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old dee

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Everything posted by old dee

  1. I agree it's a shame the way he constantly does it!!!!!!
  2. Would you please stop injecting reality into discussion george!
  3. Why on earth would they want to leave their current set up? It looks very good to me.
  4. It is an MFC fixation Shared by a number of members / board members. They are still stuck in the glory days of over half a century ago.
  5. It will probably surprise you to know Dr that we are all liers.
  6. Never let the truth get in the road of a góod story Praha.
  7. I am very very glad we won't see it.
  8. Sure is SWYL. Win consistently and most of the other plans tend to fall into place.
  9. Seems like we are liars Mr. Shadow.
  10. I would have thought you were well versed in combatting shattered dreams dc.
  11. Surely you are not suggestion that if someone says something negative on here it affects the way the team plays or the board plans!
  12. Obviously the four letter word that is short for Richard is on the banned list PD. I tried to use it yesterday when talking about Mr Seddon and the same happened. Win lots of games and all the rest will fall into place. Lose and we continue the 55 year tradition.
  13. Not quite how much we can do MFM. If you buy a membership and attend games that seems to be about all any supporter can do. From this point on it is up to the FD and players.
  14. Saty I guarantee you my details are correct in the system, I got the PR stuff this morning. A serious question. Has the club ever made a mistake In your opinion?
  15. I can guarantee you this member did not get proxy forms by snail mail or email at any time prior to this AGM.
  16. 8 If there is no board member to elect there is no need for a proxy form.
  17. Doubt it Mr Shadow he has not mentioned the Northern stand once.
  18. I doubt the person who made up the list does Bbo so NO.
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