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Bitter but optimistic

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Everything posted by Bitter but optimistic

  1. Clearly ( and wisely ) you didn't give your filth supporting husband any say Jane !!
  2. Mate we love engaging with each other on this thread ..... but at least post stuff that makes some [censored] sense!
  3. My last offering on this thread. I had this bloke ( now deceased) at The Manor for 15 years. He was a Pitbull - 45 kegs of iron hard muscle. However, we raised him correctly, and he was a loving and very intelligent dog. He was a forceful but controlled guard of the property and whatever vehicle he was in. Loved children. I do believe though, that had anyone appeared to threaten my late wife, it would not have ended well
  4. Fair go ...... neither is ugly ...... although they are dogs.
  5. The one in the back is a [censored] !!! Accepted word for female dog - classic
  6. Just watching the early edition of On the Couch. Absolutely terrific interview with Angus Brayshaw. Uncle's advice is to catch it on the later edition of the show.
  7. You're correct of course Wadda , however, foe the context of that particular post, I might have added " at the same time" !
  8. Good heavens dc - I didn't think you would speak of such things !
  9. Yes. Unfortunately he can't play at both ends bin!
  10. One of those [censored] can't kick though Dub!
  11. You must have been on serious drugs Monbon. State Bank headquarters was Elizabeth and Bourke
  12. Seems odd to me Appeared to be moving ok to me - just out of form. If he has an injury issue this would have been the perfect game to rest him.
  13. Seems odd bin. I reckon Petty took more ( I don't know the stats) marks in that half he played than any other forward this year.
  14. Not sure about this bin. Petty looked to be finding his feet unit injured. I thought JVR looked good. Competed well . Move up the ground. Really competed well - is improving. Gawn or Grundy playing forward. Can't have another
  15. Agreed Dub. [censored] me , I hate those [censored]!
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