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Posts posted by binman

  1. I say if we have the money GET HIM.

    Were not giving up anything but money.

    I'm coming round to that line of thinking BJ but i'm still not convinced. I have been thinking he simply isn't worth the sort of money that has been discussed. In my humble i reckon he is really overrated as he's only had one a half really good seasons. But structurally he would really help - two power forwards with Clark being able to spend more time in the ruck would be great.

    On the other hand what does it matter if we pay overs for him if we have the money in our cap. It has to go somewhere. Exactly the same discussion was being had about Clark last year and look how that panned out. It would be a big thing for the club and i'm sure help team morale for a big name player to come to the club and it would definitely create a buzz, which would please the sponsors.

    Also as several posters have noted not having to use any draft picks to get him has to be worth something and needs to be factored in when weighing up the pros and cons.

    So i'm a swinging voter atm, though i have to say i wouldn't mind seeing him rampaging around our forward line in a Melbourne jumper round on 2013

  2. Dont recon we will will get him cheap...because GC will just say fine if you want to play like that we will bid for Viney.

    I disagree. Caddy wants to come back to Melbourne. If he puts himself in the draft GC get nothing for him. if he goes into the draft i doubt GWS would be keen to take him as he want to live in Victoria nad having a disgruntled young player is no good for them. We then would have the next 2 picks (assuming Viney goes in second round which i'm confident he will). I doubt we'd use them but doggies might use their number 5, another Vic club might have a crack or we get him with pick 12-13.

    If he goes into the draft GC get nothing, zilch, nada (you get the idea). So it is in their best interest to do a deal with a Vic club and we are in a good position to deal. I assume Caddy will also want to help GC get the best deal possible and this is only possible if doesn't go into the draft.

    As i've posted before i could see us getting him by giving GC our pick 12ish and say Petterd (a QLD boy who may actually improve in new surroundings- and GC need some mid 20's players) for Caddy and a quiet agreement from them to not nominate Viney.

    Pick 12 and an ok player is alot better than nothing.

    • Like 1
  3. FFS! Then you tell me exactly which piece of info that you thought I shouldn't of said Choko?! What I said was extremely low key. And if you aren't aware I work part time for the club on a voluntary basis & my brother plays in the senior side, I know damn well what I can & can't say. Get over it. It's posts like yours that will stop me from sharing anything worthwhile for Demon fans on here because everytime I do some idiot always has to have a go. Move on.

    G'day HG. Keep posting your occasional inner sanctum insights on the club, i really enjoy them. I'm interested in your view of how Neeld is going about things and feel you have been pretty consistent about this. Am i right in summarising your view as the jury being out (ie not 100% sold on him) but also prepared to give him enough time before deciding if you think he is a keeper?

    You seem a bit more bullish about Misson. It is interesting actually because he has great reputation for minimising soft tissue injuries. The Weapon was all the rage early in the year but the bombers soft tissue drama has practically wrecked their season. We have had a shocking run with injuries this year but as you note many have been collision injuries. This is a huge issue for a club that is already thin on the ground for talent.

    You also have noted on several occasions how unfit we were before this year. In your opionion what is realistic time frame to get the team up to the level Misson and Neeld want/need them at? I'd be guessing at least the rest of this year and two more pre-season.

    • Like 5
  4. Just musing about setting a precedence, will we be funding criminal cases for all employees in future, what about members.

    I am hopeful the case will be funded out of his contract, plus the numerous airfares and accommodation, taxis and meals costs for support peoples.

    If he's innocent, well and good, hope he may pay us back one day on the footballing fields.

    All I have to say on the matter.

    And so the trolling 'ology members warned off has commenced

    • Like 2
  5. I think Evans should be in the Seniors as soon as possible , on the strength of his game v. Bendigo.

    What surprised me was the way he's built up his body . Last year he seemed so skinny. Now he looks like a proper AFL midfielder.

    And what about the accuracy in those two goals! Both were team-lifting and changed the momentum of the game.

    He might not be fit enough yet, but promote him as soon as possible!

    Evans, he muuuuust be there, he's just got to be there, Evans.

    • Like 1
  6. Everyone keeps presuming we have pick 4 in this thread. Looking at the draw I think if we beat Port on Sat eve we'll finish above both Port and WB. Which means we would have picks 6 and 7 and have to use one of them on Viney. Port will most likely have pick 3 or pick 5 if they finish beneath the WB. Im not sure how much that changes things but it may well be WB that ends up in he stronger position of the vic teams

    Not sure about being above WB but i reckon there's a good chance we'll end up 15th as we're on track for 5-6 wins IMO

  7. And unlike the Cats, we won't have to travel to Adelaide this weekend to speak to him..... .

    If this were to happen, I know some people have mentioned Petterd when tossing up scenario's, but if you were in Port's position for arguments sake, you'd be after a clearance player in return, don't you think ?

