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Everything posted by PaulRB

  1. Why not just go to Falls in Summer (1600-1800m) with facilities...? Altitude Training - Falls Creek if the club can't afford it perhaps we should raise some money for it..? Carn Dees
  2. Me too. Reckon Gys goes out.
  3. Surely there are a few members with lodges at Falls Creek they could lend for the team for a couple of weeks over summer?
  4. Lets just make sure Lynden Dunn does not go anywhere near Judd... His effort on Chappy last week seemed to feed the killing frenzy the cats were already in...
  5. Would have said 63k but the rainy weather bring it back to 57k. Games going to be pumped all week, guaranteed entertainment from the media's perspective, i.e. Can the Dees rebound and regain their pride? And the Blues fans at feeling cockey enough to see us as lively but ultimately unsuccessful on Saturday. Allowing them the further gloat ... Big crowd. Any true MFC supporter should be keen to be at the G to see how the team we love responds...
  6. I reckon Tom Scully's onfield leadership, discipline and understanding of playing in the middle make him a good candidate for the leadership group. Any of the new candidates need to demonstrate their credentials for the leadership by playing a match winning role in an important game. Not to many of the next generation have played to many of these to date. Saturday is the opportunity and if TS, JT, JW etc.. put their hand up and have a blinder (and he stays) I'd have him in the leadership group...
  7. What about bringing in Barty to also play a midfield tight tag on Judd/Murphey with others? I worry about Silvia if Judd goes to the forward pocket to "rest". We need to tip the midfield to our advantage any way we can..?
  8. I'd look at either Davey, Scully and Trengove to Judd. May not beat him (he is good) but quite likely to hurt them the other way if Judd does not pay them too much respect...? Do the same for Murphey?
  9. I'd hope. IN: Davey, Scully, MacDonald, Morton. The rational is that this week that those experienced players whose performance has been sub-par or their future value questioned should be given a run this week. This list includes Dunn, Bate and Maric, all of which have kept their spots for Carlton. OUT: Nicolson, Strauss, Howe, Bate. The flip of the above logic, take the least exposed of the next generation players out, I feel that this game will be best served by those MFC players with the most to lose if they under perform. That said the above selections are based on a key assumption that all the players present themselves to play for the club cherry ripe and raring to go.
  10. Time to turn our thoughts to Saturdays game. Melbourne fans are all resilient. This week is a huge challenge to our players. Assuming Tom is fit, we have Davie, Scully, McDonald, ... available to come into the team. Who comes in? Who goes out? And, of most interest to me is, how do we beat the bruise free blues (Blues)? Come on Dees!!!
  11. Go back in time 42 years and make sure I didn't follow my old mans footy team...
  12. Hey Robbie, can you ask your wife who we should get next? Please.
  13. So what is the news on CS and CC?
  14. Hold fast to a review of the coach(s) role at the end of the year, as per what Don McLardy siad prior to the game. Bailey should be given the chance and respect to see out this year at the very least. We're still capable of making the finals and it seems their are other issues at the MFC that are making Baileys job even harder than it already was...
  15. Given the other internal issues at MFC we need to hold fast to a Coach review at the end of the year. In the interim sort our what the issues are with Schwab and Connelly... I have no idea what they are... But Bailey should be given the next 5 games then review and decide. If he is moved on we would need to wait till the finals are complete to have open discussions with over half the potential replacements... It's becoming apparent that the loss to the Cats was expanded by some issues between players and Schwab? issues between Bailey and Connelly? Looks lika a total cluster F#%k as the yanks would say...
  16. Yes sarcasm. I brought up that the TS saga was distracting the team, raised it in the context of one percenters that all clubs are looking to address, and never said there were not bigger causes of our under performances this year. I assumed that they would be addressed in other threads... To say it is an "...absolute cop-out to..." then referring to the leader ship is simply an attempt to silence debate by 1. over stating my comment and then 2. referring to an issue beyond the topic of this thread (i.e. leadership). Then you try to push the topic away by implying I'm further weaking the team by offering a "excuse"... Phew, I guess from you elaborate defence that your position is that the TS saga has no detrimental effect on the team... To which, I disagree
  17. Oh my apologies. I thought I was on the Tom Scully thread.
  18. Red herrings to bring others into this. A "1 percenter" means there can be 100 reasons for failure/under performance. My point was that as the MFC tries to address these 1 percenters, the distraction of the TS saga will be on the list (with many other 1 percenter...).
  19. What responsibilities are "we" (MFC or MFC supporters) not fulfilling in regard to Tom? Don't understand why you think blaming others would make me feel better. Thats just weird and perhaps your projection...
  20. Chicken and egg questions. Do teams in which a player is publicly questioning their commitment to their team (for an entire season) achieve success? Are teams likely to play better or worse when all the players are committed and united (in the team)? You may not see the Tom saga as "hardly diminishing the club" but in a footy world consisting of generating team intensity and commitment, one percenters, etc.. I disagree with you.
  21. What I feel is always my issue, problem. I don't blame Tom however as the protagonist in this saga with the power he has to take responsibility for the results of his decisions/tactics... It's not about making me feel better, but my communicating to you why this situation sucks and is humiliating for the MFC (whom I am emotionally attached to). PS IMHO the MFC are putting a brave face on a crap position in which they have few options but to suck it up. Indeed.
  22. Exactly. Tom has the power to stop the whole circus right now. But he won't. Hence, he's continuing to diminish the MFC.
  23. I support the MFC. I expect MFC players and staff to do likewise. Toms sagging support is due to the fact that the media circus, GWS and his negotiation tactics have made MFC supporters have our noses rubbed into the fact that the MFC is potentially going to lose a very talented young player and (and this is the sting) there is nothing the MFC can do about it. Supporting a footy team is an emotional business and result of Tom's negotiating tactics have been humiliating for the MFC and I don't like that. That's why people are drifting off Tom...
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