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Bitter but optimistic

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Everything posted by Bitter but optimistic

  1. Quite right Soup - moderation is to be avoided at all costs.
  2. Shite conditions Shite kicking Shite umpiring Shite result. Ultimately though - no one to blame but ourselves.
  3. It's a bullshite picture. Worth less than zero until we actually win the bloody thing.
  4. The AFL rules will not impact on my customary warm up of a gutful.
  5. Well I must say it's delightful to hear from the canuck correspondent. Both you and dc made quite reasonable suppositions about the said property, however, the truth of the matter is that Biffen was rejected as a potential occupant on the basis of his poor character and record of appalling behaviour in that area. And yes Mabel ...... I did survive Asia .... just .... but have barely survived recent encounters with Biffen. My financial health is particularly damaged.
  6. Now on another matter. Even during my relatively short viewing of tv, I have been assailed by a flood of adds for a program called "married at first sight". Unless I have been overcome by shiraz and passed out, I don't believe I have ever watched a so called "reality" show. Do any of you fellow interlectuals watch this stuff? Could someone tell me who does? Am I making a harsh judgement based on little evidence in saying this stuff is rubbish? I just get the impression that it must be some sort of black hole that sucks out whatever brain cells remain. This whole concept of "reality" tv befuddles me. Perhaps I am totally out of touch with the world - a strong possibility I'll admit. Please enlighten me.
  7. I'm pleased to hear the local pinot is a success this year. Sadly OD, I lack your contacts and am unable to guzzle it freely.
  8. Bloody hell OD!! You must be hammering that single malt if you are resurrecting posts from 7 years back!
  9. You are clearly a man of refined taste Col - a cut above the riff and raff with whom I appear to be increasingly surrounded. However, if I may be so bold as to one make one correction to your above epistle. Surely you meant to say " those who cast nasturtiums on you"?
  10. Exactly! I fear my wit is wasted. Speaking of witch, I have noted that the immoderator vandals have been heavy handed with the red pencil to some of my recent most eloquent posts.
  11. I'm back and now refreshed. Although I note that this interlectual thread has been sadly neglected in my absence. I did have to take have a few days rest after my sojourn to the colonial outposts. (Being fawned over for a week can be very arduous - even for one who is accustomed to flattery) I had little success in avoiding Biffen unfortunately. Though I must say he has a surprising and extensive network of contacts over there. Albeit among the drunken and drug addicted class. As I understand it, he is currently working his way through rural villages buying antiquities and funerary artefacts from the poor and ignorant. He makes the British Museum look like a philanthropic organisation. I have also noted some irregularities on my credit card statement and, as I had Biffen conduct a financial transaction for me, I fear he may have "Sylvia'd" me !
  12. Well, as you would expect OD, there are certain legal formalities to be observed. I'm waiting on the post. Tut Tut Man!! What century are you living in? The MFC is an inclusive and welcoming organisation. I'm afraid Mansfield just doesn't cut it in these enlightened times.
  13. There's plenty of space at Romsey. I might even open the doors of The Manor for some special fund raising events.
  14. If I happen to tune into this circus, even by mischance, I shall give myself a sound flogg ing.
  15. Read the above article while breaking my fast. Daisy is very articulate and the article provides some insights into what a well rounded person she is. She is the type of figure needed in schools to provide an inspiration and role model to young people - young women in particular.
  16. I'm with the Doctor and OD on this - I couldn't give a flying [censored] about this circus.
  17. There is one certainty in this uncertain world. Picket's posts are always as popular as a [censored] sandwich!
  18. At least he spent the ill gotten gains wisely
  19. Just taking a break from spreading good will in the Far East colonies chanced upon biffen yesterday - he was drunk of course and invited uncle to a luncheon It was a surprisingly decent tavern and despite being surrounded by his shady associates and a poor choice of wine the tucker was rather good come bill paying time Biffen fell for the old chestnut that I'd left my wallet in my room safe bwahaha! One to uncle bitter!
  20. Sagaciously put Col. You dare to compare the great man to a mere artifact, "a societal construct" ? You deserve a jolly good thrashing Skuit. I'm sure the many blue rinsers of your err .....acquaintance will be pleased to learn of your woody reaction dc.
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