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Posts posted by binman

  1. Why must you wallow in despair over this?

    Move on FCS.

    Sometimes JM your negativity just is so boring. The OP wasn't moaning. Please give the bad ju-ju a rest - it is so tiresome and distracts from the positive stuff you often contribute.

    Scott Thompson is one of my all time fav players full stop. I loved him at the dees and it was a massive loss when he lost him. I'm really pleased for his success at the crows and wish him more success.

    But this thread topic was about his chance of winning the brownlow (which i actually think is a great bet and i'll be getting on) not a moan about us losing him (even though jurrachane noted it was a bummer we lost him - which it was!)

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  2. Look, I am all aboard the 'if he is worth it, we will take him at 3' propaganda machine - it's necessary to allow the expansion teams an 'out' when questioned why they didn't nominate Viney; they will point to their concern that Viney wasn't worth Pick one or two or that we might not take him if they nominated him, etc.

    But they are all beautiful lies and underneath those convenient untruths we will have three teams complicit in a deal that will push Viney into the mid 20s and net GWS pick 3 and GC a talented 17 year old.

    I'm confused. I think we agree. We will get Viney in the mid 20's. I'm not sure about the propaganda machine though. Neeld will have the final say and if he wants Viney bad enough we won't risk losing him. Conversely if he wants another player more i'm pretty confident he'll do what needs to be done.

    I don't have any idea of the talent of the under 18's, its enough for me working out our current team. I'll leave the analysis to the professionals.

  3. We won't fold though. We aren't playing poker very well, our cards are facing the other players!

    They can see what we have because we have declared our hand - we will take him and we won't care if he is the 6th best player in the draft - we will take him at 3 if we have to.

    And unless we can get some surreptitious deals happening with GC and GWS that's what'll happen.

    No i don't agree. We declared our hand before Neeld came on board. I have no doubt Neeld won't be swayed by any previous deal or sentimentality. if he doesn't think Viney is top 5 we won't pick him. He has flagged this already

  4. And they will make Essendon pay full price for Daniher and North for McDonald.

    It's not the business of AFL teams to let the competing businesses have a leg up.

    But as i have said nominating Viney will be a big call from either GWS and GC, they won't do it to just to avoid giving the dees a leg up. If they nominate him and we don't elect to take him well we have the choice of either the best or second best player (as defined by likely top 2 picks by pundits and clubs - and there usually is two stand outs). Mighty big risk for the franchise clubs.

    High stakes poker and we have the upper hand. They pick Viney, we fold and pick up 1 or 2

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  5. Looking at likely prospects, and I really think based on the fixture we will either end up in 16th or 15th position

    If that is the case then ....

    Pick 3-4 - jack viney (don't think we will get him in the second round - def worth it here though )

    Pick 4-5 compo pick - stringer/toumpas/Vlastuin/ Grundy /Simpson / plowman

    These would all be good options ...heard somewhere that the club rates Lachlan plowman very highly (dees supporter too ) Andrew mackie type , so halfback flanker could push to the wing , I would love jimmy toumpas though , quick skillful classy mid with real leadership

    Stringer would be a good get , Brendan Goddard type ,explosive fwd/utility , but is recovering after a broken leg

    Pick 13 - Menzel (brother of Daniel ) , O'Rourke , Kennedy (would give us a great small forward option who tackles )

    Or possibly Dayle Garlett , Oliver wines , mathew Haynes, Sam Mayes could all be good options at this pick

    Anyone want to stick their neck out and say who we should recruit this year ?

    I wonder if clubs will steer away from menzel as both older brothers have had (similar) knee problems and i heard Doc Larkins say there can be familial genetic predisposition to certain injuries such as the ones they have had.

    Hardly sticking my neck out though, more like an anti stick the neck out!

  6. I'm sorry but how can you say that?

    Even if Jack turns into a superstar in 3 years, Nic Nat already is one.

    We would have at best missed 3 years of having a superstar on our list.

    We got it wrong. Why as a collective is it wrong to admit it?

    The sooner we do the better for everyone. Including Jack

    That's just not the case. By any measure he is not a superstar. He may become one, sure (as Watts will) but is in't one at present. What are you basing your assessment on? The game last night? He had 25 possessions, which is good but not earth shattering for a guy who spends so much time on the ball. This is the most possessions he has had in a game at AFL level, ever. He certainly influenced the result with his display in the second half, he was terrific but this one of the few times he has actually done so. Instructively the Hun gave top votes in the game, not to Natanui but Sellwood.

    If he was a superstar he would be a monty for AA selection this year surely but he won't be selected. Don't get me wrong i reckon he will become one of the best player in the league, a superstar if you will. But so will Watts and i stand by my statement both clubs will have won from the deal.

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  7. At least we get to watch that goofy top 10 countdown, and actually be interested.

    I for one, hope we can swing a deal with the franchises, to prevent them bidding on Viney.

    This is a very interesting situation. The AFL have publicly warned the clubs on this but very hard to prove a deal has been done (eg for a favorable deal in later years, or a quiet agreement not to target out of contract players etc).

    The really fascinating bit is whether GWS or GC would risk selecting him if they don't really rate him, say top 5. Also both clubs have already drafted alot of mid field talent in i would have thought, Viney may not be the sort of player either clubs is after ATM. I suppose GC could do with some grunt but GWS seem ok in this regard

    If they did select him they would have to be pretty sure Melbourne is going to take Viney and as much i'd hate not to have him at the dees (we so need a player like him) they won't if it they really think there is a much better option (it would have to be much, much better though given they would be breaking a commitment and we know what Viney can offer).

