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Everything posted by binman

  1. Thanks by the way QD for these threads. Surpisingly interesting to read the perspectives of opposition supporters about the dees, particularly the more considered ones. The comments about our mids not working hard defensively and us being crash and bash are spot on.
  2. That's what i thought. More measured and accurate than our posts!
  3. They're just waiting to see if a cats player gets covid before making any plans
  4. Funny you should say that. I said almost exactly the same thing to a dees supporting mate tonight. Added that Geelong have one oldest lists, with tough seasoned players, particularly down back who will take their chances to hit hard. I reckon their plan was aleays give him a run in the first two games then rest him against the cats.
  5. An accurate throw i suspect. They want Harley in primo shape for the finals not round four
  6. I would be shocked if he is dropped. i highly recommend the zoom sessions the club is running at the moment. Fantastic intiaitive from the club. I have only missed one so far. The only go for 30 mins but they have been super interesting and informative. The zoom format and having members only really seems to creat an open and transparent vibe that is relay refreshing compared to the sound bite media pressers. Anyway Ben Matthews said on Tuesday that Brayshaw was the clear stand out in the intra club game.
  7. Follow me! I'll be right behind you.
  8. Well as a long term listener, chat room regular and occasional caller that pleases me no end
  9. There might be a joke there about audience numbers, but I'm not going to make it.
  10. I spoke to my happy Garry Baker avatar and said he salutes your optimism, fully agrees that a midday game at the G at Metricon will be perfect for us and predicts a 37 point win.
  11. And two additional reasons. One, he wanted too much coin. Two (and related to the first reason), as well as he can play in any given match there always the risk he will cost his team a game because of the combination of his poor kicking and poor decision making. And that is just as likely to be in a final, perhaps more so given pressure exacerbates poor technique and poor decision making. Frost ball will get you at some stage.
  12. Yes, he confirmed Smith would remain in the backline. Said they like his versatility, athleticism and closing speed. Asked about him flying for balls he should have stayed down on, mahoney said he got a bit too excited. Maybe they should give him a mogadon right before the cat's game. Or if the music he listening to is bit too amped make him listen to Brian Eno's classic album Ambient 1/Music for airports instead
  13. Unless there is an injury i very much doubt they will any changes to the side. In fact i would have thought the fact that Hannan and VDB had the chance of a competitive hit out would have cemented their sport rather an opening the door for Brown (who plays different game to both of them in any case - he might only come in if Fritter gets injured)
  14. No, i doubt it very much. I was in the zoom session with Mahoney last week and he was asked about the back line structure and whether it would be a horses for courses arrangement (eg bring in a big for a team withe multiple talls). His answer was no, not at the moment and that they were looking at a smaller, more mobile defensive set up and they were going to give the unit picked in the blues game time to build synergy and that May and Lever together would be key.
  15. Agree. It seems to me that as you say Goody is modelling the forward line structure (and perhaps the defensive structure too) on the model employed by Collingwood. Tmac is filling the Mihocheck role and he is surrounded by medium, mobile marking targets such as Hannan, VDB and Melksham. With Kozzie playing the small crumbing role, Bennell the skilled deliverer and Fritter the finisher. I wonder if that sort of mobile structure helps disrupt an opposition''s zone system and also stretch and disrupt their defensive system as most teams have at least two to three bigs as key members of their back six. Geelong worrying about picking Taylor or not is an example of this issue. The other potential benefit of a more mobile forward line is an ability for that group to push up the ground and provide a defensive zone or wall something the pies are brilliant at.
  16. Try the fish, i'm here all week. Love your work demonstone. You have similar posting strategy to my my dad joke strategy - fire off as many as possible and by weight of numbers some will hit their target and get a laugh. This one gave me chuckle
  17. One big advantage is for the players who were not selected for the don's game as they got a 20 v 20 game under their belt, which according to Ben Matthews on the zoom members meeting tonight was 4 x 20 minute quarters
  18. Yes, it is ironic given the discussion about a player of Neita's ilk not being suited to today's game that our current key position forward in his current form and shape is not suited to today's game. Another irony is that in his current form TMac would not be suited to the game in Neita's period either. One thing that hasn't changed in footy is that teams like their key forwards to take the occasional contested mark and kick the odd goal.
  19. Indeed. And the problem Goody faces if not TMac then who? Weed is the obvious one but seems out of favor. Brown is not big enough to play the key forward role we need TMac to play. And with Petty injured there literally is no one else who can fill the power forward role. Unless Goody decides to troll Demonland and replaces TMac with OMac..
  20. Of course. The same is true of any sport. The key common denominator of those who make it in elite sport is not talent. Every sport is chock full of talented players at lower levels. Of course any player/competitor/athlete making to the elite level of any sport are insanely talented. But what marks out a player/competitor/athlete who have made it to the elite level in any era is their work ethic, how driven they are and their myopic focus on being the absolute best. And perhaps also a large dose of hatred of losing. For the champions (Laver, Fangio, Barrassi, Ali) these traits are even on higher level. No better example of that then The Last Dance.
  21. Agree Skuit. And i've been talking to my avatar, happy Garry Baker and as is his wont he has a positive spin on the postponement of the Essendon game. Garry made the following points: Essendon are in good form at the moment so not a bad time to miss them - with the added bonus of the whole saga being a huge distraction for them It has allowed us to get another good block of training in, effectively extending our preparation period for the rebooted season - with the added bonus of four points in the bag from the blues game For Bennell, VDB and Hannan it is a terrific chance to make sure they are as close to fully fit as possible - with the added bonus of having being selected last week knowing they are a lock this week and the incredible chance to build some synergy with teammates and get some touch in the scratch match The scratch match was an incredible, unique opportunity to play an intra club game that was the closest simulation to a real game any would have experienced - with the added bonus that there were no injuries and there is less need for recovery this week at training meaning they can get get a good aerobic block in The scratch match will have allowed the club to trial their modified game plan, perfect tactics, look at match ups, try players in different positions, create healthy competition and emphasis the squad mentality they are trying to build - with the added bonus of doing all that on the MCG, i mean how awesome would have it been to play on that billiard table, against your mates on a beautiful Melbourne winter's day (and for some it will have been their first time playing on the G) We have close to a full list, ready, prepared and raring to go against the cats, who we play where we just trained, whereas in most years we play them at Kardinia Park at a ground THEY have trained on during the week - with the added bonus of having only played a scratch match, albeit a willing one, whereas they are coming of a pretty brutal slog and will have some pretty sore boys We will get to play Essendon later in the year when we are better prepared and have had the opportunity to have scouted them and worked out our own game plan - with the added bonus that there is every chance it will be on a bye round created to allow for make up games and the impact of the WA hub meaning we won't lose the momentum we have built up by then or have to worry about the impact of the bye and dees fans will have footy to watch that weekend
  22. Sorry, but you're on the wrong bus there. Not a chance in hell DHHS have done this to appease the AFL.
  23. Stewart the only Bomber a close contact of McKenna as tests come back negative James Stewart is the only Essendon player deemed to have been a close contact of Essendon's Conor McKenna as a result of a Department of Health and Human Services investigation.
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