the messages / hints coming out of base camp / Goody.
  3. Weid has 2 kilos on Pedders if you believe the MFC stats deever. Would like to see Weid slowly up the ante on the crashing / throwing weight bit from here now he has the weight on. Not saying he doesn't or hasn't tried a little but a bit more of it would be a very handy addition.
  4. That was a big fail for mine vs the Hawks Drunkn but yes it's possible. The alternative is you play Bull and just don't have a resting ruck. Extra ground level player / mid fielder at the drop. Pretty sure the Bullies and Tiges have done this in the past on occasions. Would think the aim is to half the contest at ground level while Big M is resting.
  5. That is very true also. Bull might miss purely on the "team first" role factor. The only thing i would say against Pedders coming in is that almost anyone with some height (like T-Mac) is the equal of him in a resting ruck role. But as you say they won't want to risk T-Mac.
  6. No arguments from me on that policy Drunkn. Would really love to see Bull get a fair run at AFL level (provided he performes obviously) after such crappy luck against the Tiges last time when taking one for the team.
  7. That is probably more accurate bing......whatever it is it ain't great!
  8. If that is the case, and i'm not saying it is or isn't, Bull would have to feel himself a tad unfortunate given his form against the then top of the ladder Box Hill.
  9. If we win again Saturday hopefully the wins will start having the same impact Chook
  10. 4 to 6... club media speak for... "not sure really but if it makes you feel any better"
  11. Looking like Ins: Viney, Bull Outs: Weids (inj), Tyson (managed?) Edit: Spargo is back doh!....just listened to Goody's presser. Jeffy close but no cigar!
  12. .... or just ask/watch Hibberd. As for training it, isn't that part of Misson's high performance role?
  13. A couple of major issues that Hunt needs to work on IMHO. Some have said kicking isn't great. I would argue it's above AFL level @ 72% efficiency this season....BUT...there's a good reason. He is now playing a cautious / safe style! I believe It's his decision making and where he is running / kicking to that's getting himself (and as a result the team & its game style) all muddled (see below). Most of his running to receive is in low percentage areas of the ground, out wide very close to boundary. He is making life hard for himself by not going to dangerous parts of the ground often enough for the receive which will leave him nearer the corridor, in a better position to attack / run off or find other targets ahead of him on various angles. (playing too safe means he then limits himself and the team with his next available options) By receiving close to boundary most of the time he then either has to take a risky kick inside OR go up the line short or long. He is mostly going long often to players who are also very near boundary line continuing the slower / less direct route towards goal. If they do mark by this stage the opp is getting many numbers back to defend or the ball is knocked away over the line for another stoppage and again the opp is able to set up and defend. The coaches must be hating the frequency of this and the effect on slowing down their desire for the quickest sling shot possible. Occasionally Hunt tries to go short and is often effective but is usually going laterally to a player out wide (for example even when Hunt is reasonably well positioned further inboard between HBF and true CHB he will go short laterally with the next receiver ending up in a wider / worse position and having gained no yardage ....and defence getting even more numbers back, limiting the next receiver's ability to impact) As some have said already, Hunt doesn't have a side step or shimmy backwards step (a la Hibberd) to get around opponents in front or avoid tacklers coming from behind then kick around them on the arc. He is all ahead full and often all ahead full when he should have assessed and disposed well beforehand (knowing his limits....if he can't sidestep etc). He is then putting himself under pressure and ending up giving off a few too many hospital handballs. Confidence. With the above issues Hunt is losing (or has has already lost) much of his confidence and hence his ability / instinct of knowing when to run / when to go slow. Maybe also trying to over compensate!?? Often doing things in exactly the wrong way to which he once would have been. Ie., Taking an uncontested well in the clear and stopping to go back over the mark when it would be more damaging to play on and use his biggest weapon (pace) with options in front. Or playing on when he has multiple defenders around / in front of him instead of getting back quickly and giving off a very quick handball to someone running adjacent (yes others can assist with their run....he doesn't have to do all the run & carry!) or finding a short target etc up the field as quickly as possible. In short, i feel If Hunt uses his greatest weapon to more effect and starts running to more dangerous areas of the ground to receive more often..... then along with a stack of hard work (including learning how to side step / shimmy!) he will slowly find his mojo and be the damaging player we know he can be once more. So good to watch in full flight! Fingers crossed.
  14. Not to be confused with the Devil's dumplings! .... .....
  15. Even more leeway GTB! Never backward in coming forward are the Hawks, especially under Clarkson
  16. The Hawks have been pushing the rule boundaries (and in many cases breaching them) for a decade and been allowed to get away with it more than any other team IMO and now they have direct access to Gil! Lucifer help very other club! Their "what about me" cry has now been given the stamp of agreement by Gil. Are now a shoe in for top 4 and subject to a run of bad luck with injuries, will be given every opportunity on the field to make another GF! What a Coup from Clarkson! (with a leg up from Jeff pulling a few strings??) What a pox on the rest of the struggling Vic clubs looking to make it to the top. Good luck anyone trying to beat the Hawks this year. Golden armchair ride beckons.
