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Everything posted by binman

  1. No, you clearly don't get my point. And I'm confused as to what the disconnect is. It honestly feels as if you are arguing for arguing sakes jnr Of course the recruitment of lever and May wasn't a tactical innovation. I didn't say it was. It was a recruitment decision. And bringing in two AA quality players is hardly rocket science. His tactical innovation was developing an incredibly effective all team defensive sytem that is now the template, the Gold standard, in the AFL. A model the best teams are implementing (with tweaks), for example the giants and the blues. Carbon copies of our sytem (Note: I made clear goody didn't invent zone defence, or even all team defence, but it is unarguable he took both to a new level and developed a new and improved defensive system - one based on an incredible amount of all team running and demanding a new level of aerobic fitness. Which is why he brought Burgess in. His model doesn't work without that elite level fitness across the whole team. It is a model that has changed the way the game is played and is a big part of its evolution in the last 8 years - for example fitness is more important now than it has ever been. If you think otherwise then we are never going to agree on this topic. And we see the game very differently) That is a considerably more complex exercise than simply 'fixing our leaky defence' by recruiting two gun defenders (something that is as old as the game -ie recruiting good players). As i said port and the dogs have tried to fix their 'leaky defence' by bringing in Alir and Jones respectively. But neither Hinkley or Beveridge have also developed an innovative defensive system (though the dogs appear to be trying to implement a version of ours). And so despite attempting to fix their 'leaky defence' by recruiting guns, their defensive issues remain unresolved. Recruiting May and Lever, particularly Lever (no coincidence he was recruited first given how key intercept marking is to goody's system) enabled goody to fully realise his vision. They were targeted not merely because they were so good, but so they could be the foundation of his system. Both had to have the nous, and desire, to play the role goody needed them to play, They wouldn't have bene recruited if goody thought they didn't. By the by, i think the reason Tomo is not going to be a regular best 22 player (he'll come in for specific roles no doubt) is that he struggles with the complexities of the defensive system, in particular when to zone off and leave his man to impact a contest or intercept. If it was just about bringing in AA quality key defenders then goody wouldn't have waited three years after trading in Lever to get may. And yes, he has done other tactical innovations - though none so influential and impactful on how the game is played (which is why I picked it as an example). WHICH WAS EXACTLY MY POINT - GOODY DOESN'T GET THE KUDOS HE DESERVES FOR HIS TACTICAL INNOVATIONS. I'm really not sure why this conversation has landed where it has - I would have thought the para above is pretty uncontroversial. But as you say, each to their own. Tapping out now.
  2. Brilliant. Kinda makes my planned question at this year's AGM redundant but!
  3. That was so bizarre. I mean, they couldn't have picked a more advantageous spot for the dogs. I would have been ropeable if they had scored a goal from that stoppage. It would have been another way for the dees to get screwed by a review.
  4. It began with a review from Finland, and then ironically seemed it was never going to Finnish.
  5. Yep, you're right that is curious Sparrow with zero CBAs. I didn't clock that. Cant imagine he is carrying anything, otherwise surely he would have been subbed off. And his TOG was 77%, ahead (just) of similar players in Salo, Viney and Clarry, so they weren't managing him.
