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Posts posted by Grapeviney

  1. Many years ago, I wrote to the PSSST section on the back page of the Sunday Age sports section and claimed credit (along with a fellow Demonlander) for creating the "Oooooozzzze" call which accompanied Yze's every possession.

    Truth be told, I can't actually recall whether we were the first to do it or not, but the paper duly printed it.

    ... and as we all know, The Age only prints the truth ;)

  2. The article included a picture of yesterday's Swan article implying somehow that Collingwood had picked up on CW's expose - when it fact it was Pert who first raised the broad question days ago.

    I'm pretty sure Pert knew the Swan piece was coming and put it on the table to try and front foot the whole thing, hence the "it's-an-industry-wide-problem" claims. And that's why it was in the little paper a day before the age story.

  3. What was really offensive and distasteful was her reference to John McCarthy's death at an end of season bender in Vegas.

    How distressing for his family to read this, especially if no toxicology report has come back yet. Is she guessing? Is it a rumour? If either she should hand in her 'journo badge' or be sacked. Even if fact a tox report is confidential. How dare she take it upon herself to 'release' this.

    Even if not guessing, she has stooped to a new low. No respect shown.

    Good call.

    The toxicology report is / was done, but the results not released. Even if she does know what was in it, it was unnecessary to bring JM into it - it added nothing to the story.

    878 words and she couldn't find room for a single sentence about Dustin Martin, but had no qualms slurring the recently-deceased McCarthy by implication.

    Poor form.

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  4. Just watched the vid of Grimes and Barrass on the club website.

    Bit nauseating to be honest .. No. 31 the musical

    Like BRFE on the previous page, I'm a bit over the constant focus on the past.

    Having said that, if this is a move to make the no. 31 guernsey the captain's jumper permanently, it should help end the perpetual discussion surrounding who is / isn't good enough to wear it.

  5. Btw, I noticed in the first Wilson article that got this tanking story back to the forefront they used an archive photo which showed yours truly seated in a large meeting room. As you worked voluntarily in the club's footy department in 2009 I suspect there's a fair chance you were one of the 15 in the room when Connolly made his 30 second "aside" of that year.

    Your take on his comments and intent ?

    "Yours truly" refers to oneself .. I suspect you mean Fan was in the room, not you ..

  6. Rumour to be quashed:

    A certain Mr. & Mrs. Redleg were seen today boarding a cruise boat out of Sydney today on what has been described as a "rock n roll cruise".

    Apparently, Mr. Redleg wants to relive the days of his youth when rock n roll was in vogue and the Demons were kings.

    Coincidentally, baggage handlers were seen loading 12 dozen crates of ripe bananas onto said cruise ship.

    Let me guess. He just went up to have a look around ..

  7. He should rightfully be looking to hit career best form in the next few years, not calling it quits. Such a shame.

    The footy gods can be fickle hey? I hope he impresses upon his younger team-mates the need to grasp their chance while they can get it, 'cos it can be over in the blink of an eye.

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