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DEE fence

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Everything posted by DEE fence

  1. You are right game is in the bag - could have been another 6 goals up with all the asy misses, thank god for these two.
  2. On Fox they were calling Ray out for his conduct the way he speaks to players
  3. Aaaaargh Dogs are still running, is not over.
  4. 3.2.1 Board explodes against ANB
  5. Heart in mouth watching Bailey leave his head over the ball, kid is a gun.
  6. Good work hibbo, beat two
  7. Would be nicle to leak this just before the prelim btw us and WCE at the G this year.
  8. To me the QB game will be the match to decide the AA ruckman.
  9. I can see it now, we wipe the floor with the competition, win the GF, and the comments will be how easy the competition was this year.
  10. It is the fascists that keep me up nights, a bunch of disenfranchised kids don't worry me, but i get that you scare easily. Get worried about something serious, there are about 20 more serious issues in Australia before religious extremism, but quake with fear if you must, nothing i can do to change it, would give you a cuddle if it would help.
  11. @Mods, i have no trouble with banning political/religious discussion on here, maybe it is the best, is clear mature debate doesn't exists on a forum and people are operating fact free, there is only so long you can play the ball. God I wish people could see past their fear.
  12. Did anyone notice Matthew Scarlett give a shout out to Brendan? Gave me a warm feeling to hear the wrap given, knowing this guy is looking after our young blokes. From someone Iused to be so jealous of, always wished he'd been ours.
  13. Finally understood why Sheedy hates us, he had his reasons. Had a sliding doors moment imagining Wayne Johnston playing for us, alt history... some enjoyable stories.
  14. i am not offended, you are not credible on this subject, i get that you are scared.
  15. I'm sorry but you cannot define what is pure or orthodox when it comes to Islam. One of my many personal muslim friends is Farid Esack https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Farid_Esack#cite_note-3 who I first met 32 years ago, and tips on its head everything you have said. He is not a saint, just a man doing his best to get along with other men and women in the world. I have been in Sierra Leone where the Muslim cleric gets up and recites the lords prayer before a public meeting (in company with the priest, followed by the local priest reciting the Qur'an. I have been invited into the homes of Afghans, Pakistani, Lebanese, Egyptian, Syrian, Azerbaijan, Malaysian, Indonesian, Bangladeshi, Moroccon, Libyan, Mauritanian, Palestinian, Kenyan, Saudi, Yemeni and Somali (and there are more) muslims (both Sunni and Shi'a) and had meals with families and wives and daughters of people who all attend mosque. These are not 'tame' or westernised muslims, but they are human and they are decent, they educate their daughters, they don't necessarily flout local clothing customs, and some of them are very angry at the ongoing incessant slaughter of civilians by western militaries. But they are not preaching kill the infidel or subvert western states to sharia law. I have also met radicals who would happily have kidnapped me and I have had hate spewed at me by men who are muslim. I firmly believe in a secular Australia, with rule of law and a separation of powers as defined by the Westminster doctrine. In the same way we argue over the southern cross, is it a racist symbol (I say no) Islam is argued over. It would be helpful in a mature debate if we went after the real targets which are the extremist sects and called them by their names and not with the use of Islam as a generic one size fits all label. If we use this generic approach to labelling people, I honestly feel like I should refer to the gun nuts in the US that shoot up schools and kindergartens, blowing holes in innocent children and call them Christians, it has the same level of accuracy.
  16. Mods - i wish to delete my reply, there is no point, but i find this really super inflammatory and not helpful. How are you possibly the expert on who is an isn't a Muslim? You asked for mature debate, all Jara has said is he sees humans who for the most part are getting along fine and says so. It is important to focus on building everyone's identity as Australian, through things like sport/football. Prosecute the nuts and most of all work with youth to make them feel included and not excluded so they are not disenfranchised and easier targets for radicalization.
  17. blows me away someone can make a tool like this for a laugh I can only get halfway through before i start tipping with heart/hate and skew things. i have us 15 w, is as conservative as i can keep it, feelings of euphoria won't go away.
  18. When I spoke to ANB he said Crossy would still kill everyone with his running (I was so sad he quit was sure he had one more season). Was super pleased for Roos to give him a shout out, I like as this train ride gets going, that the credit is shared. So many people to thank, when we make finals I think we should work on a 'thank you thread' and acknowledge everyone, the players, coaches, admin, etc who will all have had a part, be it a finger or a hand in turning the club around. Obviously some will be more (rightly) feted than others, but would be good to make sure all efforts are acknowledged.
  19. True, like most trauma I realised I had blocked some of it from my memory, I remembered of course but had blocked how it felt-I really was worried the club was going to die, or that it would change so much there would be no continuity to some of the traditions I loved about the place.
  20. @Demonland They picked a few scabs with some of that old footage. Thank god that period is over, it hurt my heart.
  21. Paris, I am biased (In love with an elegant French woman) but I love the place, it helps that I have friends and multiple places to stay (so for me people seem warm and hospitable), but food and wine is always a pleasure, galleries break your heart with the incredible beauty. I usually have a motorbike so the traffic is not such an issue. great shopping. Also many cool things to do with kids. Yes I have noticed the dogs, but hardly a deal breaker. IF you are going to pot something, CDG deserves a whack, that place can be a nightmare, but lately I have been even having a good run with that airport.
  22. Yes-Egypt is where the two sects that i loathe originated. Is interesting that the Muslim Brotherhood also started in a country that has a disgusting human rights record perpetuated by a government supported by the west. I would argue that in many ways the brotherhood was a reaction against the gross breaches of human decency by a pro west military. The brotherhood was just like the fascist movements of the 30's in that it appealed to and also provided support to the poor. I agree, there are serious irreconcilable parts of the Qur'an with secular society, that is a real problem, but i have to say, all the Muslims i know, including the devout, are happy to let those parts (such as slavery,) go Interesting point have wondered the same thing, but there are clerics actively working to debunk the narratives the crazies come up with. Also clerics/imams like Farid Esack who are as smart as Einstein and working on reform in areas including gender and islam. I agree, hence my comment about the Madrassas, i have no time for hate speech anywhere, but not all Mosques are preaching hate. You will not get an argument from me that there are clearly dangerous evil people running around using Islam as a cover for being unhinged. But for every example of evil craziness, i can come back with an example of love and compassion, including in the areas that seem so scary. Thus am not ready to write off Islam. To me incels are one side of the same coin, (with the wahhabis), lots of scary cultures i want gone so my daughters and wife are safe anywhere.
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