    What would the value be for someone like Jordan Gysberts ?

    That would be a case of robbing Jordan to pay Port

  8. Probably public delaying tactics to try & ease the public pressure so he can still keep playing. I don't believe the games people play in the press.

    That's a really interesting point. With FA coming in (and the likely increase in the salary cap) clubs will have more of these sort of situations where it is clear mid season a player is off. How they deal with it - indeed how the whole system deals with it - will be fascinating to watch and has implications or the culture of clubs and the game as a whole.

    Do they not play a player and if so do they do that openly or under the guise of an injury.

    Do they continue to play them as is the case in most sports (which means a commited player misses the oppoertunity to play and develop)?

    How do they manage the tension and conflict that might arise between team mates (as seems to have been the case with Boaks team mates demanding he make the call)?

    Do they encourage players to be open and advise the club (their preparedness to do so would obviously be influenced by the answers to the q's above)

    Fascinating stuff and unfortunately it will all inevitably become grist for the media mill and we can get used to multiple annual will he or won't he sagas (which the AFL will love because they clearly take the view that media saturation is good for business - witness how they structure the trading periods, fixture announcements, NAB cup etc etc to ensure there is almost 365 day AFL coverage)

  9. FWIW;

    * Has recently bought a house in Victoria

    * Just wants to come back to VICTORIA - not fussed about Geelong FC

    * Club of preference would be Carlton as his Dad was a mad Blues fan (his Dad was the reason he played AFL and not cricket at the higher level), but with their salary cap, isn't expecting a deal to be done (and isn't too fazed about it)

    * Will be happy to play with the club that can do the deal with Port

    Don't ask about the worcestershire please.

    Where do today's reports (Hun) he has opened negotiations with Port sit with the above info?

  10. Agree with the ratings on the whole Prof. One comment is you have Jones rated as above average, which is fair. But he used to be a terrible kick, both in terms of accuracy and depth, and has improved this part of his game enormously.

    Whilst i agree that players often struggles to improve their kicking (because their technique has been honed since Auskick, similar to tennis payers and golfers who struggle to change flaws as a pro) Jones at least provides an example it is possible.

    • Like 2
  11. Essendon first with 47 weeks missed. North last with 1 week missed.

    I would have thought Essendon wouldn't have been as far behind as us fitness wise...

    Not this year no. But when Hird came on board he said they were no where near it and this year their focus has been on building the strength required to macth it with the big boys

  12. So if missons sport science skills isn't meant to stop soft tissue injuries then what is he meant to be doing in terms of reducing injuries

    we are 2nd on the 'weeks missed from soft tissue injury' ladder with 41 weeks missed in total

    I assume Essendon is number 1. Interesting as both clubs were not fit or strong enough and high profile fitness experts have been brought in to change that. Hird said the other say that the injuries they have copped is the price to be paid for getting a club up to speed fitness wise (or words to that effect), or in his words to be as strong and fit as the legit premiership hopes

  13. At least 2 years.

    What! Two years! The sky is falling!. We need results now! Rome was built in a day! I've been waiting (insert relevant number here) years for a flag and i have to wait 2 more! I know Neeld said it would take time, the players were not AFL standard in terms of fitness and that it is big task to turn around a culture but i thought he was being ironic! Exclamation mark!

    • Like 4
  14. Im convinced Neeld &co neither over rate nor under rate Jamar. Im convinced they know exactly how he fits into the big picture he has. Most likely its this understanding that saw Jamar re-signed. It would be the same understanding that has the Russian as the MFC 1st ruck when ever he's fit to take the field.

    Yep Im pretty sure his value is understood, neither over rated nor underated.....just rated right !!

    In the words of the fonz - exactamundo.

  15. You are missing the point. I still think Jamar is a handy player, but we aren't going to win a flag while Jamar is still at the club. Trading him for someone who may be part of a premiership is worth the risk.

    Moreover, we have a good replacement in Martin.

    Not trying a wind up (honestly) but who was it that you were 100% certain was gone (to GWS). ,Can't be bothered going back through old posts but am i right in thinking you had it on good authority Jamar was off up north westish?

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