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Everything posted by brendan

  1. This is pretty much why the Brownlow is now a joke award, coaches award is a much better indication
  2. The loss to me was pretty much the story of our year, play a ripping block of games for 4-6 weeks then put up an absolute stinker, just a shame that stinker was a preliminary final but rather that then do it in a grand final, we will be fine just need more consistency and experience
  3. Do yourself a favor and turn it off and head outside it’s a wonderful day
  4. All over red rover we are in way over our heads, been a good step forward and I hope they learn from this
  5. Hope the pies smash these idiots there fans are a bunch of morons
  6. How would you be feeling if you dropped 2k to go over and watch this rubbish
  7. What the hell is with our players slipping over what the hell have the eagles put on the grass
  8. Yea looking ominous could get ugly very quickly here
  9. So have to enter ballot Wednesday and if we lose on Saturday they will still charge us $5 what an absolute rort
  10. Richmond and pies prelim good luck getting a ticket will get 100k
  11. Geez you would think they would wipe the camera lens
  12. After the saints and swans game I thought we were gone, to now be playing off in a prelim is just insane win or lose next week I couldn’t be prouder of this club right now
  13. Roaming Bryan went to the ice baths and here is Crossy in there lol, even when not playing a true professional
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