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Posts posted by gsmith12

  1. I used to think Demonland was a footy forum but now I realize it's more a comedy forum where footy is occasionally discussed - certainly it's a secondary consideration.

    Some time ago I started to read the Potential Trades Tread and couldn't help but to laugh (I couldn't face the Danger thread). Then when I thought people were getting a grip in that thread a bloke comes along and starts asking riddles. Pretty funny and everyone seems to enjoy it - so many users on at one time. When that riddle isn't solved a Riddler comes along and asks another and CIP chips in with another but the joke is wearing thin and while others try to copy they can't match the originality of the first. Sadly the riddle is never solved. As it happens this didn't turn out to be the most important time for the MFC since 2000 and as far as I'm aware the riddle has never been explained (perhaps the answer is somewhere deep in the Danger thread but I'm all laughed out at the moment). But the riddler is still much admired and defended by many who so like to be involved in the jokes even if they are the butt.

    So then this morning I start reading this thread thinking that the comedy is running a bit thin. I'm shocked. I reckon if I looked closely I could see blood on my screen. Screams, abuse, distress and anger pour out. Then a bloke gets up and says "hey, this mightn't have been so bad after all". He's told he's a fool but a few clear thinkers follow. A crack in the dam of hostility appears. Then the MFC play the cruelest joke of all. They put Sam Frosts highlight package up and a couple of photo's. It's about 3 minutes long and surprise surprise shows Slammin Sam doing ok (I've often wondered what the complementary package of "Sam's greatest mistakes" would look like and wonder if GWS will put that up).

    Then there is a tremor, the dam starts to look seriously shaky and water is flowing faster now.

    All of a sudden the crack becomes a gash the water flows faster and faster, the clouds clear and all is good with the world. What was the inept sacrifice of pick 23 now becomes a master stroke of professional list management. From being screwed we've identified our man, courted him with professionalism and been decisive in our actions. Rather than buckling in the wake of Saints bluff we've acted decisively and done what it takes. We've backed ourselves in. Well done MFC!! This kid has gone from not being worth anything but a very late round pick (after all an aging second string ruckman from the same club was traded for a much later pick) to someone who will be better than an All Australian key position backman sort by most of the top clubs and who's new contract was deemed to be worth the top level compensation.

    What a win! Frost > All Australian dud.

    Sam welcome to the madhouse that is the MFC. You'll have a lovely honeymoon until your first game. Even then you'll be cut a little slack but in time, like poor old Tommy McDonald, you'll be vilified and posters in threads will start questioning your credentials and condemning you to the dustbin of failed MFC trades and draft picks.

    But just remember, underneath it all there will be Saty continuing to support you and the silent minority appreciating your efforts and understanding that you are a 21 year old key position defender playing on the oppositions best forwards and learning your trade. Good luck mate.

    Oh, and if you want a laugh just read this thread!!

    You are correct Tim, quite a chuckle particularly the offerings of luminaries like WEERIDEE et al.

  2. In my view picks are paper money. You really dont know what you are going to get or the true value of the pick for some time. Sure they are an opportunity to back your guess before other teams but history shows that remains very speculative exercise. Roos knows this when he articulated his general approach to the draft. It appears our approach was to find the best available replacement for Frawley. Our bet is that Frost is developing as a key backman who is not yet as good as Frawley but can fill that role at senior level. If we passed because of some belief that picks are bankable currency then we have learnt very little as a club. The question is not whether he was worth pick 23 but rather does he fill the role we needed to fill this year and we will know the answer over the next season.

    Good post and far too much logic for many around here.

  3. You never really hear anything on these boards about Peter Giles - he looked like a wildman when he first started - he could play though

    One of our better players during the Flower era nutbean who suffered nasty achilles and knee injuries which restricted his game tally to 124.

    Also another of our boys to be hit from behind by the mongrel thug Matthews.

  4. On reflection, some great players have brought fame and honour to the number #11

    I speak of Harold Ball, Laurie Mithen, Tony Anderson, Greg Wells, Steven Icke and Jimmy Stynes amongst others.

    Sadly, all Clark brought was shame.

    • Like 1
  5. I’ll add my few cents…possibly probably a bit self-indulgent but hopefully that can be excused for an occasional poster in these circumstances.