  6. You've well and truly misunderstood me jnr. To be clear my point was Goody deserves a lot more credit for his tactical innovations than he gets. Full stop. As an example, as i said, whilst he didn't invent the all team defensive zone or the use of the zone off, third man intercepting defender (Hardwick deserves credit here) he has absolutely perfected the model. As i noted, he began working on it way back in 2016. The model is now the gold standard defensive system in the AFL. The proof is in the pudding - we have had the best defence for at least three season now. On the back of that we have won a flag and made top 4 three years in succession. Teams like the Port and the Dogs who have not developed something similar are going nowhere. The Lions might be the exception to prove the rule, but the fact remains they are yet to win a flag under Fagan. In addition to implementing a defensive system with key similarities to ours (with Moore playing the Lever role), albeit a more aggressive one, the Pies developed a ball movement method that was specifically designed to break down our defensive system, such is its brutal effectiveness, through fast ball movement. The Giants defensive system is almost a carbon copy of ours, and the Swans and saints employ very similar systems too. Ditto Freo and Blues. For the sake of argument, let's say you are right that 'blind freddy' could see that we needed better key defenders than Frost and Omac. How does that change the fact that Goody developed a sophisticated defensive system that has become the AFL template for defensive systems? Bringing in may and Lever would have changed little if they were not the cornerstone of the defensive system he was developing and implementing. Port brought in Alir, who is a star as it was obvious to Freddy they needed to do something about their defence. And he is a brilliant interceptor - perhaps the best in the AFL. But Port haven't implemented a sophisticated defensive system as evidenced by their woeful points against record under Hinkley. And so Alir hasn't moved the needle on their defensive issues. And if it was just about bringing in elite defenders, then Lever was not the player to target as he is average one on one. Tomlinson would have been a better target back then if all we needed were better key defenders. Again, many posters one here and plenty of media types knocked the dees at the time for spending so much capital on Lever given he was 'just an interceptor'. Plenty would have preferred we chased a gun forward. Or a pure lock down key defender. At that point only the Crows, tigers and dees had a specialist intercepting defenders, now every team does. Blind Freddy could also see the dogs needed to focus on sorting out their defensive system from 2018 and go out and target some elite defenders. But what have they done? Turn Naughton from a CHB into a KPF, draft JUH and Darcy and trade in Lobb. What have they done about their woeful defence? Well they finally got a interceptor in - Jones, a good player, but he's undersized and 33. Genius. So Blind Freddy might be able to point out decent players that could be replaced by even better, AA players, but Freddy seemingly ain't so good at seeing massive issues with team's game plans and methods.
  7. For all thing post game the Stats File thread is the place to go. @Demon Dynasty does a weekly overview of the game just gone using his bespoke ratings system as foundation 9and @WheeloRatings provides a weekly wrap of the key stats for the game just gone, including CBAs This is wheelo's stats from the doggies game:
  8. Sorry Jnr, not sure i follow. What history did i revise? You are correct that we had issues defensively - both in terms of personnel and system in 2018. My love child omac was preferred ahead of Lynden Dunn back in 2016 because unlike Dunn, Omac COULD play in a zone system and play the role the coach asked him to (Roos was coach, but goody was already working on implementing his zone defence system - which goes to my point about the kudos he deserves). Dunn couldn't - or wouldn't - adjust his game and just wanted to be a man on man defender and so we stopped playing him (much to the angst of many on here). It's no coincidence ahead of Goody's first year as senior coach (2017) we shipped Dunn to the Pies (where he was happy being an old school one on one defender playing in an old school one on one defensive system). In 2018 Goody was still developing his zone and all team defensive system. Frost continually pulled the defensive grid out of shape by running up the ground and doing random Frost stuff. Frost ball doesn't work in a zone defence, or at least not the one Goody designed. And so he was shipped too (in 2019). Goody, needing a quality interceptor for his system to work targeted Lever, trading him in at the end of his first season as senior coach (2017). Unfortunately, in the year you reference, 2018, Lever did his ACL half way through the year, and could only manage 8 games in 2019. You'll get no argument from me that Petty, who we picked up in the 2017 draft was by 2021 a better option than Omac. Petts looked like a star from the get go. But Omac was at the dees until the end of 2020 and played an important role in the evolution of the defensive system that Goody had started developing way back in 2016. As i said goody made it his number one priority to build an elite defensive system - a project that took 5 years, and yes the right personnel. And a key part of his strategy was using up A LOT of capital to bring in two A grade defenders in May and Lever. (by the by, on demonland there were many posters who argued we pulled the wrong rein with lever and paid overs/too much). Where's the revision?
