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Everything posted by binman

  1. Yeah you are probably right. Perhaps having him on the extended IC is a shot across the bow
  2. A desire for good grammer means never having to say sorry
  3. Humour me. What is your favourite memory of a game you have attended from say more than 10 years ago
  4. I agree, he was better than Pedo. Just If picked i really hope to see him tear it up. I think the idea of playing him in the ruck to give Max a chop out is a really good one. Gets him near the ball and he is better tap ruckman than TMac.
  5. I'm suspicious of your motives as poster 64. Six negative posts to start you time on Demonland. Comments sure to raise hackles. We've been to this rodeo before on DL. Do you barrack for the demons?
  6. I reckon he was. One, they would have said injured if he was. Two i reckon he did not go hard enough last week. Which is why i think Watts will be dropped. His second half was better but as leader he simply failed to show the required leadership in regards to attack on the ball in the first half. And i say that as one of his biggest fans.
  7. Yes good point, well made. Watts out is my guess. Weid in. Only people giving 100% need apply
  8. Can i play? Gus in, Weed in, JKH in and Dec?
  9. Oh no i found myself on the dark web! before i leave i thought i'd respond to this post. To me the bolded part in the post above goes to the heart of what is so wrong with much of the so called discussion about a range of 'hot' issues in this day and age. You have not read the paper and don't really want to. Rather you want to be pointed to the chapter that strongest argument for man made climate change. And despite not having read that chapter you know already that you will 'happily and easily tell you why it is misleading'. How on earth can you say that? how can you form an opinion on an argument without reading what the argument is? If your view is unchangeable what is the point of engaging in a discussion about the issue? Perhaps all you are interested in is convincing others of your view.
  10. I don't think its that crazy a thought, I wondered about it too but pretty much rejected the idea. I hadn't considered goody;s history at the Crows. Though i would say that was a long time ago and spots science will have moved on significantly in terms of what works.
  11. My fears were well and truly realised. We were beaten in the pressure stakes, particularly in the first quarter. Again way to many turnovers. And 12 scoring shots from 55 inside 50s? Woeful. This was partly a function of how poor our entries were but also our forwards lack of intensity, particulaly watts and garlett. So disappointing. Again though the thing that stands out is how poor our disposal often is, an issue exacerbated by the wind. Again. Crap kicks are even worse in wet and/or windy conditions. And elite kicks stand out. Look at gws -their skills were so much better. For us it was like a butchers convention. Whoever we draft or trade in has to have terrific disposal skills. The only positive was that we avoided a blow out. To limit them to 97 points after conceding 8 goals in the first q was a pretty good effort. And might end up being important given % might well be critical for top 8 spots
  12. I cannot believe there is any discussion at all of swapping hogan for Lever. Really apart from the emotional aspect of hogan being a much loved demon, objectively no club would do that deal. Hogan is miles ahead of lever as a player. I get that Lever is good now and in all likelihood will become a top shelf player, and perhaps even a star (though i do think some on here are getting ahead of themselves a bit with their assessments - i really worry about his history of hamstring issues - as i think Webber has pointed out before once a player starts to get them it can become a problem) but Hogan is a star now and will become one of the greats. Look at his numbers. For Pete's sake he won the NAB rising star - an award forwards never win, pipping Cripps who was unbelievable that year. And has kicked 99 goals in only 49 games - amazing for a young KPF. This season has been a write off yet he is still kicking goals when he plays. I can't believe how short some people's memories are. The Crows would take that trade in a heartbeat and be laughing as they signed the paper work. Crows fans would be saying "Lever who?"
  13. Agree he is best 22 atm (though he'ed be in the 15-22 range) and that the coaches love him. Has really come on this year. But that is precisely why there is a good chance he is chance to be part of any deal to get Lever. Crows don't want a player like Kent or ben ken who can't get a regular game of senior football. They want someone who can be a best 22 in their side. They need mids and we are reasonably well covered for players of ANB's size and skill set, particularly with Smith coming on, Maynard getting a senior gig and Gus not having played this year. And of course he is an SA boy, which is a big factor i reckon given how many players they lose who are going back to their home state. As i have said before i hate to lose players that are not peanuts and who want to stay at the club. But no doubt he will be in discussions. Trading Frost would be robbing Peter to pay Paul but not ANB. The alternative to trading a player of his ilk is to give up this years and next years first round draft picks (perhaps with a late pick coming back this year, for example if Taylor had another smokey in mind). But that is risky as it starts to muck around with your age spread in the next two or three years as you need quality young players filtering in as our older players drop off and/or filter out .
  14. Have been watching arrested developmwnt on netflix. The running gag about tobias constantly saying cliched comments suggesting he is gay - and being completey unaeare of it - reminds me of bwooce
  15. We have been very patchy since our big win against the bullies in round 13. And in that period we have struggled in two key areas: our midfield (in particular with our intensity) and our ability to kick a winning score. Consequently I have two key, interconnected, concerns about this game. One, we are in big trouble if our midfield does not bring the required pressure and intensity. It was instructive to hear Goody say in his presser yesterday: "We're looking forward to our midfield coming back together, we've probably lacked a bit of continuity in that area of the ground for a number of weeks now." Except for Gus this is the best midfield we can field. No excuses. I'm really looking forward to seeing what Maynard brings and i'm confident that Viney and Jones can lead the way in the pressure and intensity stakes. Bernie owes us also. Since that round 13 game against the bullies, where we really clicked, we have really struggled to put a winning score on the board. In that time only one team has scored more than 100 points against us - the top of table, high scoring Crows unit. yet we have lost games because we haven't been able to cross the critical 100 point barrier once. Good thing we have Tmac up there or we would not have won the two games we won in that period. Watts really needs to stand up. I was really disappointed with his game last week and in Jessie' absence and our final campaign at stake he simply has to take control and be a leader. We can't be relying on Jeffy to be our leading goal scorer so players like harmes, Petracca and Pederson also have to contribute goals. Of course our scoring ability is related to our pressure but also our woeful forward entries. We simply cannot afford to waste so many chances going inside 50. The time is now for the dees. I'll be furious if they don't bring the pressure and can't sort out their scoring this week.
  16. Apologies if this has been posted already. A lot of love at the dees http://www.melbournefc.com.au/video/2017-08-03/spycam-corey-maynard
  17. Apologies if this has been posted already. A lot of love at the dees http://www.melbournefc.com.au/video/2017-08-03/spycam-corey-maynard
  18. Yep. As horrible as i can remember? Perhaps not but my memory is not what it was. The two losses most horrible losses this year are the last game and the Freo game. Both times we were in positions to smash them and failed to deliver.
  19. i think the main things is exactly what has dropped off in the last 5- weeks - manic pressure and attack. A goodwin player if i ever saw one - fierce at the ball, big bodies and loves the contest. I'm not sure about his kicking though.
  20. For the first time in a very long time i have complete faith in the judgement of the football department when it comes to recruitment and trades. Whilst there a many factors at play (eg pay scales, contract status of list, culture, perceived risk of lever continuing to suffer hammy injuries, refusal to pay overs etc) their offer to lever will give us an indication of a couple of things (assuming of course we get wind of the ball park figure and length of contract). It will give some objective measure of how highly they rate lever and also of where they see their most need. On the second point it will be interesting to see who they target if they dont land lever. If collingwood get him they will be paying overs, as they did with mayne. Happy for the dees to nor get in a bidding war with the pies
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