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Everything posted by demon3165

  1. Gee it will be a laugh reading this post if Green remains Captain, watch the board go into meltdown with all our experts venting their anger..........
  2. Think they might go for something way out of left field with their thinking , wait until pre-season is done and dusted to see how they all go before rushing into selecting one, now that would be different.
  3. And if my auntie had balls she would be my uncle!! that was then this is now we have a good list lets deal with that.
  4. RudeBoy, you have to forgive the simple folk, some people understand the game, some think they do and some have no idea but I guess all teams have them!!
  5. Can someone tell me if Bate has toned down in his legs, I am only going by some of the pics, if so that might help his mobility.
  6. I think some people should re-read the article again, the Headline is written by the sub editor (of course they have to make something big about it) but it does not put down Watts at all, it in facts, tells him and us what it needs to become an elite footballer.
  7. Also Rhino comparing workers to AFL players is drawing a long bow, could one of your workers get re drafted to another company while under contract happen? so lets not compare that view.
  8. Not missing at all did DB complain about hid dismal, not from my recollection the only ones who are in debate about this are people who don't know the facts leading up to it, the club has never really said why it was done only the press.
  9. Rhino do jump up and down and take the moral high road when someone gets the sack from your work, while I like DB the facts are we went backwards a long way this year, what happened happened, move on. and stop trying to be the all mighty one, sometimes the ordinary folk just might be right.
  10. Rhino, would not have thought what I called him offensive, just as some of the comments on the GDHM post, but will accept it.
  11. Hope this works, http://enewspaper2.t...W=1318807028736 You have to go to the sport section, sorry about that and go to Freo blew Clark deal
  12. Don't tell, someone who has common sense, hope this does not catch on in demonland..........
  13. Have a feeling some balls will really drop from the players from their first training session, we might not have got MM but hell we have his clone.
  14. Well seeing you think that, then he will be a monty to be a great player for us!!
  15. At this stage you don't need a large panel to choose a coach, one only have to look at the criteria that has been set down and that comes from a small list of coaches that they want. If they cannot land one then I think the sub-committee will then change.
  16. MMMMM who else got the chop for being to slow, let me think, was it Greg Williams???? yeah and he was a dud!!
  17. Well after reading all the doom and gloom posts I think it's time to step back and think with a clear head. Yes it has been a hard season, hopes were dashed and dreams of finals shot but out of the the train wreck things will change for the better a new coach (hard nosed I hope) and dare say new assistants with a game plan with structures that have to be followed (as much as I liked DB I think that was one of his weaknesses) you will see players learn the art of how to play as a finals team ever week one that never goes down without a fight thats what we all want. As for wanting to get rid of certain players we have a young list body wise and game wise, I remember people on this site canning Frawley, Garland, Jamar etc and people seem to forget how good Mortan was in his first year one has to remember some players get lost for a while and maybe the role they asked him to play was not for him, look at Leon Davis moved into the backline and he is a different player so there is hope. While DB introduced new players into the side our body shape has never really changed except for a certain few and I bet whoever takes over will change all that then and then you will see the confidents grow, look at the Cats. Pies, Hawks and even the Saints and if you go back in the past they all had that trait. As for the troubles that have hit the club, seems the club has put the shutters down and sorting it out like good clubs do and we will again have a united board, so I take this view I don't know all the facts do you? and until I do I cannot blame anyone as there is always two sides to a story. So yes I am still looking forward to the next season with the same hopes so to all those in despair take a Bex and have a lay down
  18. What a joke three pages of rubbish by stupid people reacting to a stupid article written by a hack journalist of a now gossip paper, FFS get a grip.
  19. Bailey is starting to remind me of one Bill Stephen who coached what is known as the baby bombers will it happen here?
  20. Have you really read the merger papers? if so read again slowly you might just understand what it's all about.
  21. "As pointed out by other posters it should be up to you to prove your theory right not others to disprove it" please read what I have said about my theory and I don't have to prove anything we are all aloud to express a view or opinion or is that now outlawed here, as for Moloney don't have a problem with the discipline of him and I agree one has to look after the image of the club and of the sponsors, I also think that the club needs to show a strong culture but the way it was done was embarrassing in my opinion.
  22. Your opinion only and where are the facts to your story, none if you think there was more to the story do you really think the media would have fallen for that don't think so, so you can put as much spin on it as you want, as for Watts again I have always said I could be wrong ( unlike yourself ) but you cannot definitely say it could not happen but then again it is you!!
  23. What they did to Moloney was an embarrassment to the club, yes take the VC of him but there was no need to have him face the media in that way, as for Watts I still think managed his playing role against the suns.
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