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Little Richard

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Everything posted by Little Richard

  1. Crazy that we've been working with him since 13 and will likely lose him because of a rule change last year. If that happens, is there any way we can appeal to the AFL?
  2. The 'Alistair Clarkson Curse' I hope.
  3. Here's hoping! Certainly need to make at least a couple of changes this week.
  4. And they're still allowed in 2021 apparently, I saw at least half a dozen on Saturday night and only one was penalised (pretty sure it was just the one).
  5. It's genuinely depressing seeing how much concerted effort some posters put in to twist everything into a negative light.
  6. Ah yes good point, forgot about the Cats win yesterday. Thanks for the correction!
  7. Come on mate, season sunk? We're second on the ladder and I've seen nothing to convince me that any side is much better than us (except for when you factor in score conversion, which we can easily turn around). We are still a huge chance this year, don't let past experience get the better of you. We could use some fresh legs so I'd certainly be keen to bring in Bowey, perhaps Chandler or Bedford and Melksham should probably be in the mix too. Some of the lads may need a breather before the finals, i.e. Kozzy, Jackson, Jordon.
  8. Gonna be a rough trot home. Not confident against Geelong but we have a score to settle with Adelaide and I reckon we'll deal with the Suns comfortably. WCE will be a tough one and a good litmus test. 3-1 would be a great result.
  9. What a swim by the girls in the 4X100 final!!
  10. I don't think he played a particularly poor game, just didn't get a lot of opportunity. I was so frustrated last night but really, I'm not at all convinced that the Doggies are better than us. They were more efficient converting their shots but if we took our chances early it could have been a very different story. Hope we meet them again in September and put them to the sword.
  11. Not sure what they were thinking, selecting so many talls for what will probably be a heavily rain affected match. Hoping it backfires spectacularly, I reckon we'll come away with the points. Midfield battle will be fascinating and looking forward to Viney asserting himself and Oliver using the ball smarter this week.
  12. This whole situation is so frustrating. We finally get access to an academy pick and a great prospect in Mac and we're going to have him whisked away, thanks to a rule change. Fantastic.
  13. Always manages to make his commentary and writing about himself in some way. Surprised he's elected to write about Fritsch too when there are so many snipers in the game. Mumford is one that comes to mind, he's a genuine rat who always plays the man and gets away with it every time.
  14. Many fantastic memes out of that one ?
  15. I think it's certainly that. The hack kicks and the way he ignores a first (and often open) option and ducks back into traffic are just so, so agonising. Viney was exactly the same.
  16. Oliver's decision making is regressing at a rate of knots and it's so painful to watch.
  17. Oliver, Petracca and Viney had no issues finding the ball. But jeez I don’t think I’ve ever seen as many dumb or ineffective disposals. What’s going on?
  18. I will know, didn't even realise it was on. Pumped to watch Andrew but I'll be holding back until he's officially on our list. Not that hopeful TBH.
  19. It's mostly just the same trash, over and over. Leppitsch was great last night and I love listening to Daisy's insights - I just hope she doesn't become corrupted, trying to fit into the mould of the simpletons who are still living in the 'good old days'.
  20. Still buzzing, that was absolutely the statement we needed to make. Doesn't matter so much if we drop a few games to the lower teams, because we clean up against the ones that count. Even better that it could have been a ten goal belting, really.
  21. BBB has to stay in the side, our structure held up so much better.
  22. Huge opportunity to make a resounding statement tonight. Super pumped!
  23. I can't see us dropping Jackson as he offers so much as a second ruck. True that he's not exactly an imposing forward target yet but thanks to his insane movement, he is still dangerous when the ball hits the ground and kicks most of his goals out the back. Brown has to come in and I think Melksham for Pickett this week. Brown stays deep, McDonald roams around half forward where he does his best work and Melksham adds some more polished delivery inside 50, which we are sorely lacking.
  24. Something Nathan Jones said a few years ago still resonates with me. He was talking about how many of the younger players at the club still didn't understand momentum shifts during games and how to go about combating or capitalising those. The likes of Vince and Lewis were a breath of fresh air with their experience and obviously coming from more successful and professional clubs. We've come a long way in dealing with momentum shifts during games. Now however, we're having to deal with momentum shifts in the season as a whole. We haven't been in a position like this and therefore, the players and probably coaching staff have to work out the best way to wrestle back some momentum going into the pointy end of the season. We're definitely not pretenders in terms of list quality and coaching nous, but we absolutely need to get this right or we will fizzle out. Mark Williams is going to be instrumental IMO.
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