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Everything posted by monoccular

  1. Garland certainly caught but no opportunity AND AROUND THE BLOODY NECK YOU PATHETIC MAGGOT!!!!
  2. The fee for interference against Salem was a bloody disgrace. No contact at all. Just guessed the maggot.
  3. Certainly every 50/50 has gone their way.
  4. ^^ "This situation has the potential to undermine the reputation of sport within the society. " You say potential. It certainly has already done so. Has been allowed to do so by AFL in particular.
  5. Do you have contact details?
  6. Do you prefer "clearance machine" or maybe "Greg Williams". I may prefer "an inside mid doing a great job"!
  7. At my age I have seen so many false dawns, that I won't allow myself to get over excited until September 2016 at the earliest. But, yes, given some luck and another off season of good recruiting than who knows?
  8. All disappointing, but an opportunity for someone to step up. Missed Viney badly at the weekend though.
  9. I haven't seen the format - I just hope they don't carry on with the "brave as the ANZACs" rubbish. They are only playing footy after all.
  10. Somebody beat me to it, but Jjjjosh Kkkkennnedddy's ssstttuttter hasn't served him too badly.
  11. 1991 - what a great game that was. And of course very soon thereafter E v Coll played and suddenly named it "the traditional ANZAC Day clash". Even a year or two after an epic encounter they were marketing it as if it had been so forever. Can't have the Toiges having it every year either. May be sad, but very true. They would seek their mother and sister if it made them a buck.
  12. Nice for once to hear that the MRP didn't see every little incident through our opponents' eyes. Was worried that TMac may have been cited for forcible contact with his body to Tex's elbow behind the play.
  13. Not in any way comparing Fitz to Neita, but playing a while down back certainly didn't harm his forward development did it.
  14. according to the latest trendy nutritionists, isn't Cale the new best thing for strength and vigor??
  15. why stop at potential AFL fans. This 60+ year VFL/AFL fan is disillusioned by this new trend - using drugs to gain an edge, which I believe Essendon freely admitted doing. Not working their arses off, but rather using injections as shortcuts. And I have a friend who had what he described as a serious man crush on Hird who now cannot look at anything Essendon or even AFL. Vlad may have thought that tipping them off was clever, and would help prevent a scandal, but he in fact has made it all far worse.
  16. are you serious? Neal-Bullen? White? Hunt & Harmes, just maybe, if you actually saw a lot of them at Casey and could make that judgement. But NB & White haven't been seen in action by anybody so how can you condemn them already?
  17. Sorry, but after what Essendon have done to the whole image of AFL I just cannot watch them play, and especially that smug Hird at a press conference. And as I have said before to equate the "heroics on the field" as they refer incessantly on the day with what our soldiers went through in all wars but particularly at ANZAC and the Western Front is an absolute insult. Cannot watch it.
  18. Texts leak: "others" sometimes access people's phones especially if the owner is a bit careless . One of a growing number ??
  19. I must say that I am unable to bring myself to watch EssUndone games at all. The whole thought of them playing, and playing well, given what they have done to the whole image of the game, just a palls me. I even find watching AFL in general far less enjoyable than it was 3 years ago: naïve maybe, but I had thought that (a few or more "recreational drug users" and I hate that term, excepted) the AFL was clean and untainted by the ravages of drugs as happened particularly in cycling. I have become quite disillusioned by the whole saga. For many reasons none the least the drug business, I really hope they don't make a GF, as for the first time in my life I would not watch it.
  20. the maggots are gutless - actually scared by the feral Adelaide crowds.
  21. OMG Paid my membership before round 1 never again. Mentally weak - the team, and me for paying up too soon.
  22. Possibly, with a zillion or so members , it is just seen as another marketing opportunity
  23. Brilliant summation. Of course as you say using the original meaning of sophisticated "from medieval Latin sophisticatus ‘tampered with’" Didn't vanish without trace. Have you seen the size of the sewer rats out EssUndone way?
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