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old dee

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Everything posted by old dee

  1. They will never make that one LDC.
  2. Probably why the Yanks coat everything in it ET
  3. As long as he played for Essendon the result would be the same.
  4. Based on the speed that the AFL has done things in the past please do not hold your breath
  5. Agree Abe. The simple fact is Gil does not want to take the medal off him he has said so on 3AW. Gil and the AFL show why a sporting body should not be in charge of applying their own drug penalties.
  6. I am not big on Cinnamon Mr. Leg I will take your word for it.
  7. LDC they knew for nine months that there was a good chance the appeal would be rejected. So why did they not have a plan for this eventuality? It is like the WADA decision there was no plan in place for the chance of a guilty result. They simply spent nine months ignoring the situation. Either Gil is a poor CEO or the AFL are poor planners. Probably both.
  8. So why now four weeks later is there still no decision?
  9. How does cinnamon improve it? Serious question.
  10. Some what less than vanilla dc. I would have thought a S--- sandwich would be closer.
  11. That is what worries me DF.
  12. Could not agree more Mr Leg. The off season is the time to earn points.
  13. I detected a waining interest in the Draft period this year Mr. leg. I view that as good news. Our year is not hanging on a first round draft selection.
  14. Glad to hear it bb. Any visit to t.he track that st,Amy's within the fun budget is a great day. how the bananas this time of the year in QLD?
  15. Comment of the day Mr Shadow.
  16. Well dc I have to admit I have never seen that word before. I had to get out the Oxford to check the meaning. Thank you for increasing my vocabulary.
  17. I am no fan of Gil SWYL but that is a giant put down.
  18. Good luck with getting the AFL to change that AM.
  19. That covers it dc. They don't want to.
  20. Excuse me for being simplistic iva but Jobe has been found guilty of drug taking by WADA and all appeals are now over. Jobe was found guilty of taking drugs in his winning year. He is therefore not qualified to hold the award. What more is there involved?
  21. And why wait ten months without a plan.
  22. I am not as generous as you sue. IMO it is Gil trying to get out of taking the medal back. It is a little like the banning decision it appears they had made no plan for that eventuality when it happened. They went into panic mode and had to call a board meeting to formulate a plan. They have had ten months since the banning decision and the majority report on the players appeal was there was little to no chance the players would get a reversal. Then we arrive at the decision on Tuesday and they have to hold a board meeting to work out what to do? Two things scream out at me. - For the size of the AFL their pre planning is atrocious. - They have no stomach for supporting the drive to get drugs out of sport. They give it lip service and marginal support.
  23. That is a hard one to defeat Abe. I too struggle with why you would have multiply injections and not ask what is in them.
  24. Now you are pushing it!!!!!!
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