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Everything posted by Yokozuna

  1. If we pick up a player like Xavier Ellis I will throw up!
  2. Dee Luded are you happy to keep on losing if we do happen to get rid of our experienced players? I would entertain losing one older player but only if we got something of real value in exchange. You still need experienced, and hopefully good player around the youth. Just look at the eagles this year! (I know they tanked 2 years ago which makes their improvement not as great) but there older, experienced players played as good as they could this year and helped the younger players. We can only hope that players like Green, Davey, Jamar, Moloney, Rivers, Sylvia play there best and then we will improve. (as I am assuming our youngsters will naturally get better) I hope!
  3. Using Garry Ablett Jnr as your argument is a waste of time as we all know he is so much better than Moloney and is one of, if not the best player going around. We can all wish Beamer was the same, but it is not going to happen. If Beamer had more support around him, which we hope JT, Jordie Mac, Gys, Blease, Tapscott, Grimes, Viney will all provide I am sure he would find it easier against the top teams and therefore improve his overall performance.
  4. How fast was Dangerfield today in the Half Time Sprint? Extremely dangerous and exciting, just needs to get more of the ball. (as do a few of our players, so maybe he would fit in well!)
  5. I am not exactly sure who is another choice, as I have not spent time thinking about it, however I dont really rate him, so I would love you to put up some other choices. Not sure who else is available. I would like to have Davey stay in the forward line and I would also like to see what the new coaches can do with our current crop of platers. If there was a really good option out there I am all for a trade, but not Byrnes for me.
  6. Cats by 24 points. Norm Smith - James Kelly First Goal - Trent West (only picked him cos i took a $5 bet on someone at large odds for fun) Joffa in tears after the game and Eddie's head exploding mid way through the last.
  7. I was happy to see JT dancing as he did. I have met him several times and he is becoming more confident every time. I would never have picked him to be so accomplished in the media when I met him the first time. Having spoken to him he has also stated many of the young players are good friends and spend a lot of time together, so I dont think there is any chance the culture/ atmosphere is affecting him and most of the young blokes. On the "Review", I think they take it too seriously (in terms of the choreographers). They need to have more fun, and have the players impersonating people or doing more simple and funny acts. In regards to the back up dancers, there are probably too many, but I cant say I am disappointed seeing really good dancers dance, they are generally quite good to look at!
  8. Having a good physique does not necessarily mean "hard bodied". He looks big enough but is more of an outside player, he can go in hard, but that is not his forte. I think there are better options for us.
  9. Would take him every day of the week if a reasonable trade was arranged. 17 possessions is not huge, but the way he attacks the ball and could possibly break open games, I can see the promise. I know promise is not everything but I think he has more upside than many on our list.
  10. Dont need another player of his build. If he was an out and out superstar then I would be all for him to replace one of our other players, howevere I see Howe as a better player than him already and we know we already have Watts and Jurrah and then Petterd, not to mention our younger players, so a no from me.
  11. The most annoying thing about the show is the amount of time they actually give the footy players. They sit there for the entire show and say about 50 words each. they get asked 1 or 2 questions in the intro and then their tips for the game. If you are going to have them on the show, you might as well use them. They should do a lot more. As much as I like before the bounce, the players on the show spend more time listening to jokes rather than speaking as well.
  12. I will be there. My brother sponsors one of the players, and he would be taking his lovely partner, however she is a mad Hawk, and has to go to the game. So I get the call up!!! Went last year and had a ball. Had a good chat to a few players, but I felt a bit strange standing around in a line of 10 people waiting to chat to the players. I am hoping that JT wins, I am a bit biased. However I think Jonesy may get it this year. They do have a top 5 tipping comp on the night and you need to get them in order. I am not sure if anyone got them right last year.
  13. You would think that Goddard would want to go to a club that is going to win a Premiership in the next few years, so I think we might be out of the race there! Dont want to see him go to Carlton, they dont deserve him after their cheating.
  14. Would love to play if there is a spot for me. If you are looking for a chicken legged, little pot belly, left footer with a dodgy ankle, I am in! Could get 1 or 2 others if required too, let me know. When would we know who is in the team or do we just turn up?
  15. We have young McDonald and Davis as our back up defenders, who need the opportunity to play and develop, we dont need Warnock for depth.
  16. Always knew this would happen. He can command a regular spot in many other teams who need a big defender who defends first and foremost. People asking for Ellis need to think again, do we need another outside player with average skills who is not bog bodies or tough? We have many holes to fill and Ellis is not going to fix any of our issues. Need some bigger bodies midfielders like Sewell, but cant see him leaving Hawthorn or someone with great skills or a key forward. Not sure who we can get though.
