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old dee

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Everything posted by old dee

  1. You have to be to follow the Dees.
  2. So what is the problem!!!!!!!!!!!
  3. We don't have the stomach or the direction for it at present. But the sadest part is the direction won't change.
  4. The thing that really pisses me off is 2 of the teams that have won this weekend we beat convincingly and another we lost by a whisker.
  5. Should have re read that before I pushed go. Engage brain before moving fingers.
  6. When you follow an also ran club that just makes up the numbers it is usual to be interest in " can one of our players win the Charlie". About a decade ago I decided that not to have an interest on the basis of t is what club supporters like us do. So when we are finishing regularly in the top 4 I will get interested.
  7. I have the same question BBo. The MFC that I know of have not even said one is under way. Everyone is going on an article from Jay Clark. Some extreme speculation on here and I suspect 90% of it has no foundation in fact. But I guess its finals time and as usual we are not involved and have nothing better to do than wild speculation.
  8. Being glum had little to do with the MFC. But as you list there is still some justice in the world.
  9. I woke this morning feeling a little glum chook but you and a couple of others have put a smile on my face.
  10. Sometimes I think with all these line coaches trying to justify their existence confuse players and they reduce what made them good in the first place.
  11. Looks like a review is happening but what we don't know is substantial. Is it internal or external and who is conducting it.i wait in hope but I hope is just not a white wash.
  12. I would rather have either of them than the way milkshake played all year in 2020.
  13. Is that your only proof? I am hoping he has taken a break or still in QLD or has not even got it / read it yet. I am at the stage of believing it when I see it.
  14. Is one happening AF? I have Heard nothing of it and my email on the same subject To the chairman of two weeks ago has not been answered. Don’t be surprised if there is no external review undertaken.I now think that we may get a small internal review that changes a few things around the edges. Hope I am wrong!
  15. Honestly would you go to Adelaide they make us like 2021 grand finalists?
  16. I had forgotten they are supposed to be in quarantine on return. As for brains and high paid sportsmen they quite often don't go together.
  17. I am struggling with what he has done wrong. Freo are not playing finals, there are no transfered cases in WA. The general population can pretty much do as they please. Am I missing something?
  18. Majak Daw is worse than any of that trio. He has been at North for years and could not get a Regular game in this A terrible year for North. His game stats are terrible.
  19. Story in today's hun saying Gawn played last 6 games with knee problems and may need surgery. If we let Preuss go for anything less than a great deal we are nuts. Gawns knees are always a risk we should have good cover for him.
  20. Could not be much lower than mine SWYL. what a load of crap this is they have all been in QLD without any problems so why? One of the things this Virus has shown me is that having 6 states calling the shots shows how poorly serviced we are by all these state governments. WA must be the silliest lot of all. They give sporting teams a hard time and then complain bitterly when the AFL moves to QLD.
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