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Everything posted by demon3165

  1. Then tell me what other major platform have the members complained about the home base NONE because it is not an issue with the rank and file it's that simple to understand.
  2. Success brings recruits, and if the redevelopment of the southern stand does get done how does that solve the problem it's the same being at AMMI park?
  3. People did not follow any football team because they had a home ground, people followed teams through family, friends, players and success, football is tribal game it's as simple as that, marketing is completely different to 20 -30 years ago. Your point about the heartland, hate to tell you but that has changed with different demographics of people, Hawthorn moved from their heartland Collingwood did the same those days are gone the reality is people don't care it's what they do on the ground that counts.
  4. Well guess you could not answer my question but ok, 1. I am not blindly following the board but do understand how hard it is to get a multi million funded project off the ground it does take time and lets face it governments are wary of giving money to a football club when they are struggling financial wise not good aesthetics. 2 Yes I would like a all in one club but we had our chances years ago, but until then we have facilities that are damm good for the players and that what counts. 3. People get on here and continue to infer that the board either has done nothing or don't know what they are doing or not telling the truth. Sorry, on your first point yes we had our injuries but the game plan was the biggest problem, even they tried to change late season but it was too late.
  5. You keep saying facilities need to be upgrading but you cannot say what, stop generalising and tell me, or are you saying that the need for upgrading cost us a flag last year?
  6. So we cannot upgrade Casey then, is that what you are saying, GOSH'S paddock has been upgraded or are football grounds going to get bigger?
  7. yeah and we trained there and was the only club there as well, that doesn't happen now, so what's your point, it's a ground, it's a weight and gym, it's a pool, we have better facilities now than the Junction Oval, we missed out throughout time because of this ideology that we must only be near the MGC because we play at the G and it's our home ground that worked out for us didn't it.
  8. Ok when state, federal and council money or approval for such projects are needed especially in this climate money wise all parties will not want information let out, but regarding the Caulfield project there was a delay and still might be regarding issues with the council and community groups and other parties, personally the only people moaning is a minority section of members, the club has Casey Fields and its set up AMMi park for gym and pools and the admin is there as well, we also won a Premiership with these same conditions, I wonder if these people seem to think there will be a social section for the club in any new amenities, now you can believe Pert or just come out and say he's lying instead of innuendo comments.
  9. Can you tell us which $20 - 50 odd multi million dollar projects that you started with state, federal and council from the ground up, as you think that is easy to do? I hope you understand the word confidentiality? or should they just let everyone know and get all parties to withdraw from the talks.
  10. Think they will change that now out to the right out to the right........
  11. Going by some of your reports it's not worth turning up this year to watch it's all over.......
  12. Well well fancy that when you kick it straight over the man on the mark....
  13. So what about people that don't bother with those platforms, calling a phone number would solve that problem as the club can do it there, people can either call before leaving or the night before as for the web site don't the AFL or an outsource supplier?
  14. Well one could have a dedicated phone line with training times and changes to training times that way you can ring before going...
  15. Maybe it's best if they don't advertise training times at all, it would solve all the problems concerned...
  16. Thought the heavier stuff from crimebourne would be fitting..by the way how did Sestan look, I know he is coming from a long way backhe is but interesting.
  17. Loved the report but a bit worried about medication Loved the report and many thanks but Picket get off the drugs Dr Who is not real.....
  18. Still moving out to the right, the kicks they should be practicing are 45-50 metres where they run in on an arc instead of kicking over the man on on the mark more misses than close in.
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