  17. Why do people get on a topic about complaining about the umpiring just to tell people not to whinge. Might as well tell us not to post on the site while we are at it! Anyway, in regards to the umpiring, I tried to stay subjective, but after several ridiculous decisions, followed by missed decisions, I had to walk the dog to leave the house! The no mark to Howe, how can a senior umpire explain to the players that it came out when he hit the ground, thats why it was not a mark!!!!!!!!!!! The throws they paid against us, when they allow players to take on everyone, and "make an attempt" where the ball slips out, is dropped etc yet we get holding the ball. The way Jamar gets mauled in the ruck and then gets frees against him whenever he touches someone. How they dont recall bounces all the time. How they got a goal in the last quarter when it got thrown in from a boundary about 5 metres short. A very frustrating finish to a shocking year. And yes RR, we know that we were not great, and Port tried hard, but the umpires, especially 17 (i hate that we actually know his name, he should not be seen).
  18. Umps are crap. Neither team can defend. We are young and play like it. Our experienced player and better players are playing dumb. What did you expect from today really? I think you are seeing exactly what we expected, which is the sad state of our club atm. Hopefully the last quarter gives us something.
  19. First time I have seen it. Was bloody brilliant. Got a tingle down the spine. Would hope that if the players heard that recited they would have a lump in their throats and be fired up to show some passion and respect for the great club they play for and we all passionately support. GO DEES!
  20. It has to be Martin. At the start of the year he was not in our best 25, let alone anywhere near a regular. He could not consistently hold a mark or make a big impact. He has now become a permanent player and has been in our best on several occassions. Jones has iproved, but has been a good player for a long time, while we always new that Watts would eventually mature into a very good player.
  21. Daiycutter, Bailey did have a game plan, unfortunately it was no good and had no defensive action to it. As bad as it looked, you cant be ignorant enought to say that he sent the players out there to do whatever they wanted (even if it looked like it at times). In regards to his kick out strategy, especially this year, we pretty much kicked it long to the boundary line to a pack every time, which I recall many psters getting annoyed about. So I do think he had a kick out plan, but it was not all that successful.
  22. The major problem with our kickouts, yesterday and when Bailey was there (who actually had a tactic when he was coach despite many posters thinking he didn't) is that we take too long to actually kick the ball out and we dont get in the rigth positions. It amazes me how many times the kicker waited until the players had led out and were near the boundary before he kicked. Also, we know where the ball is going, yet we dont have the numbers there and/or they are not front and center. It is great we had a new tactic, but it was nothing more unsual except for the secondary huddle in the middle. What made it look good was that we executed it properly a few times, which has been the rarity.
  23. I would love to have Clarkson at Melbourne, he is the one I have been hoping we could get. I do not want Eade. I just dont rate him and am not a fan. That being said though, do you think Clarkson would leave? He will get more money from us, and a longer contract, however, with the quality of the Hawthorn list you would think they will stay near the top of the ladder for a few more years. That would mean he would more than likely have another contract again from the Hawks. You need to ask yourself, why would he leave the Hawks? As much as I want him as a coach, and I am ecstatic about the approach we are allegedly taking, I cant see it happening. I am thinking that we will most likely have someone like Neeld at the helm next year, who I would be more than happy with. I hope I am wrong though and the Clarkson comes over to us!
  24. Just finished watching "On the Couch" and was annoyed at Mike Sheehan (which is typical). Gerard was asking about the possibility of Mick Malthouse coaching somewhere next year, to which Mike passionately replied "NO". Gerard pushed the point and Mike said that Mick had said to many people he will not coach next year, so we need to take his word. Why take his word and beleive him so hard, yet they continually refuse to take TS at his word. On top of that, I was just as annoyed at Roosy for being upset that JT said that we have a good list and coaches should be happy to coach us next year. What do you expect him to say when questioned. "no, we are no good and I cant understand why any coach would want to come here" I actually wonder why I watch all these shows every monday when I see this type of journalism.
  25. His goal kicking accuracy is actually pretty average, as stated on the coverage. I too think he will be a future captain, and having met him on several occasions, and spoken to him for a few hours, I know that he is a great young man, and has developed so much since I first met him in regards to his confidence and ability to speak in public. He is a gun player too! (always feels a bit strange when I look up to someone who is almost half my age!)
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