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Everything posted by hardtack

  1. Don't you mean "It'll be something beautiful to begoald."
  2. Dees were bad, but I'm talking about both teams in this game...not just one of them.
  3. I genuinely cannot recall a game where I have seen such poor foot skills from both teams! This is diabolical.
  4. Actually, yes, you are irrational for pointing that out. The fact that I posted a joke relating to Trump doesn't have anything at all to do with whether I have posted any jokes about any other leader(s). I haven't posted one of Obama... but nor have I posted one relating to any or all of Bush, Turnbull, Abbott, Howard, Rudd, or any other leader... ok, well maybe I posted jokes relating to Hanson and Latham. If you were to do some analysis of my posting statistics, I think you would find that relatively very very few of my 7,000+ posts have been made in the General Forum... this is a football discussion site after all. The other thing that I find very funny and at the same time very telling regarding your rationality... in your first post following my posting of the joke that seems to have gotten you into such a tizz, you accused me of deflecting from the discussion you were having... go back and count how many posts you have made since in relation to this. My simple posting of a joke obviously appealed to your obsessive/narcisistic nature and you have indeed managed to make the perceived deflection a reality.
  5. Well, I can certainly understand why you are such a fan of the Trump... you are completely irrational.
  6. He has already shown his colours where that is concerned with his attempted muslim immigration bans. More than one of the handful of countries that he was not applying the ban to were tied in with his business interests, Saudi Arabia being the most significant... where did the terrorists that killed more Americans on American soil come from again?
  7. Ok, I'll bite... who is the current POTUS? Who is tweeting all hours of the night with unsubstantiated claims of wire tapping, rigged voting systems, etc etc? Who is failing to pass a bill as he cannot get even the support of his own party despite having majorities in all houses? Who is it that currently wants to build a wall that will ultimately end up hitting his fellow countrymen in the hip pocket? Is it Obama?...NO! Is it Clinton?...NO! Is it Trump?...a resounding YES! "The leftist crowd are a herd who think things are funny if it is about someone of the right but would find the same thing unfunny if it was one of their own. Humour should be judged on the content not the subject." This is interesting coming from someone who is a self declared rightist (although I would go further and say extreme rightist) who is upset over a humerous gif directed at one of his own.... pot,. kettle, black? No one is stopping you, Wrecker45 (funny/ironic in itself considering how thin skinned you are), from posting your own funny gif directed at someone from the left... go ahead, knock yourself out... who knows, we on the left may even get a good laugh out of it. You can look in the rear-view mirror all you want, but it will not change the fact that it is the current POTUS that is the focus of attention for both the right and the left and until he starts to apply some dignity to the office he has taken on, then he is going to be a target whether you like it or not (and again, he is the target of both the right and the left). I have plenty of right leaning friends here in Australia and in the US who are finding many of the memes directed at Trump funny enough to share around. Oh and if you genuinely think he will drain the swamp, you are living in a fool's paradise... he is just filling it up with more of the same... the only difference being that they are his mates.
  8. Nice to see JKH just a week off...speedy recovery. Hopefully he'll be able to make his mark at Casey soon and put himself in the frame for selection.
  9. I only see one person getting emotional here...it's just a forum, get over it.
  10. What's the point? They're history now... and besides, I'm not so emotionally invested that anything related to any POTUS would be touchy for me.
  11. Well I can promise you that that was certainly NOT the intention. As I said, you're being a little too touchy.
  12. I saw all of that, but I don't see what any of that has to do with a humorous interlude/jibe at the POTUS. I think you're being a little too touchy on the subject.
  13. Not really... I just saw it posted somewhere and thought I'd share... its called humour. What above facts were you referring to by the way? Did you mean your bullet list above..that is, for the most part, your surmising?
  14. No, they were already running all over us and Smith's injury just added to the despair we were all feeling at that time.
  15. In which case perhaps we'll be in for a re-enactment of Aldous Huxley's aptly titled essay "The Doors of Perception: Heaven and Hell".
  16. I agree for the most part AF, but Hickey has been the only ruckman to nullify Gawn (something that the new third man up rule will have no effect on) to the point where it cost us dearly. After watching Spencer in the JLT games, I believe he has the aggression (in my opinion) to quieten Hickey down. I will not be in the least bit surprised to see Spencer named in the 22... and if I'm wrong, well... I'm wrong Oh, and I haven't suggested that they rotate in the forwards... Spencer can come off the bench, Max move to the forwards for a spell and one of the forwards take a break. It's patently obvious that like most on here, I'm no great tactician, but I see no reason that it couldn't work.
  17. Usually I'd agree with you, but I would think that the season opener against Port in 2013, that we were expected to comfortably win but ended up losing by 79 points (prompting Neild to say "We didn't see that coming..."), was definitely season defining... it only got worse from that point on.
  18. I agree with those saying there is no real traditional rivalry existing any more... with the possible exception of the one game each year against the Pies on Queen's Birthday. I can however see a three way rivalry building between us, the 'Aints and the Bulldogs to be the dominant Victorian based team. All three have strong young lists now that are likely to be competing against each other for the next decade.
  19. I'd like Spencer to be played off the bench when and if Hickey is getting the better of Max. I could see Spencer's aggression phasing Hickey, allowing Max to come back in and take advantage.
  20. CORRECTION: Saw should be "Saw"... don't you hate grammar nazis?
  21. Why the angst? This is a guy who has not played, other than JTL, for over a year and is unlikely to make an immediate impact. I'm more interested to know how Jetta is tracking as I consider him more important to our prospects at this point in time. I'd be very surprised if we'd be seeing the best of Hibberd before next season.
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