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Posts posted by gsmith12

  1. Playing golf with a MFC man today. He got text while we were on 4th hole (f..ed my game after that!). He also said "Danger" is a done deal too. Will believe when I see it.

    Guess it's wishful thinking that we could snag Dangerfield as well but wouldn't it be a massive coup.

    Would be nice to shove it up Geelong in doing so.

    • Like 1
  2. So you think he was just using us for our resources, and all the lovely stuff he said about the MFC was just bulllshit?

    Sorry but I can't bring myself to that conclusion. I don't know Mitch personally but I don't think he has that kind of deception in him

    Honestly, how would any of us know ?

  3. The fact that David managed to play 173 games after the knee problems he had is a testament to his commitment to footy and his durability.

    Lesser men would have given the game away.

    A giant of this football club.

    • Like 4
  4. Swans will probably [censored] North, but credit where it's due, they have been fantastic during this finals series.

    Cats are on the way down with Enright, Bartel and Mackie showing signs that the end is nigh for them plus several others lacking real class.

    • Like 1
  5. Lol.. so because I didn't play top level AFL football I'm not entitled to have my opinion about crappy footballers?

    Give me a break!!!

    And just so you know, I WAS once considered a good enough junior footballer to be asked to do a pre season with Stkilda

    Of course you are entitled to an opinion, my point is that any player who makes an AFL list cannot be judged as a failure therefor does not deserve to be disrespected for that achievement.

    Congrats on your junior career. :o

  6. Gee that's a hard comment. I can think of many worse players - ones who never played seniors for a start.

    Very underrated footballer who polarized opinion a little like Watts. If you were a fan there was plenty to like and if you weren't there was plenty to dislike.

    I'm the opposite to you Joeboy, thought he got the most out of himself and played many good games.

    You are on the money BB.

    Always amuses me how keyboard heroes have the audacity to pay out on guys who have reached the pinnacle of our game by making an AFL list.

    Nicho played over 100 games including many servicable efforts on gorilla forwards plus he relieved in the ruck effectively.

    Always gave of his best.

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