  9. At the risk of being overly argumentative, we traded him in BECAUSE he was an intercepting defender - the role he played at the crows (one of the few playing that role at the time - now every team needs one). Goody deserves a lot more credit for his tactical innovations. He didn't invent the all team defensive zone or the use of the zone off, third man intercepting defender. But he did perfect the model - and now most clubs, the successful ones, have copied him. And for good reason. Goody was happy (if that's the word) to trade out hoges if it meant he could bring in may. The combination of may and Lever is the foundation of our defensive sytem. And it's hard to imagine we would have been so successful if not for bringing both to the club. Yesterday was the perfect example of the wisdom of Goody focusing on building out from defence. I actually thought the dogs defence looked much better than the last few years. They have brought Liam Jones in to play the intercepting marking role, and he is a star. And it looked like their zone defence was in better shape. But they are behind the 8 ball. Naughton played at chb in his first 2 seasons, but then went forward. And they have loaded up on forwards since - JUH, lobb and Darcy. Which is fine, except their biggest weakness is their defence. We went the opposite way. Yesterday we were more attacking and aggressive and had a significantly different method. With one exception - our defensive system remained much the same (with some tweaks - may for instance got into a lot of really attacking positions).
  10. How good is it to be super confident a player will hit a target by foot, or failing that at least not butcher it straight to an oppo player.
  11. Sorry, not sure what you mean. They are screen shots from where?
  12. So billings and Windsor played on the same side of the ground the whole game (except when one was off the ground)? What position then would you say billings played? I was trying to work it out at the game. I watched the replay and still couldn't really work it out - I presume half forward flank when in 666 but basically a winger/utility once play starts? (Its something that drives me nuts - I don't understand why at centre bounces after a goal the broadcasters don't show a graphic, even if only in the corner of the screen of where all players are set up like used in cricket coverage to show fielding positions).
  13. That's fascinating - and new? (Not tge hea map the defensive forward half split) I assume that's on the AFL app.
  14. It's interesting that the vibe seems to be Lever had an average game. I thought he was terrific. He had 8 score involvements- only maxy, Billings and tracc had more. He also had 17 disposals and was part of a group effort that shut down lobb, naughton and weightman. He was a key to how well we transitioned from the back half.
  15. You gave me your feedback and advice Moonshadow and i responded to it politely. I heard you. But with all due respect, I'll post what I want to post. I'm loving the win. I could not be more thrilled. And as you well know, having been, like me, a long term poster, whilst I have my faults, failing to be positive is not one of them. There is a certain level of irony in calling me out for being negative given how often over the last ten years I've been accused of being too positive about the club, blind to our faults and too ready to find 'excuses' (read reasons). And besides I wasnt being negative about the club. I was calling out the posters who make this forum difficult to engage with after a loss. And go missing after a win. And I did so in a pretty balanced manner I thought. I have some advice for you. Next time we lose, which of course will happen, jump on demonland and call out the usual suspects who pop up to wack the coach, team etc and think it's just grand to run the club into the ground. Perhaps give them some advice to rein their negativity in and be more positive.
  16. I care Hemingway, but I take your point.
  17. And he's got something you can't coach or develop - raw speed.
  18. Give me a spell. I didn't name names. And I wasnt rude and I didn't take any pot shots. Unless you call the truth a pot shot. And frankly I'm heartily sick of posters spewing vitriol against my club after a loss. And then going silent after an impressive win. If you are gonna call out the club - repeatedly- after a loss then show some spine and put your hand up you might have got it wrong. It's the opposite of fair weather supporters.
  19. Keen to hear the thoughts of those posters who practically wrote our season off and blasted the coach and players after our loss last week. Some remarkably definitive comments were made, given we were beaten on the home deck of a pretty good team that the bookies had as slight fav. You know who you are.
  20. Indeed. Tracc was far and away the best player IMO. 13 score involvements is nuts.
  21. That's exactly the same message w I get too. And like a good automaton, I keep trying again later.
  22. You know you can't drive to tassie I assume?
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