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Red and Bluebeard

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Everything posted by Red and Bluebeard

  1. Seems hard to argue that a Melbourne player was the target -- none of them are even looking at Hayward, and as you said, Hayward is eyeballing the umpire. Horse must be on something strange to be arguing that ...
  2. Nah, not enough data in the game day threads to be taken seriously. The NoT$NoB$ thread on the other hand ....
  3. But when you are never wrong OD, you never have to admit any mistakes 😆
  4. Who gets dropped when Gawn comes back? What role, if any, is there for BBB and Tmac?
  5. Chandler also ran about 100m at top pace to make position for the kick to him. Then showed Buddy how to kick for goal!
  6. I call it a win-win game for us (unless it is a draw, which has its own compensations).
  7. Don't give them ideas, BBO ...
  8. I know what you mean, but Buddy could have easily avoided all contact but chose not to. The other player was bending down to get the ball, and did not see him coming.
  9. Great to see this back guys. Without wanting to whinge too much, how can Kozzy's hit be graded as high impact when Buddy's is graded as medium impact? We know that the MRO is inconsistent, but this seems ludicrous.
  10. All that is missing is a gigantic figure of Grawndy coming in from the right to kick the dog's enormous bum :-)
  11. We will be cheering you on WCW. Hoping for some 2021 style Dees form kicking it out of the park.
  12. Will be there in spades with my adult daughter, two of her housemates and may be my son. Should be a great occasion! Probably wander in about an hour beforehand, get a feel of the ground and try to stop shaking my heda about why we had to do this on a Wednesday in 2022.
  13. Wild Bean's Kitchen Circus Nightmare? 😆
  14. Is the antithesis of decorum known as corum? 😆
  15. Listening to him would give diarrhea the sh*ts ...
  16. But "straight to the point post" sounds too much like last season ...
  17. No idea how that could be done, with one exception ...
  18. That this is the only thread on Demonland that cannot be derailed ... this has never been on the tracks in the first place!
  19. I think I will wait for Cocaine Croc vs Kong....
  20. Nah -- this stuff is normal for this thread!
  21. There's three certainties in life, death, taxes and the No T$ No B$ thread ...
  22. If a Bunnings brunch is not good enough for you, then you are the problem!
  23. For me, it is more like some French hunchbacks ...
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