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old dee

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Everything posted by old dee

  1. Not sure why I did not think of that I already do that with Netflix and Disney+ with my daughter.
  2. The game has never been more available that said you pay or go without. FTA gives some games each week. I have adopted the attitude that I go to games and if I cannot I watch on FTA the rest I miss outon seeing . I have objected to paying. Then along comes 2020 season that made my plan hard to sustain, I lost interest to some extent but I had a few things interrupt that the GP did not have. So here we are facing god knows what for season 2021 and I am forced to admit my previous practise will see me get to see only a few games a year. Decision time is approaching I will have to pay I am afraid as the alternative is rather bleak.
  3. I am not sure what the angst is about the vast majority of the AFL revenue comes from the media. After the last season when the media got way less games to televise the demand for more revenue streams would have been hi from the media channels and Gil would be busting a gut to accommodate them given the loans he took against the Dome of death to keep the league viable. Sport around the world is now mainly pay for view, FTA has very little. The only reason it still gets a chance in Australia is because of Government laws that keep it that way. The future is clear pay up or don't watch.
  4. Unless he is replaced by someone from the outside of the OBC nothing will change.
  5. Well it did not take long for the old boys club to swing into action with Gil talking about it being a courageous decision by Eddy and the pies to initiate the review. Gil defending was as sure as the sun rises tomorrow.
  6. yes but only spilled over to the general public very recently, sponsor react when they have little choice. As long as it is not effecting them direct they look the other way.
  7. It is barely 24 hours ago. Sometimes the results are not immediately apparent. You can bet some of them have been in contact with the Pies suggesting Eddy step aside as a minimum.
  8. I am finding it very hard to disagree with the above binman, it will go down as a worst way case study for future generations.
  9. No matter what club Scully went to he was never going to developed into a champion of the caliber of Martin. At that time we were picking purely on the basis of how players performed as juniors with little regard to how they would develop as senior players.
  10. I used to think that a lot of the complaining about racism was compounded by people being too thin skinned. I now understand that I will never completely understand the feelings of a person who experiences racism because I can never walk in their shoes. Fortunately for me I have come to understand that most people with a skin colour other than white experience the problem on a regular basis. We have to do better as individuals and as a group.
  11. Whenever his name comes up I immediately think of his and Trengove’s selections at one and two in the draft. We did not even interview the number three selection. That number has won GF’s and Norm smith medals. What a wonderful FD / management group we had back then.
  12. Have you forgotten that Collingwood appointed these people to do the review. They were not forced on them by some outside organisation. Me thinks you protest too much.
  13. One of the best or perhaps worst cases is the AFL. What the AFL badly needs is an outside appointed to replace Gil. But I doubt it will happen. Old boys clubs are only replaced with them kicking and struggling to preserve the status quo.
  14. I don’t disagree with that. Having followed them for just a few more years I have been warned down to except mediocrity from the MFC. I look eagerly to that being a thing of the past. But have low confidence it will be achieved.
  15. Ok that is what I was asking. With no training at Goschs, very few training reports and the Casey being too far for the media I have very little feeling on the vibe of the team. I was just asking how you arrived at the feeling. Lots of back and fro between us on very little. I hope are right by the way.
  16. Sorry nosoupformebut that does not answer my question. How do you judge that? Do you mean you feel more urgency or do you feel that from what Max said,? Do you feel that from what other players have said or is it your gut feel?
  17. I have to say binman you and aob are correct he is sadly part of the problem not the solution. He should be stood down after today. Just does not get it.
  18. It is probably due to my view of this year in total but I don’t sense a team with more urgency at this stage. It may well be on display in the next month but right now how do you judge that?
  19. Who is lifting the carpet and has the broom LH?
  20. The question was who would not win it before us. Do you think we will win it this year LDC?
  21. Dad has been living in Melbourne for some time I believe binman
  22. It seems abstract for me LH let alone a pie supporter.
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