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old dee

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Everything posted by old dee

  1. Just goes to show having no.1 pick in a draft does not guarantee success.
  2. Don't agree Mr Leg MFC supporters are in the main a gentle lot, hardly ever challenge the club or the competition. For half a century we have taken defeat without much angst. Yep boring I reckon.
  3. If we continue the form of 2019 it won't matter where / when we play they will all be commercial losses. Seriously late Saturday / Sunday afternoon games suit me best. Just my preference as I don't go to night games or away games at the G against the the big drawing teams like Tigers or Pies. Just too hard. I would rather watch on TV than the top deck of the stands at the G. Am I a fair weather attending supporter? Yep. My perfect time is Saturday afternoon against an interstate team. Plenty of room and I can arrive 15 mins before the game starts. What suits the club commercially is a different matter however based on this year's results don't expect much from the AFL. Throughout the year I like to fit in a number of Casey games so my attendance at the G is probably 6-7 games, the rest are TV when we are on FTA.
  4. Somethings are beyond medical science even in the 21st century binman.
  5. I actually like Sunday twilight games. Strange? Yep
  6. Pity he cant play AFL as well as his father could play basketball or his mother Tennis. From the little I have seen of him he needs a big year at Casey in 2020.
  7. When he is a depth player we will know we are a solid top four side.
  8. I believe they both gave it all they had. Sadly they where both just short of being senior level players.
  9. I think you can forget the middle one DJ he is like Watts they never were and never will be pack crashers. Simple not in their nature. Sam is a lead up / across the front of the pack mark. The way we have for years delivered the ball into the forward line leaves his type in a poor position. To get the best out of Sam we need better delivered to him. Without that he will never be more than a very average KPF.
  10. He was in my opinion the major change that got us into a preliminary final in 2018 Tough and skillful. The type of player that makes the opposition wonder where he is.
  11. A large percentage of The time I enjoy them more than senior games especially this year. It is just easier to go and watch compared to going to the G when we play the hordes of tigers and Pies at their home games.
  12. I have watched him a bit at Casey too DJ. And while he gets a lot possessions he does hurt the other team all that much. I think the same about stretch. Neither seem to have weapon. Get a lot of possessions but don't do a lot with them.
  13. People keep mentioning a Pick in the 90's but I cannot see a MFC pick on any list other than 3 &8. Where is this pick?
  14. Fine with me DJ, happy to go wherever to get a good facility. I cannot see the pies or tigers moving anytime soon where as we need somewhere yesterday.
  15. I find my loyalty to even the MFC is waning e.g. Our lack of a home / training facility. Once I was welded to the idea it had to be in spitting distance of the G. Now I could not care less, just get a good facility so the maximum can be had from the FD and playing group. Where it is I don't care.
  16. And we the members supporting the game are the poorer for it. I know you cannot turn back the clock but it is part of the reason my love of the game is wànning.
  17. Spot on Ernest, I had not considered the effect on fans.
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