    If either club picked them and we called their bluff (ie chose not to take him) we would then get the nominal 1st or 2nd draft pick of the so called super draft. A pretty big gamble for GWS and GC and i don't think when its all said and done a gamble they'll take just to stick it up the dees. Its big business and you don't take that sort of risk out of spite. And beyond the risk of giving up a player who might otherwise go pick 1 or 2 you would make an unnecessary enemy of a club who has money to spend on players and may be looking at some point to use that money to lure some of the young stars they have assembled.

    I reckon given all of the above there is every chance we will get Viney in the second round, meaning we 'd have 3 first rounders (2 of them high first round) and a gun. Happy days

  8. It doesn't matter what the reaction was....it is just that incident prior should never have happened.;

    People are tip toeing around this like Cale is a first year Rookie. He is not & far from it

    Bottom Line is he is a liability when he has the ball, & only one person can fix that up

    Otherwise his AFL days are over, just like the rest of his family.

    If the Demons had kicked 1 more goal during that run on....it was on, under 20 points....12 point turnaround.....

    He is lucky he only got a spray.

    I thought he had a pretty good game but yes this was a bad turnover in terms of timing as he had multiple players free, which if hit could have taken the ball inside 50 and perhaps we might have got a goal. My mate, a demon fan, said to me - as soon as Morton hesitated - "he's gonna stuff this up" and sure enough he did.

    But a bit of perspective. Both Watts and Trengove each turned the ball over with a poor kick and a direct goal and on both occasions each player elected to kick left footers (when they could have used their natural foot).

  9. Could it just be that he is struggling more than most with the increased training load? If its not this and he's not injured then he should be dropped because he is severely out of form.

    I reckon this is the explanation for his loss of leg speed. As i have said on other threads, i suspect they will ease the load for the second half of the year and if so it will be interesting to see if Trenners improves his run etc.

    In fact with the load business i reckon they will have already started easing off as they will want to be cherry for GWS and that would take 2-3 weeks of tapering i guess. I think we have seen the fruit of this already with the essendon win and matching Coll for 3 quarters. Worth noting in this context that until the essendon game we had not won a single second half quarter. Against collingwood we looked the fresher side for much of the second half

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  10. Terrible turnover, terrible player. He might find some more ball in the middle but he plays without pride for himself or for the jumper.

    Bollocks, absolute bollocks. Terrible turnover but to say he plays without pride form himself or the jumper is rubbish. I thought he played ok today and to stand up later in the game to save a certain goal shows his pride.

    Generally hate the phrase key board warrior but applies to the above quote.

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  11. Hurley had 4 tackles tonight, his highest count for the year. Prior to this game he had totalled FOUR TACKLES FOR THE WHOLE SEASON!!

    Hurley's not the brightest - he can't do more than 2 things at once so once he's crashed or bashed he can't tackle, if he starts tackling he'll lose his crash and bash

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  12. This interview, supposedly about Jamr's resigning but also the dees trading and drafting strategies features some of the longest answers i've ever heard. Time stood still for me at one point. It goes for about 9 mins and Burgan only asks a few questions! Sounds like Cam has been having Whiteboard Wednesday withdrawals:


    It has to be said though he keeps ticking the boxes.

  13. This is huge IMO. A real show of faith in the club, he would have had real currency in the market. To me it really reinforces what i have been saying about the improved sense of unity seeming to be coming out of the club.

    Deserves three years and i hope he is on good coin. The timing also shows real leadership. Love it. Did i say this is huge?

    Go dees!

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  14. I mentioned this last week but for those that didn't see it, I was at a restaurant in Prahran with my boys having dinner when James Magner walked in followed by Trenners Tappy Grimes Jones Bail Howe Bate Spencer and a couple of others I can't remember then just before we left Beamer walked in. We asked the manager what was going on and he said Beamer rang him earlier that day and asked if they could use the upstairs function room for 14 of the players.

    I was thinking that maybe there was some sort of midfield team meeting, bonding, patching up going on.

    Perhaps this has something to do with why Neeld chose Beamer to sit beside him in the presser following our first win of the year (ie recognition of his leadership).And i agree with the previous poster about the sense of unity that seems to be evident at present. Great signs i reckon

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  15. Formality. It was an off the cuff joke made after numerous bottles. Not a back page headline.


    Perhaps, but i heard the sen interview with AD. Those guys are so soft and sycophantic it defies belief. I was crying out for them to ask the dead obvious question, which they never did of course. If indeed it was a joke by jolly ([censored]) andy d why did he choose North as the club, why not any other club. Even in jest picking North surely indicates they were/are worried about how it is being run.

    And please AD don't trot out the rubbish about private conversations, only jokes, can't we say anything when out in our free time etc etc. The AFL exec on the turps at a public function? Button your lip and be a bit discreet, of course it will get out otherwise. I can just picture it, a bunch of over weight middle age blokes who think they rule the world telling everyone in ear shot how they were going to fix all the problems.They'd soon take a club CEO to task if they were say, bagging the AFL in a similar public forum

    Also they didn't ask the other obvious question which is was it ever raised on another occasion? Which the very next day Cook volunteers it was, in a more formal way it would seem

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  16. Anyone see that Jack was named in theHS team of the round? Watts in the backline anc Col Garland as a forward. Good job to the both.

    Lets trade him now while he has some currency!

    reason for edit: to clarify this is a joke

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  17. Out- Green, Blease (if injured)

    In- Frawley, Bail

    Minimal changes to a winning team. Frawley must come in and if Blease is injured we need to bring in a runner. Can anyone confirm if Blease will miss?

    In Misson's injury wrap he said he is reasonably confident of Blease coming up with the 8 day break - "a solid cork to pubic bone" - "should be available to play" assuming he gets through training according to one of the more serious dudes in footy

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