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old dee

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Everything posted by old dee

  1. Welcome to our world SK. Not locked down either but go to any game of anything this weekend.
  2. If that happens it will improve how poor we were being unable to best them two weeks ago.
  3. Agree but as the virus mutates the conditions/ rules change. iMO it is going to get a lot worse before it gets better. You can put your house on there is going to be an up graded booster shot in 2022.
  4. That is because It won’t be here it will be in WA!!!!!!
  5. I had my second AZ jab this morning, just a few weeks ago I looked at the fixture and I thought I might be able to see the last couple of games at the G. Well it looks the best I can do is perhaps get to the Casey games. Oh well there is still the tenth best option of watching again on TV I guess. Such is life in the 21st century. Oh forgot to mention when I arrived at Sunshine hospital there were 25 people in the Pfizer queue and Zero in AZ, I walked straight in and all was finished in 30 minutes including the compulsory 15 min wait after the injection. Young nurse told they have AZ shots come out of there ears.
  6. We have all said this before DJ but it must be the worst planned/ run competition in the land.
  7. Your mistake is expecting honesty!
  8. His name will come to me, he is not on the Deed list. A Casey list player. Now he is a good mark really clunks them.
  9. I think we have already got more value from him than the Weid.
  10. I doubt any club sees him as a first rounder. Best you could hope for is an early second round. If your the club and genuinely thought he was worth a first rounder he would be signed back up by now.
  11. How interested are North and Gold Coast? Does he want to go to clubs who are going to lose way more games than they win in the next few years? Things we know nothing about. His major flaw is he does not hold marks. I watched him at Werribee which I think was the seconds last game. He played up the ground, forward and ruck. He played well and I think kicked 3 goals. I took the binoculars so watched him all over the ground. Even when marking on his own he juggled most of his marks. After a number of years with a lot of senior games he just looks to be a VFL level talent which is a shame. In the seniors you get way more close attention he will never be KPF who takes contested marks in the forward line. His best position is IMO the same role that Jackson plays. You cannot have two of those types in the same team. The FD seems to favour Jackson so barring injury he will probably see out this year at Casey. Which is good for me when I go because he is valuable player at that level and I enjoy watch him. If he wants / needs a change of scenery then let him go for the best we can get.
  12. We have not lost them yet picket but it does not look great.
  13. Is this so we can get money from the cancelled AS game?
  14. I am reminded of that joke. When the yanks invaded Iraq. It is a pity our oil is under their sand.
  15. Yep we cannot go whatever the locations and unless you have pay tv cannot watch . So Bris / melb makes little difference.
  16. Picket it is more than likely a problem with state governments than the AFL.
  17. I am no fan of the AFL but they are having to deal with multiple state governments and we have seen over the last 2 years how difficult that is with just one. Someone in QLD is probably reading the tea leaves.
  18. Spot on , good teams win no matter where they play the not so good don't because they don't win as often not matter the locations.
  19. I wonder if the MFC is any wiser than us as to where this game will be played?
  20. Sign of the times but I would be surprised if they were DJ.
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