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Everything posted by binman

  1. Even with no vision i can tell the umpires are crucifying us!
  2. Jaguar should have sponsored the live stream. They're also prone to breaking down.
  3. Well that was cutting edge. I might have gone a little early with my credit where credit is due comment
  4. Exactly how I feel. I was devastated. No other loss comes anywhere near it in terms of impact. Of course part of that was the loss (and how we lost) but it was also the game itself. It was emotionally intense from go to whoa. The dream of the gf was real. Right up to that last kick. I was young. 19. I remember boarding a bus after the game and not being able to handle the jubilant hawks fans. I yelled at some fella to turn his radio off as I couldn't stand listening to the post match palaver. I went with a mate who was a big hawks fan. We didn't talk on the way home. I always wondered how we would have gone in the gf. My feeling is the blues would have thrashed us as the prelim was so heightened. But maybe that was me trying to make myself feel better.
  5. I like the warning. Any replay of our preliminary final against wc should carry the same warning.
  6. Yes. And apart from the jumper 'issue' there are the facts we often have had to play them at docklands, a ground th hat until recently we have struggled and the not insignificant commercial impact of not playing at home.
  7. Yes. They are. And with each team playing each other one each of the relevant clubs would get 9 home games to try and take advantage of that. But swapping home games each year is the only fair way to ensure some clubs are not unfairly disadvantaged by playing there more often. The best dees related example is the ridiculous number of times we have had to play at kardinia park in the last 10 years and how infrequently we get a return game.
  8. Credit where credit is due. Good work dees. Can they ensure pies fans can't watch it?
  9. Four points. First rarely does it happen that a team is easy beats one year and world beater the next. Secondly even if it occurs that is an argument for playing teams only once per year. As stands lets say you have to play Cats twice and they go woefully this season you are advantaged over teams that play them once. And lets say you play Brisbane twice and they have a breakout season, teams that play them once are advantaged Thirdly the home games are not really the advantage they once were, with ground rationalization, the trend towards ground having similar dimensions and stadiums surrounds and the growing professionalism of clubs. Finally the current system is a joke n terms of equity - both in terms of determining the finals and commercially. Lord help us if this the best we can expect.
  10. I am assuming you know that because you asked him?
  11. I didn't realise may was aboriginal. there you go.
  12. Some interesting and valid points. I am actively reconsidering my position(s). The scoring chains from kick out stat is interesting. It will be fascinating to see if that average across the board increases (one assumes it will) and if so how dramatically. Good to know we were the best at it last year. Might mean we have an advantage this year in that area. Will be fascinating to see what strategies Goody (and other coaches) employ from the kick out and which players are chosen to kick (potentially different players for different strategies).
  13. Sounds like you could be do well be to be a rehabber. What with pints for breakfast and all.
  14. I'm persuaded by George on the outer's argument that the 6 6 6 set up won't make the sort of impact some are suggesting. Yes having six forwards behind the arc will give players coming out of the centre more time to dispose of the ball (meaning cleaner entries). But in reality there are not that many direct centre clearances. Also teams wanting to negate the impact of a dominant ruckman can use their wingers defensively. They can also go man on man and work to create an immediate stoppage and create a secondary ball up. And there will be no restrictions in that scenario. As I noted in the impact of rule changes I reckon the change to the kick out rules will have the greatest impact and may result in higher scores and therefore blowouts.
  15. In the AFL the real solution is each team play's each other only once. it is the only fair system. Sure it means much fewer games but there you go. They could expand the finals system potentially to offset (a bit) the issue of reduced games. Perhaps have a wildcard. But that's not going to happen with the AFL's thirst or TV revenue
  16. No, it must be me who is confused.You're right the system i proposed is what will happen. I'll try and find the audio and see what Plough's fix was
  17. Plough Wallace was onto this a couple of weeks back on SEN. Gave the AFL a right spray. His solution was for the AFL to admit their mistake and have cross over semis - ie the team that finishes top on each conference plays the team that finished second in the other. Seems logical, easy to do, fair and would require no logistical changes. As he pointed out the conference B teams would still get their chance to make the GF - and would do if good enough. But in all likelihood neither would win, leaving the A sides to play off. Either way the GF has the two top sides. Simples.
  18. Maybe they could give them a dees thow rug (with both logos) instead of a scarf
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