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Fork 'em

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Everything posted by Fork 'em

  1. And people reading the opinion should be able to say "That's forken BS." Binny sits here telling everyone that the sheet they're watching doesn't actually smell that bad. Makes me think he could be some sort of MFC/AFL flunky the amount of drivel that he posts.
  2. That's were we differ. I reckon he's clueless. That or he just likes to defend the indefensible.
  3. That's not his fault. It's the fools in charge.
  4. Make no mistake. We are on every key forwards beech list. We make 'em all look like thoopastars.
  5. Cause that's how we roll. Forken hopeless this club.
  6. Pretty obvious we need to run through another anti-online bullying banner.
  7. You'll also see due to our terrible skills we made hard forken work of both those games.
  8. As I said. if you think dinky 20m passes are Gold. Good for you. That last 15m lob was a ripper eh.
  9. Pffftt ..... I'd poll well in this sides B&F. If you think dinky 20m passes are gold. Good for you.
  10. Wagners gonna be a good'n with some more games. Got some moves.
  11. Cause it's nothing new. Melbourne the basketcase has self destructed and find themselves at the bottom of the ladder again. Situation normal. And no-one but their small band of tortured supporters GAF.
  12. Lets face it. Roos and PJ were only mercenaries whos hearts weren't really in it.
  13. Well the proof will be in the pudding. I remember we were all excited when Misson came over after a couple of injury free years with the Swans and Aints. Declared our players fitness levels were no-where near AFL level and told us he would need to work them over a several years block to get the fitness base required. 8yrs later ..........
  14. That plenty of players out there don't have 1% of the passion that he has. I'd love to hear what blokes like Neitz, Bruce, Green, Farmer, Robbo, Grinter , etc, etc ........ Think. My old man works with Biffo for eg. Still loves the Dees. But not in the media, so don't hear from them.
  15. Not sure that's quite true Lord Nev. Lyon just has a higher profile in the media than most which allows his opinions to be aired.
  16. It's not that this year or last year was an aberration. The problem is that it's Standard Operating Procedure for the MFC. Incremental improvements followed by mind bending drop offs. Wins against solid opposition to fold against the weaker. 2 finals wins and then hardly scoring in a prelim. Finishing 4th and dropping to 16th. That's what drives most supporters including Lyon crazy. He's just got a bigger forum than this to share his disgust. And I value his opinion on football above all the happy clappers around here.
  17. Unlike most commentators, Lyon actually watches Melbourne games and sees what we see. Garbage.
  18. Last season wasn't that good mate. They still butchered it flat out with stats saying we had a very poor conversion rate for inside 50s. They got abit of belief at the right time of the year. That's all. West Coast exposed them in the Prelim like good sides do.
  19. Abit rough singling out Petracca and the Weed. We've got a side of habitual butchers with the mids the worst of them. And they won't learn to hit targets or make good decisions during the off season.
  20. Our game plan, disposal and decision making is a disgrace. Won't be fixed up with a fit list.
  21. No doubt as with the bump Gill the Dill sees tackling as an OH&S issue to be eradicated from the game.
  22. Kent touched upon the answer up the top there. It's not a concern about being greedy or hungry. They're terrified to take the shot and miss. Better to hand over the responsibility to the next bloke than expose their own poor disposal ..... Again.
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