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Everything posted by binman

  1. No doubt we'd be chasing - as i've said before Neeld is very clear about the need for two power forwards (as is Malthouse and Buckley for that matter). Collingwood have Dawes and now Cloke and probably not much space in their cap. Blues would have to be favourites to get him given the Malthouse factor and the far greater chance of playing finals, which at his age is obviously going to be a big factor. The blues probably also have the cash. Still we could probably outbid the blues and even perhaps offer him a 3 year contract? I reckon Neeld could be pretty persuasive and Lynch would get to play along side Clark. He would also get to play a bunch of games at the G
  2. Any chance of saying which two clubs (and for that matter which players). Or at the least is one of the clubs the dees?
  3. Fair call WJ, though the Penski file would be a great name for this thread give the parameters set out in your OP. I just wish i had a rumor i could add. I obviously move in the wrong circles because i can't ever recall hearing any trade whisper, from a reliable or unreliable source (other than on DL or the media, or a mate passing on a rumor they had heard or read in the media))
  4. Honestly, classic troll behavior.I thought the Dr signed off and said his goodbyes. Thought that might be too good to be true. Thank god for the ignore function is all i can say.
  5. WJ, i agree DD is the clubhouse leader but this Penski fella is closing in. Top rumour, which led to speculation on who he might be referring to. Good job. If it was Butcher he would be a terrific fit for the dees IMO and i would assume the club would be right into him (if they thought his work rate was up there). Big unit and 2 big units up forward is the new orthodoxy (which is why i wouldn't discount us chasing Dawes, despite his woeful form this year)
  6. It would have to be a pretty big roll!
  7. Micheal Aish for mine. with that ruckman from WA whose name i can't recall ATM a close second (as a kid when he played in the state games against the vics i thought of him like the Cuban Olympic boxers in the 70's who dominated but never went pro - particularly one of their heavy weights who by all accounts was the Cuban Ali. Again i sadly can't recall his name)
  8. Bank of Melbourne seems such a great match. I wish the Shwabb man could make it happen (i know they're not interested but i'm going to invoke the Clark model of business)
  9. No knock on anyone who has gone to the often considerable effort to try an analyse all the trade option and give their ideas. All power to ya. For me though it doesn't float my boat as it seems to be similar to discussing how we might like the sun to rise and set - that's to say there's nothing we can do about it so why discuss it. I keep popping into this thread though, for 2 reasons - one to see if there is any new trading rumors or updates and 2 to read Ben Hurs responses to the Dr.
  10. Wow - hard to recall a thread on DL with such (near) universal agreement. Wayne Carey bringing people together!
  11. I'm confused - is that an exclamation mark or a note of sarcasm (which as if i understand Chook correctly has parenthesis around the exclamation mark)
  12. I listened to a fairly big part of Jones's speech (it goes for 16 minutes!) and was surprised to hear that in his thank yous he gave Gerard Healy a huge wrap and said he had been mentoring him for the last 2 years. Said something along the lines that he had played a significant role in helping him achieve the plan he had set himself 2 years ago and when he doubted himself Gerard was there for him. Said Kelly O'Donnell and someone else from the club had connected them.
  13. What the hell are you talking about? Perhaps you've got your posts mixed up as i was simply making a (poor) wordplay joke, was actually quoting another poster and to be honest have absolute zero interest in your random theories about our possible trading scenarios. And for what its worth i understand the trading rules.
  14. I like her but she ends to over think things
  15. Not bad attributes for a footballer. Seriously though one of our biggest problems i reckon is how poor our field kicking is. It is one of the reasons Watts stands out.
  16. Perhaps not but what chance Goldsack?
  17. Big Jim i know your heart is in the right place but i have to say this is not helpful. Remember its high stakes poker the club is playing. The advantage of getting Viney second round is massive and should not be underestimated. Put simply if GC have no doubt we'll take him, well of course they'll nominate him and force our hand. If they're not sure they won't take the risk. I have no contact with anyone at the club or any inside info what so ever. However i suspect the club would prefer passionate fans don't tip their hand, particularly when it comes to quoting our CEO.
  18. A question to the mods. How on earth has this fella got to 800 plus posts. In his last post alone he broke most of the code of conduct rules!
  19. What are you talking about? Of course there is an advantage to be bluffing about this. If we think there is a genuine risk they will nominate Viney (and we really, really want him) we are more likely to do a deal with them that involves as part of said deal them not nominating him. For example (and in complete contradiction to your point about Caddy) we could offer pick 13 and Pettard (or Bate, Morton, Cook etc etc or even a combination deal) for Caddy and a promise not to pick Viney. Forget the AFL direction that this is illegal - impossible to prove so all bets are off in that regard. The extent to which we think any bluff they make (for example through orchestrated leaks to the media, football fan sites such as DL and social media) is for real will influence our preparedness to trade. The point about good bluffing is not knowing whether it is for real or not. I'd love to play poker with you BTW
  20. Huh? Proven? Who said they want him at pick 2? Question mark? We'll soon find out if they want him at 2. If they do they will call his name out. If not it is bluff and bluster (good name for a legal from btw). As suggested by a few posters they want a sweetener not to call his name out. I reckon the dees won't mind giving up a little sugar (do you take Pettard with your tea caddy) but i doubt they will be too generous I'm a betting man and i'm betting they're bluffing. Chances they''ll read out JV's name at number 2 = 5-10%
  21. Melbourne has the whip hand here. GWS and/or GC have to play their hand first and we get the opportunity to respond. If the motivation to nominate Viney is preventing us taking him min the second round as opposed to really wanting him with such a high pick then it is simply too big a risk i would have thought - and is one i doubt they''ll take. If they do nominate him and we rate him say a top 6 player then we get him number 3 and we win or. On the other hand if our assessment is we can a a better player at no 3 then we also win, though I think Viney will be good player so GWS or GC would hardly lose if they end up with him. High stakes poker, but i like our hand
  22. Perhaps you have misunderstood me. Lets say it is true (ie 15 players want out). Does it change my view? Not one iota. If they want out, get out. Go to another club. Now. That leaves 30 blokes who want to be there. Lets be clear: it is about the club not the players.
  23. Comedy gold! As i've said before when you wrote the same drivel get rid of the 15 who want to go - not Neeld. I think you'll find the club is currently helping any player who wants achieve their aim. Good riddance. That will leaves 30 who want to be there. Replace the 15 who want out with 15 who are committed and bingo we're halfway there. I wish a few DL posters would investigate their options to leave. Money on the demons to win the spoon already huh? How about you and i have a side bet. I bet we won't. Loser quits Demonland (and promises not to come back under another name). You on (or are you all talk)?
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