    My dad started taking me to the footy in about 1981 when I was 10 and my sister was 8. From that time on we went to nearly all the home games at the ‘G, often to Waverly Arctic Park, and then as we got older to more and more of the enemy territories (Moorabin, Western Oval including that game in ‘87, and the Junction). So I was fortunate enough to see Robbie play a lot, and he was my hero from Day 1. I think I’ve taken for granted how often I got to see him play, and reading the responses here from the younger members makes me appreciate it more.

    We lived on the Mornington Peninsula but my dad was originally a Murrumbeena boy and when he was 21/22 and playing for Murrumbeena 1s he also coached the Murrumbeena Districts under 11s, featuring none other than R. Flower.

    I live in country NSW now but was visiting my folks this past week while the kids were on school holidays so we did a lot of reminiscing and also a lot of rummaging around in my old bedroom, and this was in the cupboard. It’s hard to see (camera photo) but there are two signatures on the number two: Flower and Barassi. Believe it or not in the pocket was a ticket (booked through Bass!) for the 13th of September 1987 (the flogging of the Swans).


    After more digging around we also uncovered the poster that adorned my wall from the mid-80s until I left home (longer really, as I kept coming home to play cricket on weekends, so it remained on display in my room).


    Dad has more stuff, a picture of the U11s side, the gift they gave him as coach, a three page fax from Robbie that Paul O’Brien (who taught with dad ) organised when dad finally gave up the teaching game.

    Memorabilia aside, my memories of Robbie the footballer are inclined towards hero-worship, no matter what happened he could do no wrong. Watching the old youtube stuff shows things I’d forgotten, or possibly never appreciated, how quick he was, how he routinely made would-be tacklers look silly, how his kicks were low and very penetrating.

    It’s horribly sad and my heart goes out to his family.

    To complete the loop a little, for me anyway, when I was at Uni I ended up living in Murrumbeena and although I’d been playing Rugby Union while at Uni (more as a drinking exercise than physical exercise) I had a crack at footy for one year because I knew I was moving overseas the next. I played at the ‘Beena, 15-16 very undistinguished games in the Magoos as a ‘determined backman’. Great fun, made great friends and was proud as punch to play at the same club as my dad.

    Nice post Ken, I can relate to what you saw of Robbie as I started taking my 4 kids to Demon games in 1982 when I was in Ballarat.

    My eldest is your age and he treasures the memories of RF as do my other children.

    Sad as you say to see another Demon legend pass.

    • Like 3
  6. Bit of a fizzer this series. Watched a bit of the first two ODI's and I can say it wasn't very exciting at all.

    Little wonder the excitment level has subsided when we play so much cricket these days.

    Reckon we should dispense with some of the shorter form.

  7. I've read most of this thread but not all so apologies if this has been said.

    If I was Trengove's manager I'd tell him to jump at the Richmond offer. Unlike others I'm in the boat that says Trengove is an average footballer never likely to be and A grader. He's a marking small IMO and will struggle to find a role in a team. I've always thought this but was convinced when I sat in the Southern Stand and watched Brock out pace him to a loose ball.

    Trengove's initial reaction would always have been to stayed at MFC, he's that sort of bloke, but I think it's in his best interest to leave. If he has an uninterrupted season in 2015 and fails to improve much he's shot in terms of future value. His "blue sky" will have evaporated and his future will be mediocre at best. Those hanging on to the "now he's fit" theory should keep in mind his underwhelming 2012 and 2013.

    If he goes to the Tigers he'll get at least a 3 year contract on good coin - they obviously rate him. He'll leave behind toxic memories of mismanagement he endured at MFC and he'll leave behind all the expectations placed on him by us. He'll go to a club that has played finals for two years, he'll be surrounded by much better players and he'll have a longer, better contract.

    I have upmost respect for Jack but reality is he's been a bitter disappointment a far as output goes. I hope wherever he ends up he succeeds. But I think it's in his interest to go and in our interest to trade him regardless of whether the trade in part of a "bigger picture".

    The heart says a definite no, the head says you may be right assuming of course that the foot wasn't the cause of his ordianry '12/13 seasons.

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