  17. If that is the case Praha then he might need some extra work on bananas / check side attempts. From what i have witnessed of late he appears try to "guide" the banana through the goals rather than staying the course on the original more correct line (angled away from goal towards middle of ground or thereabouts) opening up the angle a little more and allowing the drop of ball and point of contact to curl the ball on its natural arc through the middle. I noticed Hogan was trying to guide one or two banana attempts through in a similar fashion (changing his line/angle as he walked off the mark more towards the goal) early in the season but is now having some success by maintaining his line a little more and letting the curl do most of the work. I still recall Bartel's banana in the 2011 GF from deep in the pocket. A great example of super solid technique / routine under max pressure which made a very difficult kick look easy ( 1:40 in if interested )...
  18. Poor old Melk had the yips on Sunday. Would have been an excellent game otherwise, excluding some of the bombing to top of square too often or on top of a player's head who is outnumbered. If he can try & hit a few more targets with short passes coming i50 when coming out of mid field more often it might change him from handy to elite. Even with the yips that was still his best game for the year though IMHO.
  19. Not that anything i say matters but having watched Dom closely live & on box i find his reaction time is too slow to play inside successfully and is not a true in and under player anyway. Prefers to mop up after the initial forays inside which he does well. But we have plenty who do it as well or better inside especially with Viney returning. I think he is ok on the outside but only if receiving in enough space to assess and deliver within 40 meters or so on his left. In this scenario he generally assess well making good decisions and hitting up targets or kicking to favoured / fat side at a high percentage. Can look a million doing this at times when not kicking to unrealistic targets outside kicking range. What holds him back though IMO is his lack of burst speed and taking a bit long to assess/execute which sees him under pressure quite often and results in too many turnovers through pressured / panicy disposals. Hence the good / bad scenario and so many mixed views on where he is at. Personally i dont feel he is elite inside or out. A good without being great all rounder though. Would be looking to trade for a speedy classy outside mid at year's end if available similar to Impey at the Hawks
  20. Lucifer forbid he ends up anything like Col SF. What a waste of talent. Hopefully the FD can find / replace missing grub (bite?) screw and get him to about 4th gear or so for the most part of the season.
  21. I agree LH. Would benefit more from playing a forward positional role and pushing up a little when required. However, as i stated earlier i would still rather have him playing out of a HFF role as a direct swap with Hannan (into an outside run & carry mid /forward role) or replacing Melk (Viney for Melk). With Viney returning i no longer see the need for Hulk to be playing as much time up the ground. And if you move Hannan up there we also gain outside speed / run & carry (and close down speed on the opps speedsters when they get it...see Ablett Rnd 1) that Hulk doesn't really offer. This gives us the luxury of bringing Jesse back to playing extra time at/around true CHF (Structure! + our best KPF). T-Mac out of the square (Structure + our other best KPF). This also sets a challenge for a very talented Tracc and might help focus his mind to achieve something of worth (loves a goal...work on his pressure i50 when he doesn't have it) and freshen his mind a little. Their dynamics in the air and off the ground along with the finish on and around goal (power of Tracc plus Finesse Aerial ability of Fritsch) of a forward set up...... Weid* / T-Mac / Spargo# Fritsch / Hogan / Tracc ... has my lips smacking! And will pose a real problem for any Opp with the variation in size / power / skill sets while still retaining the "3 talls" forward line if required. * Changing up as required with Melk, Pedders, Smith if FD deems suitable & in form # Jeffy (as above)
  22. With 3 permanent talls, Melksham, Hannan as well as Nibbler playing a fair bit of time up forward im wondering where or how he plays any signifanct time forward. Seems to be playing a mostly outside mid role similar to that of Dom atm and running / getting to contests mostly between the arcs. Personally think the Dom/Tracc outside options make us a little pedestrian on the outside. Neither are line breaking either which allows opponents ahead to roll back in numbers and crowd out our forward 50. Might be time to bring Hannan up a little more for Tracc and get a little more pace/line breaking run going on the outside and set tracc some tasks i50. He is dynamic over head and at ground level and can hoof a ball from 50ish. Loves a goal too. Once he picks up his defensive work rate and work rate in general he should regain some previous good form also. The other alternative is he takes over Melk's role up forward and move Hannan into an outside mid role pushing forward a little. Viney in for Melk who needs to work on his kicking both at goal and delivery inside 50. Drops it on top of forward's heads too often around the goal square. Could also be reflective of the fact that we dont have a genuine lead up forward out of the 3 permanents that are there though. I guess that's part of Melk's role. Trouble is he is often playing too high himself and cant be doing both
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