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Everything posted by hardtack

  1. I'd look at Reid before I looked at Tippet.
  2. Thanks very much JTR! I'll call the club during the week to check, but that's certainly encouraging news. Appreciated!
  3. Thanks LS. Yeah, I'll probably do that... just thought I'd ask here first as I'm sure there are at least a couple of regular attendees here who will have the likely answer.
  4. Not related to today's training, but based on experience of previous years, can anyone tell me what the training arrangement is in the lead up to the Queen's Birthday game. My son and I will be down from Sydney (arriving around the middle of Thursday) and I'm hoping there might be a Friday (or Saturday?) session. I probably ask this every year, but I'm old, ok - and I've only made it down for one QB game which was a few years ago.
  5. I have no problem with all of that... particularly the fact that these people keep slipping through the net despite having form.
  6. I don't choose to ignore that at all... my point was that the western media couldn't give a rats when its muslim children killed, because a) it's a case of muslims killing muslims and b) it doesn't sell newspapers. If they had been christian children, it would have been headline news. We tend to overlook the fact that the numbers of westerners killed by muslim terrorists pales into insignificance when compared to the numbers of muslims killed by muslim terrorists. If 126 muslims are slaughtered (as was the case just days before the Manchester attack) there is barely a ripple, yet if 22 christians (assumption) are slaughtered, then it's the muslims against the rest... against the infidels... and we are told that they (muslims in general) will stop at nothing until the world is purged of us heathen scum. Absolute nonsense!
  7. I don't recall him commenting on the 68 Muslim children slaughtered (along with 58 adults) in Syria just days before the Manchester bombing either... in fact, I don't recall seeing much at all in the media about that particular event.
  8. 6. Jones 5. Hibberd 4. Garlett 3. Oliver 2. Hannan 1. Harmes
  9. Someone pulled the trigger a little early and shot himself in the foot... nice work!!
  10. I'm gobsmacked as to why we started with TMac up forward. It worked once as an experiment late in the Adelaide game and failed dismally last week... we need him in defense to restrict early scoring by the Suns.
  11. Thank you, thank you! I'm here every Friday. Please... try the fish!
  12. Wouldn't it have been easier to fly, or are the air fares prohibitively expensive?
  13. Who knows, it might help us out when it comes to free kicks.
  14. Google Translate does a pretty good job with that... auto detects that the language is Azerbaijani and returns: "I google to find a reliable translation".
  15. I ran that through Google Translate, but all to no effect unfortunately. I do find it funny that you are so ready to put the boot into sites like Snopes, yet so willing to believe 21st Century Wire, whose founder Patrick Henningsen is also an associate editor for Alex Jones and his Info Wars and a geopolitical analyst for Russia Today. As far as truth is concerned... neither USA or Russia have any credibility under their current leaderships and certainly Henningsen's affiliations hardly give him much credibility in the media bias stakes.
  16. Yes, a very reliable source you've used dieter https://mediabiasfactcheck.com/21st-century-wire/ Disproven: http://www.snopes.com/cnn-same-refugee-girl/
  17. Nice to see you toeing the Russian line there dieter.
  18. I get the feeling the game against the Crows really drained a few of them and in particular Watts who has been taking on a hell of a lot since Spencer's demise; he looked knackered from almost the first bounce. Add to that the fact that they were competing against one of the best rucks in the comp, it certainly didn't help. For me, we really lost this game as a result of playing TMac up forward for that first quarter... I think that probably cost us goals. In fact, that move surprised me as I seem to recall Goodwin saying after the Crows game that it was not something he would do regularly, but that these moves could sometimes take an opposition by surprise if used sparingly (or something along those lines). I'm just waiting for the day that we can jump out of the blocks from the first bounce and not look back (praying that will be the Queen's Bidet game when my son and I will make it down).
  19. Sorry, but Oscar is, along with Weideman, doing very little...like he's running in treacle.
  20. 6th as long as Carlton do the unlikely and defeat Fremantle...7th is more likely the best we can hope for; but I'll take that!
  21. Some bigots shine out like shafts of gold, when all else around is dark.
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