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Everything posted by Moonshadow

  1. In this day and age, do you think any team "pins their hopes" on one player?
  2. Yes, with 30 games under his belt that's what would be expected
  3. Yes, and when the going got tough you left me to fend off 15 Carlton supporters, mostly bald headed flogs
  4. Nice abuse. Watched much footy? Thought not
  5. Requires greater strength through the hips and midriff. Gets pushed out of the contest to easily. Needs more time. 30 games, 22 years old
  6. Tried that. Lets work with what he's good at
  7. Hard to argue with that. Let's keep Preuss in.
  8. Says the man who can't post more than 8 words coherently!
  9. Robbie Flower didn't win a Charlie. He's in good company.
  10. Exactly. More potential keeping. Just turned 22. Played 30 games. Some posters expect players to develop instantly. No patience. (queue the references to 1964...)
  11. Bbo and I currently fighting off 4 carlton supporters. Where are the behaviour adjustment regulators?
  12. Are you even at the game? Fritter sprayed everything in the first half. Go away fool.
  13. Preuss has done very well against Pizza Face
  14. Mate, you said he's a dead eye in front of goals. He's now playing back because Hore is injured. Before that he was forward. Fool.
  15. BBO and I have snuck into the Carlton reserved seat area near Betty Cuthbert bar. We've been winding them up no end! Might not get out alive
  16. Weid needs more strength through his hips. Struggles to hold his ground in the contest
  17. I've always thought him to be very average, but he's been good today
  18. Corporate box with Wisper and Gil again Red?
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