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old dee

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Everything posted by old dee

  1. If we had lost Tmac in 2020 when he was on the market then I doubt we would won the flag in 2021. He carried the forward line in the first 8-9games of 2021.
  2. The part that amuse me the most was how at the end 2020 Tmac was not required and without him in the first part of 2021we may not have even made the GF. Now he is injured in 2022 and our forward line looks very ordinary without him.
  3. I think you have won the prize sue. I think the problem is above the shoulders.
  4. We will find out good he really is in the absence of Max.
  5. I am no longer afraid of covid but I don't go to night games in 90% of cases I am too old now for the cold, night Train travel etc.
  6. I expect so we have been good at this in recent years.
  7. Two things happen in September fans other then those competing go and it ain't freezing cold like June, July and August. Also if you buy a membership to mostly only watch finals that is your choice, don't get too down on them.
  8. Justice must not only be done it must be seen to be done!
  9. There are lots of issues re low turn up by fans in 2022. I agree with most expressed here especially the ticket fiasco however I still believe the major factor is being locked out of games for the better part of two years. People discovered watching on TV had lots of advantages. I am probably a great example of this, I always preferred going to a game however over a enforced two year period when the only way was tv I got used to it. Add in the comfort of home, no travel problems, over paying for a drink etc and now night games in the middle of winter are tv events. Not sure if in the short to medium term this is going to change for a lot of members like myself. We still buy memberships to support our team but we won’t be dictated to by the AFL about when we will go to a game. I fear the days of members and fans turning up to games no matter what are gone.
  10. That may be the understatement of 2022 Bbo.
  11. Hope you are right rjay for pure selfish reasons I would like to know one way or the other.
  12. What was the number last night?
  13. I agree and you know I am no big fan of the AFL but trying to fit in all clubs requests would be very difficult. The MFC would be asking for as many games at the G as possible. So for a lower member club with a record of low attendance we end up with crap time slots etc. The AFL I believe are happy to accept low attendance at some games. They make motherhood statements to the contrary but their hearts are not in it.
  14. A bloke called McDonald took his place.
  15. There something going on with Daw that we do not know about. He has missed a number games this year including last Saturday with no reason given. And does not appear on the injury list. I doubt we will see him in the seniors against the Lions.
  16. If you support the MFC you are certainly not “fair weathered” or you would have left decades ago.
  17. You are way more confident than me LH.
  18. I am not sure what you are on but please stop it is impairing your judgement.
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