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Everything posted by Moonshadow

  1. I heard the China trip changed all that for Liam. The same trip where $cully wore The Gawn Yawn
  2. I'd rather we had taken Fred with pick 12
  3. Interesting to see a 'Cook' lining up in a key position for Port. Been a long time since the old VFA days when Fred Cook kicked a bag every week for the Boroughs. This weekend's Cook is at the other end of the ground, hopefully letting a Casey bag through.
  4. Tough interview to watch. Daniel certainly looked uncomfortable, takes courage to agree to that. It was clearly an interview about one footballer's gaming addiction rather than an interview about football. He has some demons he has to deal with on a daily basis that essentially rule his life and determine his relationship with his wife and kids, his friends and family, and his employers. I admire his ability to take responsibility and fess up, and his determination to be a better male role model than he had experienced in the past. He knows the legacy that he has been given and what he wants to pass on. Addictions of all kinds can ruin lives. I enjoyed watching him as a player and wish him well in the future.
  5. Max and Jesse will have to be satisfied with keeping the pine warm as Pedo holds down ruck and KPF role #pedofacts
  6. Rather a player get leather poisoning and turn it over a few times than not get the ball at all. Would like to see Dom improve his kicking, but he is a very important player to our improvement going forward.
  7. Just happy not to see that pain in the rrrse Harvey line up against us this time.
  8. Isn't the Whitten Oval now VU Oval, or something similar???
  9. Make sure your passport is up to date and that your date is passable (in a doctor way)
  10. Interesting point. There's also been some talk of helmets having a negative outcome. That is, they give the wearer a false sense of security and as a result, they go in harder. This link is about junior football and helmet wearing, but I understand the same principle applies further up the year levels. To helmet or not to helmet "It suggests helmets may give a false sense of security: ''Players who mistakenly wear headgear because they think they are protected may place themselves at increased risk of injury.'' Similar theories have been applied to the value of cycling helmets, that people not wearing helmets might be more cautious. Differs from a contact sport, of course.
  11. The world is full of 'ifs'. The reality will give us character.
  12. That's just plain wrong. The OP discussed the positions on the field Jesse might be of most value. I don't think it's disrespectful to discuss this, even with today's news. I personally think the topic is based upon a very small sample of 3 games, but as long as posters are respectful of Jesse's current situation there is value discussing our structures and options when he's in the team and not in the team. Threads often morph and change direction. This thread can discuss options while Jesse is recovering from his cancer. I don't agree necessarily with the OP but I don't think it's disrespectful. There's a place for censorship and being PC. But within reason, this topic isn't one of them.
  13. How the f... does GAJ figure 4th in the totals?
  14. Our whole backline was well planned and coached against Adelaide. Nev did a great job against Eddie, was well supported by the other backs and mids. Our structure held up better and better the longer the game went.
  15. Terrible news. Best to him and his family. This young man deserves a standing ovation next time he appears at the G
  16. Not a list change as such, but I'm really liking Tracc having spells in the middle and hope this increases. Such a damaging player.
  17. But not his/her glutes if your were gluten intolerant dc
  18. So you know the guy and his coach and know for a fact he targeted Gus? Cause if he did, don't you think he would've got more than 1 week. My guess is that he'd be done possibly for life for targeting a player with concussion issues. As I said, how sbout we stop making [censored] up.
  19. Like the waterlogged ball targeted the back of his head? Or when an accidental head clash was miraculously pre-planned? A lot of wild statements on this thread, very little balance. I get the concern, but let's stop making [censored] up shall we.
  20. And the basis of your understanding is...? Pass the sauce please.
  21. Who says Oliver doesn't kick it enough!
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