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old dee

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Everything posted by old dee

  1. On a good day it is a guess dc. Hard to define guess work.
  2. It was like the information night all over again in one important area. Our coach appeared for 1 minute and looked like he was forced to appear. I hope is more motivating to the team but last night he looked like he was on death row.
  3. All of those things are important Dannyz. But other than 2018 we have continued the tradition of being irrelevant to the competition. As Peter Jackson said the reason for our existence is to win games of football. In the final analysis we have again failed the main reason we exist.
  4. LH even thought I don’t agree with the MFC wanting to be close to the G I can understand their position. The question I have is it realistic ? I guess as a doubter I could be proved wrong any day but my personal desire is for the FD to have the best facilities to enable them to achieve their best on field results. Where that facility is I do not care, now that probably puts me in the minority. I would like to see it take place at the earliest date and before I leave this earth but ever year that passes makes that harder to imagine. Can the MFC please do two things in the next couple of years. Get the bloody facility under way and play finals regularly. If those are not achieved this administration will join the honour board of administrations we have endured over the last 56 years.
  5. There wasn't one for Peter Jackson either. He was at the AGM after he left I sat about 2 rows from him. Bloody poor form.
  6. Yes they know that ht. The point was that the theater was not observing the requirements. In the same night the tennis Centre was operating at about a third capacity.
  7. That would leave us up that famous creek.
  8. Thanks for the confidence boost picket. sadly I agree. This the third date change.
  9. Covered it better than me deevotee.
  10. I don't remember exactly but he finished his often repeated words that we have heard numerous time with the next thing you will hear will be from the state government. The impression I got was the government would be making an announcment. Which seemed strange. You would expect a dual press conference or dual annoucement. I guess nothing at the MFC follows the normal way of things.
  11. They both say there were no spare seats anywhere. My wife wanted to leave but stayed because my daughter said we will be ok with our masks on.
  12. After listening to the AGM tonight I hope the Tigers are doing it and we can share as I don’t think we have 5 cents to rub together when it come to extra costs.
  13. I suspect that is the idea.
  14. If you mean the new home. Zero.
  15. Looked similar last year, needs to lose weight or buy bigger shirts.
  16. Well they are still working on it but again nothing.
  17. Yes Me I doubt they are up to senior level standard for game 1
  18. Easy fix register when you go in, same as I have to every time I go to the local pub or restaurants.
  19. I am told that what you suggest does not sell poita. I like you would prefer more simple stuff. It seems only the stuff with logos over it sells. I was told the majority of people who buy this merchandise are under 35. That is wear it .
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